79- Misfortune strikes
Hello, all you beautiful and lovely supporters~♡ I hope all is well for you and remember that I love you all~♡ You guys honestly mean the world to me.:3 Without you guys, I wouldn't have had the emotional support to continue this work~♡ You guys have kept me going when I didn't know what I was going to do yet.🤣😂 So thank you all~♡ I apologize that this chapter is a little later than normal, but in all honesty, I lost serious track of my days.😂🤣 I was already at work when I realized that it was Friday, so I immediately started work on editing this chapter from there.🤣😂 Please forgive me, guys~♡🙏 This chapter doesn't have anything too triggering within its contents, but please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter~♡
By this point, it had been three weeks since Jungkook had last seen Taehyung and he was starting to become worried. He didn't have his cell phone readily available to him within these four walls so he couldn't contact Taehyung and ask if Taehyung was doing okay. The last time he'd seen Taehyung it looked like the stress was getting to him. Enough so, that Taehyung hadn't even become aroused until Jungkook physically started teasing him. He was hoping that he'd hear from Taehyung soon though so that he could quell these anxious thoughts.
His roommate was still attempting to sleep with him and even though Jungkook had come back from that visit with claw marks up and down his back, it did nothing to subdue the other male's desires for Jungkook. Having a fiancé and being perfectly aware of that did nothing to subdue the other male. Jungkook was starting to find it overwhelming as he worked hard to graduate as soon as possible. He only had five more months left with this hellhole and he could almost taste his freedom.
Jungkook aimlessly played with his pencil on his desk, trying to keep his roommate at bay with the excuse that he was too busy with schoolwork to be bothered. It was when his roommate attempted to talk to Jungkook again that an announcement was broadcast that Jungkook had a visitor today. In his excitement, Jungkook bolted for the door and dashed down the hallway as fast as his legs could carry him. His roommate was left standing there and offended that Jungkook was so eager to meet his visitor, but still not completely discouraged. He'd find a way to make Jungkook acknowledge him.
Again, Jungkook raced down the hallway, pushing people out of his way because he was finally going to see his baby Tae again. He stopped just short of the door, fixing his hair and clothes before he pushed the door open. This time, the sight that greeted him wasn't Taehyung at all. Rather, it was a grim looking Jimin. Jungkook tilted his head in confusion as he slowly approached Jimin, the tiny knot of worry twisting deep within his stomach. "Wh- What's going on?" Jungkook asked anxiously, taking a seat across from Jimin. Jimin's face was solemn, his eyes closed as he clasped his hands in front of his face like a bridge, making Jungkook even more nervous about the situation. "D- Did something happen?" Jungkook asked hesitantly as Jimin finally opened his eyes.
"Unfortunately, yes," Jimin finally answered as Jungkook felt his heart sink and that little bit of worry increase tenfold. He felt like he was going to be sick as he stared at Jimin, waiting for him to continue speaking. "Taehyung didn't want me to tell you, but I find that unrealistic since he can't even visit you himself right now," Jimin explained softly, sighing as he continued to press on. "That presentation he talked to you about the last time he visited. Whatever happened here and that night took a very severe toll on his body. That day he looked so worn that the board kept asking if they should even have the meeting, but Taehyung kept reassuring them he was fine. He lied. I don't know everything that happened during the presentation, but some of the board members filled me in on the details. They said Taehyung made a gagging sound at one point like he was about to throw up, but he didn't stop them. So they continued with the presentations. That was when one member told me she saw him roll his eyes, but she thought he was just annoyed. They told me he stood to his feet mid-presentation and tried to bolt for the door, but that he barely took three steps before he dropped to the floor, seizing violently. He scared everyone in the board room half to death and they had no idea what to do. So while they did call an ambulance, the fact that they left him alone caused some temporary damage. He's been hospitalized for the past few weeks after that seizure, mainly because they didn't try to control the tremors, try to hold his head still, keep him from swallowing or biting his tongue, or even try to say soothing words to him to bring him out of it. They did literally nothing, so I've been taking care of the company, Gabriel, Annalise, and your other son in his stead. I'm sorry that I couldn't inform you sooner," Jimin explained solemnly, feeling guilty as Jungkook stared at him with teary eyes.
"I- I knew he'd been pushing himself too hard... I- I could see it in his face when I saw him... A- And I still..." Jungkook trailed off, repulsed by his deplorable decision that day. He could have found some other way to help Taehyung relieve some of that stress he was carrying with him that day. He physically couldn't handle what they had done and he still did it because he told Jungkook he'd help him. Jungkook felt disgusted as he covered his face with his hands. He wanted to cry, but he felt he had no right to feel sorrow since it was his actions that ushered this unfortunate event. "C- Can I go see him?" Jungkook asked softly, removing his face from his hands. "He's my fiancé. I want to do everything that I can to help him recover," Jungkook declared with determination as Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I- I think that would really help the situation. Get a day pass, I'll take you to go see him," Jimin agreed wholeheartedly, smiling brightly as they both stood to their feet.
They both walked towards the exit, Jungkook walking towards the principal's and warden's office first. He begged that they let him see Taehyung, informing them of the situation. It didn't take much persuasion for them to hand over the pass. They knew Jungkook was engaged to Taehyung and would be taking the burden of the company off his shoulders. They didn't need their funding pulled because they denied the wrong person. Although, Jungkook didn't realize that was why they handed him the pass so willingly. It couldn't be known by anyone that Jungkook was receiving "special treatment". Then everyone would demand the same treatment and they couldn't allow that. They watched as Jungkook hurriedly met Jimin right outside the gate, both of them leaving in haste.
Once they'd arrived at the hospital, Jungkook hastily entered the room that Jimin relayed Taehyung occupied. He could see all sorts of devices and wires attached to Taehyung's body as he hesitantly approached his bedside. He could still see the stress that riddled Taehyung's body through the frail frame, the sunken cheeks, and the bags under his eyes. It broke Jungkook's heart to see Taehyung so dangerously off without Jungkook to help him. "Baby?" Jungkook questioned softly, a soft moan leaving Taehyung's lips as his eyes fluttered open.
"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked groggily, his voice sounding rough as he tried to sit up. Jungkook tenderly grasped Taehyung's shoulders, silently insisting he remain laying down. "Don't worry, baby. You don't have to get up to greet me," Jungkook stated softly, sitting down in the chair as he clasped Taehyung's hand firmly in his own. "What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked softly, his voice still hoarse sounding. Jungkook bit his lip as he shook his head at Taehyung's condition, his eyes welling with tears. "I came as soon as Jimin told me what happened. Wh- Why didn't you tell me the stress was this bad, Tae?" Jungkook implored earnestly, his voice unsteady with emotion. It hurt him to see Taehyung so vulnerable and it was all because he couldn't be there to help ease Taehyung's burden. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Jungkook muttered repeatedly in apology, his hand squeezing Taehyung's tighter. He felt even more guilty for not trying harder to graduate on time. He had to complete a whole year. He should have started taking things seriously the moment he'd arrived.
"This is exactly why I didn't want Jimin to tell you, love. I knew you'd blame yourself and it's not your fault at all. So, please quit apologizing. You've done nothing wrong," Taehyung explained softly, his eyelids growing heavy again as he tried to remain awake. He wanted to stay conscious with Jungkook in the room so immensely, but everything was growing heavier. "I didn't tell you how bad I felt because I didn't want to burden you with what are supposed to be my problems," Taehyung added before his head dropped back into the pillow. Before anything else could be said, Jungkook heard the soft, even breath of Taehyung sleeping and decided not to bother his rest. Jungkook smiled softly and placed a tender kiss upon Taehyung's lips, ready to turn and leave.
After some time, Jimin entered the room nonchalantly as Jungkook continued to hold Taehyung's hand while he slept. "So? Savannah had the twins, I take it?" Jungkook asked Jimin, remembering that he mentioned an unfamiliar name and a child that was noted as his "other son". Jimin smiled with excitement as he nodded vigorously, watching Taehyung sleep peacefully. "Yes. Tae had a baby girl that he named Annalise Marié. Tae wanted you to name your baby boy, so he hasn't written anything on the birth certificate yet," Jimin explained, holding the birth certificate out to Jungkook. "This was another reason I came to visit. Your baby needs his name," Jimin added, smiling as Jungkook took the certificate to examine.
It showed that the twins had only been born less than a week ago, Jungkook's hands shaking as he realized just how thoughtful Taehyung was to allow him to name his own children. Taehyung would even wait for the boy to have a name, just so Jungkook could bestow a suitable name upon him. Jungkook wiped the tears from his eyes and thought long and hard about what to name this child before writing out Ezra Ian Jeon on the blank space for the baby's name. Jimin glanced down at the birth certificate before smiling, nodding his approval. "I like it," Jimin announced softly, clasping his hand on Jungkook's shoulders. "I'm sure Tae will love it too. Congratulations on the baby, by the way," Jimin cheered quietly, causing Taehyung to laugh languidly in his sleep.
Both Jungkook and Jimin found it adorable as Jungkook handed the certificate back to Jimin. "Since Tae is sleeping and I don't want to disturb him... D- Do you think I could see the children?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, wanting to see his children before he had to go back to rehab. Jimin glanced at Taehyung and glanced down at Jungkook before he nodded hesitantly, unsure of what his decision should be. "Yeah, sure. You're their dad too," Jimin noted to himself as Jungkook hastily stood to follow Jimin. Jimin hesitantly navigated Jungkook back to the car, nervous if Taehyung found out he allowed Jungkook to see them before he could introduce them. He was also wary because while Annalise was Taehyung's daughter, Taehyung had signed her last name on her birth certificate as Jeon so the courts or Taehyung's parents couldn't take her from Jungkook when Taehyung was no longer alive. It was something Taehyung had thought of in advance and wanted to keep secret until his time had come. Jimin didn't know if that secret would be ruined today or not, but he wasn't going to deny Jungkook to see his own children either. He had no right to do so as someone who wasn't a part of those kid's upbringing.
Jimin drove Jungkook to the house Taehyung had bought them, where the children were under the care of Taehyung's mother while Jimin had been away. Jimin drove up what looked like a driveway, although it was long and winding until he pulled up to a security gate with a small building next to it. Once the security guard saw Jimin's face, he allowed him entry further up. Jimin drove further up the driveway once allowed. The further they drove, the more Jungkook could see of the house now. Once the entire house came into view, Jungkook's mouth fell open at the grandeur of it. It was tucked away in a little secluded cove that was surrounded by trees and a beautiful river that ran through the entire property. Jungkook hadn't realized that the property came with a guest house as well until he saw that house further back. Jimin climbed out of the car, Jungkook promptly following after him so that he wouldn't get lost as he eyed the large but elegant pool with rocks built into it. The house that Jimin was guiding him towards was at the forefront and as he stepped up onto the stone stairs, he could hear the quiet babbling of the river rushing underneath the stone walkway. Jungkook was still in awe as Jimin opened the door, greeting Taehyung's mother with a respectful smile. "Thank you so much for watching the kids while I was gone, Mrs. Kim," Jimin greeted softly, kissing her cheek as she smiled at the both of them. The click of nails on the marble floor caught Jungkook's attention as he noticed the black fluffball that was Yeontan peek around the corner of an island that jutted out from the wall, separating the kitchen and the main living room.
"No, thank you for helping Taehyung for the time being," she stated softly, kissing Jungkook's cheek in greeting too. "Hello, sweetie. How have you been?" She inquired as Jungkook felt the sting of guilt from her previous words to Jimin. "I've been working hard to graduate so that I can help Taehyung when he needs it," Jungkook announced boldly, hoping that the guilt he felt would dissipate soon. Taehyung's mother offered him a kind smile and a gentle caress to his cheek as she nodded firmly. "I know you have, sweetie. Tae's father receives weekly reports from your anger management counselor about your attendance and he shows me," she stated nonchalantly as Jungkook raised an eyebrow in curiosity, feeling a slight violation of his privacy. She chuckled softly at his expression before continuing. "Sorry, Tae's been a little impatient about your return as well, so he begged us for those reports but he means well," she added tenderly as Jungkook laughed under his breath. Jungkook acknowledged Yeontan sniffing around his leg and couched down, hugging his knees to his chest as he pet Yeontan's head.
Jungkook figured the reports had something to do with Taehyung, but he was just as eager too. If he could receive weekly reports on Taehyung's activities as well, he was certain he'd take the opportunity to be informed as well. A tiny cry from the playpen in the center of the living room halted everyone in their tracks. They didn't know if they'd woke one of the babies with their talking, but they certainly didn't want any fussy crying this soon into the reunion. Jungkook hesitantly took a step towards the playpen as Jimin stepped out of the way. "Go ahead. They're your children too," Jimin encouraged as Taehyung's mother stepped back as well. She didn't realize he'd come here to see his children as she watched him quietly approach the enclosure.
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