71- Christmas Night
Hello all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope that you are well~♡ My family will soon be in town, so that's something to look forward to for me~♡ Although that may make uploading a chapter next week difficult, I promise you I will have it out to you guys~♡ I'm not trying to make you all wait too long for this next chapter.😏 So please look forward to that~♡ This chapter has some minor sexual content, but please read at your own discretion~♡ Without further ado, here is the next installment~♡♡♡
The next thing Jungkook was aware of was that they were currently in a dimly lit shop that had all kinds of leather harnesses lining the walls. Jungkook's eyes wandered from the harnesses over towards the more lacey and frilly lingerie. Jungkook suddenly felt his face flush as Taehyung approached him with a leather harness in one hand and a sheer pink, lacey lingerie dress. "Which one would you prefer to see me wear?" Taehyung asked, honestly curious as Jungkook tried his best not to look at either of them.
"You don't like either of them? They have full-body stockings that are made of fishnets. Would you like to see me in one of those instead?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook remained silent, his face still bright red. Jungkook pushed both options out of his flushed face with a low groan. "Just pick what you would want to wear," Jungkook mumbled under his breath as Taehyung shook his head. "No can do, Kookie. This is part of your Christmas gift," Taehyung exclaimed excitedly as Jungkook swiftly covered Taehyung's mouth in embarrassment. Jungkook's face was beyond heated and brilliantly rosy as his eyes begged Taehyung to keep quiet.
"Please, just pick whatever you want and I'll be surprised later tonight, okay?" Jungkook implored as Taehyung smiled underneath Jungkook's hand and nodded vigorously. With that, Taehyung stepped away from Jungkook and roamed the store for whatever he thought Jungkook might like. All the while, Jungkook stepped outside to spare himself of any more humility and wait for Taehyung to finish shopping.
Jungkook and Taehyung stepped through the threshold of the doors once again, mostly to drop off the things that Taehyung had bought, but also for Jungkook to see Taehyung open the rest of his gifts. They weren't leaving again to see the lights until Taehyung had viewed everything that Jungkook had bought for him. Jungkook pulled Taehyung up to his room impatiently by his arm, excited to see how Taehyung would react to his gifts. Especially since this was the first time he'd bought gifts for anyone outside his family. He was careful not to trip Taehyung up as he rushed them up the stairs, tossing the bag of secrets Taehyung had bought at the adult store onto the bed.
Taehyung pouted as Jungkook pulled Taehyung over towards the window with excitement. "Look outside," Jungkook expressed with exhilaration as Taehyung peeked out the window hazed with frost. In his parent's backyard, among the elegant outdoor furnishings stood something that didn't appear right to Taehyung. Jungkook, on the other hand, sighed with exasperation by the fact that the gift he'd left for Taehyung outside was now covered in snow. "Ugh," Jungkook scoffed as Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook with slight alarm. "We'll have to go outside again for you to see it, so dress warm," Jungkook advised as Taehyung stepped away from the window.
Taehyung grabbed his coat and threw it back on quickly as he followed Jungkook down the stairs with an eyebrow quirked at what Jungkook was planning. He followed Jungkook through the house to the elegant, double back door, wondering how Jungkook anticipated where their back patio space was located. Jungkook flicked on the back patio lights, the entire yard lit with a luminescent bright glow as they stepped out onto the deck. "How did you know where our backyard was?" Taehyung asked, glancing around to see an unusual mass in the center of their massive yard.
Jungkook chuckled softly as he slowly approached the massive structure, pulling himself up onto it. "Well, first I had to have your mother's permission to set this up here, but your personal maid and butler were very helpful in helping me set it up," Jungkook explained as he stood upon the massive flat top, sinking into it a little bit. Taehyung tilted his head in confusion as Jungkook smiled and grabbed Taehyung's hand, pulling him up on top of the structure as well.
Taehyung stayed on his hands and knees, feeling the spongy material beneath his fingers before he analyzed it would be safe to stand as well. Taehyung slowly rose to shaky feet as Jungkook bounced against the spongy material slightly, sending Taehyung tumbling into him. Jungkook promptly caught Taehyung in his arms, smiling down at him as Taehyung glanced up at him with wide eyes. "I- Is this a trampoline?" Taehyung asked softly as Jungkook shrugged indifferently. "You said you'd never really had a childhood... So, I figured this would be a great way to have one when you came to visit your family. That is until we move into our own place," Jungkook explained softly as Taehyung felt warmth against his cheek.
Taehyung hadn't realized that tears had commenced dropping from his eyes at the sentiment, his fists tightening on Jungkook's coat. Before Jungkook could say anything more, Taehyung pressed their lips together hastily, knocking the both of them off balance. Taehyung held Jungkook steadfast against him as Jungkook turned the tides by whirling over and pinning Taehyung beneath his body, their kiss heightening in intensity and passion. Jungkook held most of his body weight in the forearm that rested by Taehyung's head as Taehyung's now cold hands clasped Jungkook's face. Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was trying to pull him as close as he possibly could, Taehyung's hips grinding against his own.
Jungkook pulled away from the kiss to try and breathe, panting slightly as Taehyung stared up at Jungkook with lust filled eyes. They stared at each other for several minutes before Jungkook rolled off to the side of Taehyung. "I have other gifts for you too," Jungkook noted, trying to distract Taehyung as he slid towards the edge of the trampoline. "We'll continue this after you open them," Jungkook added as Taehyung promptly followed after Jungkook. Taehyung was eager to continue what they'd started as Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's transparency.
Jungkook led Taehyung back to his room, where Jungkook could bestow Taehyung with the rest of his presents. Jungkook pulled a medium-sized bag out from behind a pillow on the reading nook Taehyung's bay window offered to his room. Jungkook pulled one small, wrapped box after another out of the bag and stacked them on Taehyung's bed until there were 9 small boxes stacked in a pyramid in front of Taehyung. "Wh- Why are there so many?" Taehyung asked incredulously as he stared at the pyramid of gifts. Jungkook chuckled as he pushed the bottom of the pyramid closer towards Taehyung, urging him to open the gifts. "Well, there's so much that I wanted to return the favor to you over that I got a little carried away with buying you Christmas gifts. Just about everything I saw reminded me of you or I thought you'd like it, so please open them," Jungkook insisted as Taehyung bit his lip slightly.
Taehyung took the box off the top of the stack and slowly unwrapped it before opening the small box. Inside was a beautifully ornate silver bracelet with a smiling crescent moon in the center of the chain and four elegant charms of white diamond stars. Taehyung studied the bracelet for a moment before he glanced up at Jungkook, his eyes searching the other's for an answer or reason. "A crescent moon bracelet?" Taehyung asked softly, emphasizing his confusion as Jungkook chuckled softly and removed it from the box. Jungkook held Taehyung's wrist delicately in his hands as he clasped the bracelet around Taehyung's slender wrist, gliding his fingertips along the curves of Taehyung's wrist and hand. Before Taehyung could protest about Jungkook not answering his question, Jungkook placed a tender kiss on the back of Taehyung's hand and stared at Taehyung intently. "It's a moon phase bracelet. A waning crescent moon, to be specific," Jungkook finally answered, still holding Taehyung's hand in his own.
Taehyung tilted his head in confusion, wondering why it was a waning crescent moon phase, to begin with as he opened his mouth to speak. "But why? Why specifically a waning crescent moon?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook smiled fondly at Taehyung. "Well... I- It might not be as important to you... but there was a moon smiling down on me the day that I finally realized my feelings towards you," Jungkook admitted bashfully, his face heated from embarrassment as Taehyung's face lit up crimson as well. He never realized what phase of the moon it was the night that Jungkook finally admitted he had feelings for Taehyung. Taehyung felt utterly mortified that he didn't hold something so important to Jungkook as dear to him as Jungkook did, but it was also embarrassing to hear something so honest and loving.
Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand in his own as they both stood there silently in their embarrassment. "I- It's a beautiful gift," Taehyung finally spoke, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook and kissing him passionately. "Thank you so much for sharing that with me because now, it's just as important to both of us," Taehyung admitted softly, unknown tears slipping down his cheeks once again. He didn't even realize he'd started to cry as Jungkook cupped his cheeks and used his thumbs to brush Taehyung's tears away. "Don't forget the rest, baby boy," Jungkook urged as Taehyung nodded firmly in Jungkook's hands, earning a peck to his lips.
Taehyung promptly grabbed one of the other wrapped boxes as he tore into the wrapping paper and opened the box, eager to give Jungkook his last present that he had to convey. Inside this box was a sweet-scented lotion that Taehyung had been eyeing at one of the shops before mentally agreeing with himself that he didn't need it. He glanced over at Jungkook with a boxy smile before kissing the younger tenderly. "Thank you, Koo," Taehyung whispered softly against Jungkook's lips and that alone sent a chill down Jungkook's spine. "I figured you'd told yourself it was something you didn't need when we walked away from the window after you'd stared at it for so long," Jungkook noted as Taehyung chuckled at his own transparency and set the box aside. He was still wrapped in Jungkook's arms, their bodies pressed together and their lips mere inches apart from each other. If Jungkook wasn't so insistent on Taehyung opening his gifts now, Taehyung would have already changed for Jungkook and tried to seduce him.
Taehyung wanted to ask if he could open the rest tomorrow, but he didn't want to kill the gleam of contentment tucked away in Jungkook's eyes. With Jungkook's arms still wrapped tightly around his waist and Jungkook's head nestled in the crook of Taehyung's neck, Taehyung turned his attention towards the other 7 gifts that remained wrapped. Taehyung bit his lip at the sensation of something prodding him in his leg but tried to keep his attention on opening his gifts until he could treat Jungkook to the last present he'd procured. This box contained several large scented candles that smelled of Christmas sweets as Taehyung glanced back at Jungkook. Jungkook averted his eyes as if he didn't know what Taehyung was trying to communicate with him through his eyes. Taehyung was certain he'd have to light one of these candles for later tonight.
Taehyung continued opening box after box of little things that he'd been looking at when they walked the public square until he reached his last box. This one was extremely lightweight compared to some of the other boxes and Taehyung was curious if this was a gag gift. Although, Jungkook's insistence on Taehyung opening this gift didn't help ease that feeling either. Taehyung opened the box to see a wooden necklace of prayer beads with small Jade beads every 7 wooden beads with symbols I protection inscribed upon the wood. Taehyung glanced over his shoulder at Jungkook, only for the younger to smile lovingly. "It's for protection. It's made out of Juniper heart wood. That wood is imbued with powers of protection, strength, healing, health, peace and love," Jungkook explained, watching as Taehyung rolled each cool bead between his fingers. "Wh- Why this?" Taehyung asked curiously, feeling very vulnerable as if Jungkook could see right through him.
"Well, you get sick very often, Tae. I'm just doing my part as your fiancé to ensure you're happy and healthy," Jungkook reasoned as Taehyung smiled softly at that answer. He turned his head to the side to get a good look at Jungkook, his heart beating faster as Jungkook locked eyes with him. "Thank you for being so thoughtful," Taehyung whispered, feeling Jungkook's fingers caress the opposite side of his cheek. "How is it that you've never been in a relationship before?" Taehyung asked quietly, his eyes searching Jungkook's for an answer. Although, no answer existed at the moment, other than a nonchalant shrug and unbridled lust seething intensely within Jungkook's dark eyes. Taehyung deliberately leaned his head into Jungkook's hand as the younger enclosed his fist tightly around Taehyung's hair, pulling his head back slightly as Taehyung gasped softly. Before Taehyung could fully comprehend what was transpiring, Jungkook dipped his head into Taehyung's exposed neck and pressed tender kisses all along the side of Taehyung's neck. With each kiss, Taehyung felt a tingling sensation bubbling up in his stomach that sent goosebumps fanning out across every inch of his skin's surface.
Taehyung panted softly from the ministrations, his slacks growing more restrictive as he gripped the back of Jungkook's head. Jungkook plopped them onto the edge of the bed as Taehyung rubbed his perky ass against Jungkook's erection to acquire any sort of reaction from the younger. Jungkook groaned softly against Taehyung's neck, having the opposite desired effect that Taehyung was scouring for as Jungkook's free hand slinked closer towards the waistband of Taehyung's slacks. He slipped his hand into Taehyung's restrictive slacks, playfully caressing Taehyung's length and leaving the elder panting softly. Taehyung's head resting against Jungkook's broad shoulder as the younger alleviated some of the much needed friction for Taehyung.
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