68- Christmas Eve date
Hello all you beautiful and lovely readers~♡ I hope you know I love each and everyone of you so much~♡ You're all beautiful people and you need to hear it.:3 I also hope that you are well~♡ I've been doing a lot of writing because it just helps me~♡ It's like my own therapy without having to talk about my feelings.🤣😂 But they reflecf in the chapters somehow.😂🤣 I'm excited for the upcoming chapters though~♡ I've picked how many kids they'll have, the genders, and the names.:3 I hope you guys like the names as much as I do~♡ I may even use one or more of those names when I do have children of my own.:3 But enough about that~♡ This chapter has minor mentions of violence and sexual harassment, so please be advised when reading~♡ Read at your own discretion~♡ Without further delay, here is the next installment~♡ I hope that you all enjoy~♡
When they finally reached their destination within the main courtyard of town, Taehyung glanced up at all the lights that were so bright they lit up the night sky around them. All the colorful lights alongside the white lights flickered and danced to the Christmas music that played softly from speakers. Strings of lights above their heads that looked like tents remained on and steadfast to light the way through the dark night.
Jungkook was just as amazed by the decorations as Taehyung clung to his arm. He glanced down to see tears in the corners of Taehyung's eyes that crinkled with his hidden smile. Jungkook smiled as he kissed Taehyung's temple and pointed up towards the lights. "Shall we walk around and take pictures?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded at the question. "We won't be out too long tonight since we're coming back out tomorrow night," Jungkook announced as Taehyung chuckled softly and nodded in agreement.
They continued to walk down the sidewalk with their hands intertwined, looking around at the lights. It felt magical and almost warm somewhere deep inside his heart as Taehyung held Jungkook's hand tighter. They stopped in front of a secluded building that had decorations all over the front as Jungkook pulled Taehyung under the street lamp that was encircled in lights. He pulled Taehyung close under the lamp, and using the building as a backdrop and the light to brighten the picture, Jungkook quickly snapped a cute picture with his arm around Taehyung.
He pressed his lips against Taehyung's temple and took another picture before Taehyung turned towards him and kissed him fully on the lips. Taehyung took this picture with a playful smile as Jungkook flushed softly under the light. Taehyung kissed him again, this time softer and more tender as Jungkook's eyes fluttered at the feeling it gave him. He loved Taehyung's kisses as he placed the camera back in his pocket and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. "You're perfect, you know that?" Jungkook asked softly as he tenderly and sensually kissed Taehyung once again, keeping it short though.
He didn't know how comfortable Taehyung was with very public displays of affection as he grabbed Taehyung's hand once more. Taehyung used his free hand to move the scarf away from his mouth to speak. "You're more perfect," Taehyung responded with a smile that stopped Jungkook in his tracks. He kept his head turned away from Taehyung so that he wouldn't see that his cheeks were a rosy red. Nobody had ever called him perfect, especially not someone like Taehyung.
After a moment, Taehyung peeked around Jungkook's shoulder to see his flushed cheeks. He smiled to himself before he laid his head on the back of Jungkook's shoulder. "I love you, Kookie," Taehyung whispered, giggling softly to himself as he snuggled into his scarf in embarrassment. Jungkook found this adorable out of his peripheral vision as he finally fully turned toward Taehyung. "I love you too," Jungkook whispered back, pressing his forehead against Taehyung's own.
Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand, but before they could continue on their way, a familiar voice called out to Jungkook. Jungkook froze when he heard this person call his name and Taehyung glanced behind them to see two strange men approaching them. One of them had sandy blond hair with dark eyes and the other had dark hair with green highlights throughout it, and really dark eyes. Almost soulless. Taehyung didn't have a good feeling about them as they drew closer to them.
Jungkook turned toward them with an awkward smile as Taehyung eyed them cautiously. "Hey guys, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Jungkook asked nervously, but Taehyung could hear the awkwardness in the way he greeted them. "It has been a while. I think the last time we saw you, you were beating your dad," the sandy blond one commented as Taehyung watched the two of them wrap one of each of their arms around Jungkook's neck. It left Jungkook sandwiched between the two strangers as Taehyung watched with large doe eyes. Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hand, although the action didn't go unnoticed by the two intruders. "And who's this pretty little thing?" The dark-haired one asked, letting go of Jungkook's neck and stepping closer to Taehyung.
Taehyung unconsciously took a hesitant step back and the guy made a face before slamming his hand on the wall right beside Taehyung's head. Taehyung visibly flinched before the two strangers laughed loudly as the dark-haired guy turned toward Jungkook. "He's really cute. Where did you ever find him?" He asked as Jungkook shrugged as if he didn't know what they were talking about. He was trying to spare Taehyung any attention from these guys as the blond one laughed in Jungkook's face.
"Then you wouldn't mind if we borrowed him?" He asked as Jungkook's eyebrows dipped and the dark-haired guy chuckled. "Oh! I think you made him mad," he teased as he hooked his arm around Taehyung's scarf and yanked him close. Jungkook felt anger ignite inside his chest and burn so intensely, he was ready to kill the man with his hands on Taehyung. "Get your hands off of him," Jungkook growled, his voice low and gravelly as the blond's arm around his neck tightened to the point that he was choking Jungkook. Although, Jungkook didn't pay any mind to him as his eyes focused on the dark-haired male.
"You guys were some shitty ass friends. Rather than give me the drugs I sought, you should have been telling me to live a better life than you. But you just want to see people sink as low as you, right?" Jungkook asked, elbowing the blond in his stomach hard. "I'm not the same kid you used to know. Now get your damn hands off of him before I break every one of your fucking fingers," Jungkook barked, yanking Taehyung from the other's grasp.
The other whistled as the blond groaned softly but slowly stood up. "Wow, someone sure is acting high and mighty," the dark-haired male cooed, rubbing his chin in thought as he studied Taehyung more. "I believe I've seen you somewhere before. You have a very familiar face," the dark-haired male stated as Taehyung stared at him, refusing to say anything. He glanced over at Jungkook's profile since Jungkook had tucked Taehyung behind him for protection as the elder clung to his arm.
Taehyung realized that this would not be an easy escape. He glanced behind him to see the blond positioning himself behind him and Jungkook just as he grabbed a handful of Taehyung's hair and yanked the scarf down. Taehyung cried out and Jungkook turned toward them quickly, his anger boiling over at the sight he was greeted with. The blond man had Taehyung's head yanked back, the scarf down far enough to reveal Taehyung's throat and a blade pressed precariously against Taehyung's carotid artery in his neck. "I know who he is now," the dark-haired male exclaimed with a smile. "He's worth a lot of money," he added as Jungkook's eyes widened with realization.
He understood why these so-called "friends" had approached him once again as he grit his teeth in anger. They wanted more money for drugs and a person's life meant nothing to them. Jungkook felt all the anger drain from his body as Taehyung's fearful eyes searched for an answer. "K- Kookie? Wh- What d- do they mean?" Taehyung asked as the blond yanked his head harder causing Taehyung to cry out again.
"Stop! Don't hurt him," Jungkook reacted, throwing his hands up to stop them as they gave each other a knowing look. "Oh? And why would you care if we hurt him?" The dark-haired male asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as he watched Jungkook scramble for words. "H- He's my fiancé... He's very important to me... So take anything you want, just don't hurt him," Jungkook relinquished in defeat, watching as the blond male licked the side of Taehyung's face from his jawline to his temple in a manner that set Jungkook's anger flaring again.
"What if I want him? Or you? Are you going to try and stop us if we want to keep one of you two if not both of you?" The blond asked as Taehyung shuddered and discreetly utilizing his scarf, wiped his face clean. Jungkook raised a quizzical eyebrow at their questions. "What would you want with two guys?" Jungkook asked before realization dawned on him. He wondered why they used to always flirt with him in a harassing manner. They weren't joking back then like they claimed, they would have done the same thing his father used to do if he'd ever told them which one was his room.
"Your disgusting," Jungkook spat as the two males laughed loudly, the dark-haired one approaching Jungkook. "I wonder if your fiancé will like if I do this?" he asked as he roughly gripped Jungkook's jaw. Without hesitation, he kissed Jungkook fully on his lips, only to earn a harsh slap from the younger male. Jungkook shoved him away and turned his head, purposely spitting to show how disgusted he was by that foul kiss. The dark-haired male raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's defiance. "I see. I thought you said you didn't want any harm to come to him?" The dark-haired male asked as he took the knife from the blond.
"No! Wait! Please! I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized frantically, remembering that he had almost died that day Jeremy stabbed him. He didn't think they could make it to a hospital on time if he stabbed Taehyung. Plus, he wasn't even sure if Taehyung could handle something like that and survive. "Please," Jungkook pleaded as the dark-haired male smiled darkly at Jungkook. He quickly turned toward Taehyung, rearing back and landing a punch to the side of his face.
Taehyung whimpered softly but remained quiet otherwise as Jungkook stared at the two tormenting his love. "What do you want?" Jungkook asked in defeat, allowing all the tension to leave his body. He just wanted Taehyung safely back in his arms and these two were going to make that as hard as possible. "We're trying to buy a couple ounces and several sheets of acid, so how does 600 sound to you, Daven?" The dark-haired male asked as the blond nodded in agreement.
"Done. Just let him go," Jungkook pleaded as Daven reached his arms around Taehyung, deliberately opening his coat. Taehyung noticeably shivered against the cold air that now surrounded him within the open coat. "I kind of like him," Daven professed, sliding one of his ice cold hands under Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung shivered violently, whimpering as he tried to turn his body away from this man's hand. Daven's other hand deliberately traces the side of Taehyung's face before he harshly clamped his hand around Taehyung's mouth to keep any of his sounds muffled. "He's not part of the deal! You said you'd let him go if I gave you 600," Jungkook pleaded as Taehyung bit Daven's hand clasped fiercely around his mouth.
Daven cried out and fully released Taehyung, only for Taehyung to be punched by the dark-haired male once again. It sent Taehyung reeling off balance as he fell to his hands and knees beside the dark-haired male. Daven kicked him in his side in retaliation for his hand being bitten as Jungkook rushed forward and shoved Daven away from Taehyung. Taking this opportunity, Jungkook reeled back and lunged his fist into the dark-haired male's face as hard as he could. Jungkook watched as his body dropped limply in front of him and turned his attention toward Daven. "You should have just taken the 600 and left it at that," Jungkook noted as he punched Daven several times until he was unconscious.
Taehyung coughed several times, pain radiating from his side as he staggered to his feet to stop Jungkook. He lunged forward and grabbed Jungkook's arm, crying softly as Jungkook's elbow caught the side he'd been kicked. He sniffled as he yanked Jungkook away from their limp bodies, trying to pull him away from the scene completely. Taehyung staggered several times, almost falling if it hadn't been for Jungkook catching him. He could hear Taehyung wheezing as they rushed away from the scene, Taehyung grasping his side that Daven had kicked him. Jungkook didn't realize how much it was hurting Taehyung to try and keep breathing as they finally made it a safe distance away.
Taehyung collapsed to his hands and knees once again as Jungkook quickly knelt down beside him. "Tae? Are you okay? What's going on with your breathing?" Jungkook asked, concerned as Taehyung struggled to breathe more than normal. Taehyung whimpered in pain as he continued to clasp that same side as Jungkook realized Daven may have kicked Taehyung harder than he realized. He quickly turned his back towards Taehyung, pointing. "Do you think you can get on my back, baby? I'll carry you to the nearest hospital," Jungkook stated as Taehyung shook his head vigorously. "Y- You want to go home?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung nodded, climbing onto Jungkook's back. "Home it is, then," Jungkook announced, hoisting Taehyung onto his back as he rose to his feet and walked them back home.
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