58- Settled Fiancé
Hello, all you beautiful people that continue to support this disaster~♡ The Christmas chapters are obviously coming up soon.😂🤣 I actually wrote these out around the month of December, but I had to put things on hold until I got used to my new work environment and so they are being released much later than I'd anticipated.🤣😂 I really do love all the support coming in for this work and it makes me so awfully happy and proud to see people enjoying it.:3 I've worked exceptionally hard for this story because it has some similarities to Obsession, which I was extremely proud of as well. Although, NL is nowhere near as dark as Obsession.😂🤣 The title kind of already gives some of it away, but it's something else.🤣😂 Also, if you don't already hate the character that is Tae's father in this work, you will this chapter.😂🤣 I'll be prepared for the torches and pitchforks.:3 Please do be advised when reading this chapter because there is some sexual content mentioned~♡ Without further delay, I hope all of you beautiful people enjoy this chapter~♡♡♡
Inside the music room, with the doors shut tight, Taehyung's mother faced Hyungwon with a stern expression. "What was that about?" She asked impatiently, her voice low. "Why would you say that in front of my baby? In front of all of them?" She asked as Hyungwon glanced over at Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung was now enveloped in a tight hug from Jungkook, refusing to look at anyone as his eyes remained hidden in Jungkook's shoulder. Hyungwon could see where the back of Taehyung's shirt was spattered with the drink he'd thrown at them in his drunken jealousy.
Hyungwon thought about what he'd said to Taehyung as Jungkook continued to glare at Hyungwon with his arms still wrapped protectively around Taehyung. "Was it really necessary to say all of that to him?" Jungkook asked harshly, rubbing Taehyung's back in comfort. Taehyung's mother shook her head at Hyungwon as Taehyung's father remained silent. "You will never marry my baby. My husband never asked my permission to marry my baby off to you, first off. Second of all, you're a doctor. It is your job to save people. My baby shouldn't have to sacrifice his happiness to reward you for keeping him alive," she snapped, walking over towards Taehyung and Jungkook.
Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook when he heard his mother's approaching footsteps. He turned toward her with a sullen face, shifting his gaze up to look her in the eyes. "Mama? W- Was I really that weak?" Taehyung asked, repeating the words his father had once said about him. "That weak that... He had to keep me alive inside your womb?" Taehyung asked as his mother sighed softly, her brazen attitude toward Hyungwon completely dying with the defeated look in Taehyung's eyes. Her baby should never have to appear so remorseful for living. "You're not weak, baby," she affirmed, cupping his cheeks in her delicate hands as he leaned into her touch. She tenderly and lovingly rubbed his cheeks with her thumbs as she continued with a soft smile. "You just needed a little extra help is all."
"He should have died," his father spat venomously, earning everyone's attention in that speechless room. The heavy silence was palpable as Jungkook balled his fists at the words that left Taehyung's father's mouth. "He's weak and we all know it. He was weak then so he'll alw--" Taehyung's father's words were cut short by Jungkook's fist, the elderly man's entire body reeling from the force as he lost his balance and fell to the floor in humiliation. "You watch how you talk about him," Jungkook warned menacingly, standing defiantly over Taehyung's father. If he wasn't the man that Jungkook was trying to impress or Taehyung's father, he would have kept striking him until he was no longer conscious. So Jungkook forced himself to take a deep breath and held himself back.
Taehyung gently clasped Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him away from his father as his mother sighed. "Jungkook is right though. You shouldn't talk about our baby like that," she added, tenderly brushing her delicate fingers under Taehyung's chin in a loving gesture. Jungkook could now see where Taehyung received his elegant hands as he tightly gripped Taehyung's hand. "So what are we going to do about the engagement announcement?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung bit his lip with the immense anxiety he felt. There was still a sultry air about him, even though he was upset by everything going on right now. Taehyung's mother then turned her gaze towards Hyungwon, her burning eyes staring straight through Hyungwon's soul. "You're going to tell them you lied," she declared haughtily, ruffling Taehyung's hair tenderly.
"I'm not lying though! Taehyung did accept my proposal first," Hyungwon insisted as Taehyung's eyes widened in realization. "You lied to me then! You told me nobody had to know about it! That it would just be for show so that Papa wouldn't be angry with me! You told me the ring was only for Papa's eyes," Taehyung cried out, throwing his inhaler at Hyungwon. "I don't want to marry you! I'd rather die," Taehyung added as Jungkook pulled Taehyung's head tight against his chest, Jungkook's hand still remaining on Taehyung's forehead and forcing the elder to lean close to his lips.
"Don't you ever say that again," Jungkook whispered tensely in Taehyung's ear as the elder pouted, nodding in silence. Taehyung's mother cleared her throat as Hyungwon handed Taehyung's inhaler to her to give back to Taehyung. "You will tell them you lied," she reiterated, handing Taehyung his inhaler once more. "You will tell them that you were being selfish but that Jungkook was his first choice, is that clear?" She asked pensively, folding her hands in front of her dress. Hyungwon huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, grumbling quietly to himself. "Fine. I'll tell them that I lied," he mumbled, a look of sorrowful dejection crossing his features.
Taehyung would have felt bad if Hyungwon hadn't been such an asshole throughout the night. His father slowly stood to his feet as they all walked towards the music room doors once more. His mother pulled them open as they walked towards the center of the ballroom once again. This time, Taehyung's mother demanded attention when she tapped the blunt end of a knife against her champagne glass. Though all eyes were already on them again as she cleared her throat.
With a voice that was a little too enthusiastic and boisterous, she noted that Hyungwon had something to say. Hyungwon cleared his throat and closed his eyes, embarrassed that he'd ever said anything. "I- I apologize for my outburst earlier. I shouldn't have said any of that... because it was all lies... I wanted to keep Taehyung and Jungkook from getting engaged because I... I still wanted a chance with Taehyung," Hyungwon announced, sighing softly as Taehyung's mother smiled on. "But I've realized that he wouldn't be happy with anyone else other than Jungkook and that I can't be selfish with Taehyung any longer," Hyungwon finished with memories of a young Taehyung following him around in wonder. Taehyung had always seemed so interested in and content with Hyungwon when he was younger, but now, Hyungwon knew the Taehyung had finally found his own voice and defiance as he stepped aside. He pushed Taehyung and Jungkook forward with a bow of his head, those memories still haunting him as he forced back any emotion in his voice.
"So with a heavy heart, I relinquish Taehyung into your care, Jungkook. May you two live happily together," Hyungwon toasted, raising another glass as Taehyung's mother and father raised their glasses as well. Applause suddenly erupted within the silent ballroom as Taehyung and Jungkook bowed towards the guests. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand, smiling his boxy smile as they stood up straight once again. Jungkook stared at Taehyung's profile, mesmerized by Taehyung's flawless skin and beautiful smile. His expression softened as he stared at Taehyung before he smiled his bunny smile towards him when the latter looked over at him.
Taehyung and Jungkook stepped down off of the stage still holding hands when they were rushed by a crowd of people. The crowd insisted on talking with them as Jungkook politely tried to lead Taehyung toward the door of the ballroom. Although they couldn't quite sneak away with everyone wanting to talk to Taehyung about his engagement to Jungkook and ask how they'd met. Jungkook could tell it was already becoming much too overwhelming for Taehyung as his eyes darted rapidly about each person that shouted a question at him.
Taehyung answered their questions with dignity and grace, although Jungkook could tell that he was still immensely turned on. Jungkook was becoming bothered by the many people snatching Taehyung's hand away from Jungkook just to see the ring. Before long, Jungkook found himself separated from Taehyung by the many people snatching Taehyung's hand and the many female patrons asking how Jungkook pulled off such a stunt as "sacking" Taehyung. The term in itself infuriated Jungkook because if anything, Taehyung had been the one pursuing him so passionately and patiently. Jungkook was just enchanted that Taehyung had the patience of a saint to put up with his bullshit for so long.
Jungkook bowed to the many people surrounding him, trying to get back to Taehyung and get him out of the crowd so that they could sneak off upstairs. Although, when they'd get through one crowd of people, even more people would crowd around them. Many of them kept stopping them and asking to see the ring or yet again snatching Taehyung's hand to see the ring. Taehyung kept feeling obligated to stop and show the ring to whoever asked as Jungkook politely stood beside him. He was trying to keep anything from transpiring that would hurt Taehyung's reputation that he'd worked so hard to build up around these people. At one point, Jungkook had to cover Taehyung's mouth to keep him from moaning too loud because Taehyung had brushed up against Jungkook just right.
Jungkook had waited until Taehyung was done panting before uncovering Taehyung's mouth. Only to feel that tingling sensation drop to the pit of his stomach from Taehyung's sultry expression, his hand hot from Taehyung's panting. They hastily composed an excuse about Taehyung feeling ill to escape the many throngs of people swarming them. With the excuse working its magic, Jungkook swiftly grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him over towards the ballroom entrance door.
Once they were at the doors, Jungkook hooked Taehyung's arm and navigated them upstairs toward Taehyung's bedroom. Taehyung giggled playfully as Jungkook pulled Taehyung into his room and shut the door. He leaned his back against the door as Taehyung now continued to fan himself, panting slightly as he crawled onto his bed. "Come lay with me," Taehyung insisted as Jungkook swallowed hard, fighting his own arousal at this point. "I don't think that's a good idea, love," Jungkook whispered, watching as Taehyung kicked off his shoes. Taehyung pouted as a soft whine escaped his lips. "Why would it be a bad idea?" Taehyung asked as he threw off each piece of his clothing one by one, intentionally throwing his shirt at Jungkook.
"Why not?" Taehyung whined softly once again, rubbing his hands down his body. His hands stopped short of his waistband as Jungkook locked eyes with him from across the room. He was so tempted to go further down, even with Jungkook watching because he just needed to be touched. Taehyung forced himself to roll onto his stomach as Jungkook finally walked over towards the bed, removing his shoes as well. "It's a bad idea because you're not in your right mind. I won't lay down with you because then that will only lead to you getting your way. So where will I be sleeping?" Jungkook asked, trying to refrain from looking at Taehyung. The elder male was still panting heavily and very hard as he rolled over onto his back once again, looking over at Jungkook with lust-filled eyes. "You're not being fair," Taehyung whined softly, panting between each word. The mattress had rubbed up against that sensitive area just right that Taehyung was almost seeing stars, but he wasn't 12 anymore, and getting off that way held no appeal to him now.
He watched Jungkook's back as Jungkook removed both his socks too. He glanced over his shoulder at Taehyung laying on the bed with his hands stretched above his head and his face flushed. "How am I not being fair, love? You've been drugged. It wouldn't be right of me to take advantage of that situation," Jungkook reasoned as Taehyung bit his lip. It was an action that always made Jungkook question why he was refuting Taehyung in the first place. "Why do you have to be like this?" Jungkook asked, swallowing hard as he turned his attention away from Taehyung once again. He was being overwhelmingly tempted and he had to deny those temptations for now. He was still restricted with movements anywhere around his torso as far as he was aware. He didn't need to disrupt his healing process and ruin a Christmas celebration or Taehyung's birthday.
Taehyung whimpered softly from behind Jungkook, earning the younger male's attention once again. He peeked over at Taehyung as one of Taehyung's hands slid down his body towards his throbbing length. Jungkook swallowed hard as he watched Taehyung grip his own length and deliberately stroke himself. Jungkook felt his throat run dry as he couldn't help but watch Taehyung. He knew he could turn away at any moment while Taehyung masturbated, but Jungkook was so enamored with the expressions Taehyung always made that it kept him gaping. He also knew Taehyung was very aware Jungkook was watching him because he'd peek over at Jungkook with lustful eyes that beckoned him closer, enticing him to manipulate the situation.
Jungkook licked his lower lip as he watched Taehyung, desire lighting a fire in his belly. This fire almost drove him to climb over the top of Taehyung and give the male exactly what he wanted, but Jungkook fought it with every ounce of his being. With a heavy heart, Jungkook turned away once again and ignored any little sound that Taehyung made now. When Taehyung realized he wasn't going to be getting his way with Jungkook this time, he groaned softly with need. Not because he felt good right now but because he'd feel better with Jungkook helping him to relieve this problem for him. He halted his motions as much as it pained him to do so and slowly rose into a sitting position. When that didn't even get Jungkook to turn back around towards him, Taehyung pushed himself onto his hands and knees as he crawled over towards Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed.
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