5- Seeking Supplies
Hello, guys~♡ I'm so very, very sorry for the delay. I had a major moment of writer's block and it took me sooooo long to get back to this chapter. For that, I can not apologize enough, but here is the next chapter~♡ It only contains mentions of drug use, a mental drug break, and sexual content. Please be advised when reading though~♡ I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I love you all so much~♡♡♡♡ You've continued to support this little work, even though it's been on pause for so long.xD So, thank you for that and please enjoy~♡
After a few hours of being strapped to the flat and uncomfortable bed he lay upon, Jungkook's restraints were finally removed. He sighed with relief as he rubbed his sore wrists, staring at the male nurse in front of him. The nurse held out a tube of ointment towards him with a soft smile and a shake of his head. "That should help with the holes you put in your skin trying to claw at nonexistent bugs," he stated with a chuckle before turning away from Jungkook.
Jungkook eagerly took the ointment, applying a pea-sized coat onto one of the gashes that burned before his mind snapped back to attention. "Um, would you happen to have any lubricant...? You know, since you have this..." Jungkook stated nervously now as he thought about why he asked the nurse this question. Even if he was curious where he'd be able to obtain any if he were to physically be with Taehyung without hurting him.
The nurse peeked over his shoulder at Jungkook with a sly look in his eye, knowing all too well what Jungkook would be using it for. "I would give you some if I had some. There is a convenience store within the walls of this campus. You may be able to find supplies of that nature there," the nurse stated with a smile. "We still have to have you all practicing safe sex and everything," he added, laughing as he turned back towards his work.
Jungkook nodded slightly and hopped off the bed, tiptoeing past the nurse so that he could be out of there without any more discussion. He hadn't been told he was allowed to leave, but he couldn't take another minute in that stuffy room with that suffocating atmosphere.
He quickly turned a sharp corner and bumped into someone hard, almost losing his balance as he wobbled on his feet. The other person, however, he heard fall back onto the floor, hearing the flat of their hands smack the cold tile loudly. Jungkook opened his eyes to stare into the large doe eyes of Taehyung. "Oh! Hey! What were you doing in the nurse's office?" Taehyung asked, briskly standing back up and brushing himself off. Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at this god-given opportunity and he couldn't let it pass as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I- I kind of freaked out a little bit. My mind wandered too much."
Taehyung gently patted Jungkook's shoulder hesitantly, almost second-guessing himself as a result of his anxiety and Jungkook's actions. He didn't know if he'd made Jungkook uncomfortable after everything that had happened previously. "S- Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," Taehyung admitted softly, biting his lip. Jungkook watched Taehyung's actions carefully before sighing heavily, impatiently yanking Taehyung's arm and jerking him to walk alongside him.
Taehyung tripped over his own feet at first, following after Jungkook by the tight grip on his arm. "Where are we going?" Taehyung questioned curiously, staring at the back of Jungkook's head. Neither one had previously said anything to the other as they'd walked and Taehyung was becoming increasingly concerned by Jungkook's actions. He wondered if Jungkook was still freaking out or not.
Jungkook turned a desolate corner sharply, tugging Taehyung behind the wall with him as he caged Taehyung between his arms and the wall. Taehyung stared straight into Jungkook's intense and burning gaze, feeling heat rise into his face as his mouth fell agape at the passion of the atmosphere. "Wh- what's wrong?" Taehyung stammered, trying to break the thick silence that dangled over them.
Jungkook ran a gentle fingertip across Taehyung's sharp jawline in admiration before smirking softly. "Nothing is wrong. I just kind of wanted to pick up where we left off, but I'm trying to acquire a few things before then," he answered with a small, sly bunny grin. Taehyung swallowed thickly at the chill that slowly spread down his spine causing his skin to tingle and prickle from Jungkook's touch. He remained silent, closing his mouth slightly as Jungkook continued to stare him down intensely.
"Wh- what do we ne- need to acquire for... u- um these things to happen?" Taehyung asked, stammering as he felt his body slowly weakening under Jungkook's heated gaze. He felt his heart beating erratically in his chest, his fingertips throbbing against the filthy wall with how hard his heart was pounding. Taehyung bit his lip when Jungkook's eyes shifted to his slightly parted lips, Taehyung's breath hitching at the lustful gaze. He wasn't used to being stared at like this.
"Well, we'll need a place to do said things, seeing as how unwelcome I am by your roommate," Jungkook stated, running his thumb smoothly over Taehyung's plump lower lip. Taehyung trembled with delight once more, feeling heat rising up into his cheeks before turning his head slightly. Too embarrassed to meet Jungkook's lusty and heated gaze any longer.
Jungkook only chuckled, ghosting his lips over Taehyung's neck to see how the other would respond. Taehyung whimpered softly as he felt Jungkook's breath fanning out over his flushed skin. "H- how about your room? Un- unless your room- roommate is against it," Taehyung mumbled softly, feeling his pants grow tighter at the shivers and tingles that raced up and down his spine.
He clutched Jungkook's broad shoulders with his uncertain hands that dug into his clothes, nails raking the skin underneath. Jungkook shifted his lips towards Taehyung's ear, brushing against the shell of it as Taehyung's knees buckled into Jungkook with a wispy moan, Jungkook fastening Taehyung up against him. "I like that reaction," he stated, followed by another bunny smile as he pulled away from Taehyung's quivering body.
"We'll also need some lubricant if things are going to go smoothly this time," he added, glancing around at their surroundings. "I heard we can get it at the little convenience store somewhere on campus. Do you know where it is located?" Jungkook asked, pulling away from a flustered Taehyung. He was aching and all ready to go but Jungkook was only teasing him right now. Taehyung pouted slightly as he nodded in response to Jungkook's question. "Yeah, I can take you there."
Jungkook, noticing Taehyung's cute pout, snickered softly to himself as he pulled the back of Taehyung's hips against his crotch. Taehyung froze in that stance, realizing Jungkook's excitement was pressed against his behind. He glanced back to see Jungkook's chin nestle between the crook of his neck and shoulder just before Jungkook kissed him there. "I know I'm teasing you a lot right now, but I promise I'm going to take care of that once we obtain that lubricant. I just don't want to hurt you," he added, narrowing his eyes seductively towards Taehyung as he ground his hips against Taehyung's backside.
Taehyung flushed at how hard Jungkook's clothed cock felt against his ass, Jungkook's hands resting on Taehyung's hips as they remained in that position. "We should do so quickly though. I don't have much patience and if you keep letting me do things like this towards you, I'll end up fucking you right here in this hallway without any remorse," Jungkook announced, biting Taehyung's shoulder lightly. Taehyung nodded silently before promptly wriggling out of Jungkook's grasp and breathing a sigh of relief.
He'd never had anyone hold him like that or tease him like that before. He'd never even had anyone look at him the way Jungkook did moments ago, almost as if he were starving and Taehyung was his next meal. Taehyung's heart still continued to race as he grasped Jungkook's hand and guided him towards the convenience store. His thoughts raced as well, his desire to come clean to Jungkook about never having sex before overwhelming most of them. He wanted to come clean about his status as a virgin, but he also didn't want to appall Jungkook either. What if he ceased all communication with him as everyone else did because he was a virgin? What if Jungkook wouldn't want to have sex with him because he'd be terrified that Taehyung would become attached to him?
Taehyung bit his lip as his thoughts continued to eat away at him, wanting him to divulge the truth rather than continue to hide it. Although, Taehyung stressed he couldn't do that. Jungkook didn't seem like the type to settle down easily with someone and Taehyung was just going to have to work his way into his heart, even if that meant lying to him for now. Eventually, Taehyung would come clean about the truth and reveal everything to Jungkook in due time, but for now, he had to bide his time. Taehyung pulled Jungkook along silently, immersed in his thoughts as Jungkook stared at the back of his head, both of them turning corner after corner.
Tucked away in a destitute corner of the campus, in a shabby, run-down blue tin building with a single rectangle cut out as a window stood a man with a bright smile on his face. There were many objects behind him and on the countertop as Jungkook recognized that this was the convenience store. They approached the large window, the man's smile brightening even more as he opened his mouth to speak. "Ah, Taehyung! It's been a while since I last saw you! How are the parents?" he asked, gesturing towards Jungkook. "Who is this with you today?"
Taehyung smiled pleasantly as the shop keeper spoke, shrugging nonchalantly. "My parents should be good. They should be visiting me soon actually," he exclaimed happily. "This, by the way, is Jungkook. He's new here to the school, so I thought I'd show him around. Plus, we're kind of trying to pick up a few items," Taehyung admitted, abruptly feeling embarrassed once more. His paranoia seemed to be getting the best of him today as he jerked at his collar, realizing that he wasn't wearing his hoodie.
Taehyung felt exposed suddenly, huddling into Jungkook without even realizing it. Jungkook tilted his head in confusion but didn't question it as he stepped up to the large window. "What is it I can get for you two?" the shop keeper asked, glancing at Taehyung as his eyes shifted from one direction to the next hastily. Jungkook smiled as he put a comforting arm around Taehyung, not realizing that it was calming him down as Jungkook continued to stare at the shop keeper. "Do you happen to sell lubricant of any kind? Or condoms?" Jungkook asked as the shop keeper eyed him suspiciously now.
"Why do you need it?" he asked, glancing at Taehyung's flushed face before glaring back at Jungkook. Jungkook placed his hands flatly on the counter, cocking his head to the side as he quirked an unentertained eyebrow. "You know what we need it for. We're just trying to practice safe sex, but if you don't want to sell it to us, then I guess we'll be fine without it," Jungkook stated nonchalantly, infuriated by the shop keeper's suspicion.
"No, no," the shop keeper waved his hands as he glanced at Taehyung, who was staring at the ground now. He was too embarrassed to meet anyone's gaze at this point, now that Jungkook had made it clear what was about to transpire between the two of them. "Practicing safe sex is always a responsible thing... I'm just curious as to why you'd want to be involved with Taehyung," the shop keeper stated as he turned his back towards them.
Taehyung coughed loudly as he directed an indignant glare at the shop keeper, challenging him to say another word. Jungkook inclined his head at the shop keeper's words, confused as to what he meant by them. "What do you mean? He seems like a really nice guy," Jungkook stated, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. The shop keeper, acknowledging Taehyung's look, cleared his throat to buy him some time to make up a legitimate explanation as to why he said that.
He placed the items that Jungkook had requested on the counter before proceeding. "I- I mean, that's just it. He's another guy. Why go to the difficulty of being with another guy?" the shop keeper asked as Taehyung smiled and nodded in approval. Jungkook scoffed at the shop keeper's closed-minded remark and rolled his eyes. "Love, sexual appeal, relationships, and people all appear in different shapes, sizes, and forms. It doesn't have to be solely between a man and a woman, you know," Jungkook stated, narrowing his eyes as he unfolded his wallet. "How much do I owe you?" he asked in an annoyed tone, stunned that someone could be so old-fashioned.
The shop keeper cleared his throat once again, trying to clear the tension as he bagged their items. "That'll be 12 dollars," he stated, trying his best to continue smiling. Jungkook tossed the money down on the counter as he snatched the bag from the shop keeper and yanked Taehyung by his arm to steer him away from that negativity.
Once again, Taehyung was tripping over his own feet as Jungkook hauled him away before Jungkook stopped to let Taehyung regain his posture. "Sorry for dragging you away like that, but he just pissed me off. So what if we're both males? He doesn't know what I like not does anybody else for that matter. He should just keep his opinions to himself," Jungkook stated as Taehyung smiled nervously.
Taehyung gently brushed a smooth fingertip under Jungkook's chin, tilting his head up slightly as he tenderly pressed his thumb into Jungkook's chin. He dipped Jungkook's head down and stared longingly into Jungkook's eyes before pulling away with a boxy and teasing grin. "Let's not worry about him anymore," Taehyung stated, glad that the shop keeper hadn't uttered the reality of Taehyung's circumstances. "Let's just get to your room and enjoy each other's bodies."
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