47- Near Death Experience
Helllllllllllllloooooooooooo every one of you beautiful people that reads this mess~♡ I spent a lot of time listening to sad songs to get the right feeling for this chapter.🤣😂 I hope that it worked~♡ This is a double update for the week because I have nothing to do with my life other than work and type up the chapters I have already written out.😂🤣 I'm a homebody who enjoys staying in her room away from everyone for a few hours a day.🤣😂 Although, I enjoy talking to people too, so I make no sense to myself most days.😂🤣 This chapter has minor mention of sexual content (mostly talk about children 🤣😂), but please still be advised when reading~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this next installment~♡♡♡
Jungkook barely opened his eyes to the sound of clinking metal and muffled voices as he lethargically glanced around the bright room. His vision had grown dark and blurry from the loss of blood. All Jungkook could make out from his line of sight were obscured shadowy shapes of what looked like people. Although, he could hear the distinct voice of the nurse yelling about something; Something pertaining to getting Taehyung out of the operating room. It was odd to Jungkook that the nurse sounded so distant yet he could tell that the nurse's obscure silhouette was right next to him. Almost right on top of him and yet now, he couldn't even make out the words that were being exchanged.
A loud piercing sound echoed throughout the room and Jungkook was convinced it was a scream as all his pain seemed to melt away. Although, it wasn't actually a scream and rather the heart monitor notifying the nurse that Jungkook was flatlining as the nurse brought out defibrillator paddles. He wasn't about to sacrifice Jungkook while Taehyung was present and he was in the middle of stitching him up. There was no need to waste the school's materials.
Taehyung dashed for the door with Hoseok following right behind him. Just before Taehyung could reach the door and enter the room, Hoseok gripped Taehyung's arm and yanked him back into his embrace to keep him from rushing towards Jungkook. Taehyung's penetrating scream of anguish, even suppressed by Hoseok's chest was piercing and almost strangled sounding but it was the only thing Jungkook heard evidently in the darkness that had engulfed him.
Jungkook felt as if someone had wrapped their arms around him, hugging him and warming his cold body. Until he was roughly yanked back down onto the bed as he gasped audibly and the darkness that had once engulfed him slowly started to fade back into the bright glow of fluorescent light. His pain amplifying once again from being brought back from the brink of death. Everyone that was present near the room noticed that the monitor started making an annoying high pitched beeping sound once again without the use of the paddles as Jungkook groaned from the excruciating pain and slowly opened his eyes once more.
The nurse glanced back at Taehyung, who was still being restrained by Hoseok even though he'd collapsed to his knees in tears previously. The nurse grit his teeth in annoyance at the cherished connection between them but placed the paddles aside. Taehyung's feelings of devotion for Jungkook would eventually fade and he'd be there for that. Even in his annoyance, the nurse quickly began working on stitching Jungkook back up once again.
It had been several days, almost a week since Taehyung had been able to see Jungkook, and his anxiety had only heightened. He wondered if Jungkook was going to survive because he'd flatlined while Hyungwon was stitching him up and he'd looked so devoid of any color. Taehyung still hadn't been able to sleep well out of fear that he may receive bad news or have a nightmare about Jungkook dying. He didn't want that to happen. What would happen to his heart if the only person he has ever loved died?
He couldn't bear the thought of that occurrence, but it also brought a sentiment of guilt along with it as he languidly made his way towards the visitation room. He'd received notification from Jimin that his parents were coming to visit him today, even though he wanted to observe Jungkook instead. He still wanted to see his mother as well and promised himself that he'd visit Jungkook afterward.
Taehyung pushed the visitation doors open to reveal only his mother and a bright, box-shaped smile formed on his face, even though he was exhausted. "Mama," Taehyung exclaimed with hoarse excitement, his voice cracking as he rushed forward. Taehyung's mother turned toward the abrupt sound, not recognizing her own son's voice at first, and smiled when she saw Taehyung approaching fast. She opened her arms wide and braced herself for his body's impact. "My baby," she exclaimed as Taehyung's body slammed into her own with a force that could have knocked them over if not for the wall behind her.
"What brings you here, Mama?" Taehyung asked with a hoarse voice and broken words that cracked with each syllable as his mother hugged him tightly. She was silent for a moment, contemplating what she was going to say next. "Why does your voice sound so rough, baby boy?" She asked softly, noticing the bluish hue around his neck but not realizing it was a bruise yet.
Taehyung flushed at the nickname because Jungkook had started referring to him as 'baby boy' more often. "I- I was choked by some lunatic and my voice is taking its time returning to normal," Taehyung explained with more broken words and cracked syllables. His mother gasped as she inspected that blue ring around his neck to see the imprint of fingers that had bruised his sun-kissed flesh. "I'll kill him," his mother professed, tenderly caressing the bruise on Taehyung's throat. He giggled softly, the gesture from his mother more so tickling than a turn on.
"So why are you here, Mama?" Taehyung asked once again, trying to speak as completely as possible. His mother smiled at him and handed him a pristine white, beautifully decorated envelope with golden embellishment and his name written beautifully in her calligraphy. Taehyung immediately knew what this envelope contained as he slowly turned it over to open it. "The soiree," Taehyung noted, remembering the outfit they'd picked out for Jungkook. He opened the invitation, skimming through the information, and sighed softly when his eyes landed on the date.
"It's next Tuesday?" Taehyung asked in disbelief, wondering if Jungkook would even be able to attend at all. "My plus one won't be able to make it this year," Taehyung admitted softly, sorrow evident in his voice. His mother tilted her head in confusion as she folded the invitation back up in Taehyung's hands, cupping her hands around his own and leading him over to a table to sit down. Taehyung took the seat next to his mother as she placed her index finger under his chin to lift his heavy head. "Why can't Jungkook make it, baby boy?" She asked, well aware of who Taehyung was going to bring as his plus one.
Taehyung sniffled softly at the memory of Jungkook protecting him when he needed the protection instead. "The same lunatic that choked me, stabbed Jungkook. He's still recovering and far too weak from exsanguination. He could have died, Mama. He almost did," Taehyung recalled sorrowfully, his voice barely a whisper. His mother gently rubbed his hands in her own and smiled softly. "Why not ask if he will be able to make it? You have ten more days to make sure he gains his strength back, baby. He may still be able to come," his mother reassured as Taehyung nodded softly at her words, a small smile forming across his face as well.
There was a moment of comfortable silence that passed between them before his mother cleared her throat and opened her purse. "So, Tae... H- have you ever thought about having children?" His mother asked, averting her eyes as Taehyung tried to meet her gaze with large, doe eyes. "Wh- what?" Taehyung asked in retort, his mouth dry from the question. His mother seemed just as nervous as she presented him with two small cups with lids. "Y- your father and I do w- want to have grandchildren, you know? A- and with your health failing and your preference for men, we wanted to ensure that there was still a possibility for you to even conceive children," his mother explained awkwardly, embarrassed to be saying this to her own son.
Taehyung's eyes bulged at her words, scrambling for an excuse to get her to stop talking about it. "H- How are you going to carry those cups o- once they're filled... I- I mean... They'll be filled with my..." Taehyung trailed off, disgusted by his own awkward rantings to his mother. "N- nevermind. I- I've considered having children, but I thought it was impossible because I do prefer men?" Taehyung asked reflectively, not sure whether it was a statement or a question.
Taehyung's mother laughed softly at his innocence, placing the cups down on the table. "Through artificial insemination, it is possible that you can have children without having sex with a woman. We'll just have to find a candidate that will be willing to carry your child without the benefit of having sex with you and be willing to hand the child over to you and Jungkook without any complications," his mother explained as Taehyung eyed his mother with confusion.
"What do you mean 'without the benefit' of having sex with me? And I don't know if Jungkook even wants a child, let alone children, Mama," Taehyung clarified, staring at the cups on the table. His mother rolled her eyes at his innocent question before clearing her throat in embarrassment. "Well, you had to be doing something right to tame a fuckboy," his mother elucidated, averting her eyes as Taehyung swallowed hard and flushed bright red at those words. "Besides, you could always ask Jungkook how he feels about having a child or two in the future. He doesn't need to know how far or how close that future is just yet," Taehyung's mother enunciated, turning her gaze back towards him.
Taehyung nodded softly as his mother pushed the cups towards him. "You're lucky that I came instead of your father. He wanted you to find a suitable girl with decent genetics to actually copulate and produce a child," his mother announced softly as she stood to her feet. Taehyung made a face at those words as he stood to his feet as well.
"L- leaving already, Mama? You just got here," Taehyung insisted, suddenly feeling lonely. He hadn't seen Jungkook in almost a week and his mother helped fill that void of loneliness slightly, but now that she was leaving again, it only created a large chasm of loneliness. Taehyung's mother nodded softly, caressing Taehyung's cheek tenderly with her thumb. "Yes, baby boy. I was only supposed to drop off the invitation and the cups. Your father will notice if I've been gone for too long, baby," she stated before walking over towards the door with Taehyung. She hugged him tight and gave him a tender kiss on his forehead before smiling sadly. "Once you fill those two cups, I have about ten more since your father signed for twelve just in case it doesn't work the first few times... And Tae baby," she added, turning to look Taehyung in the eyes. "Try to get clean so that I can see you outside these walls again before you..." His mother trailed off, unable to finish her sentence as tears welled up in her eyes.
This caused tears to spring into Taehyung's eyes as well as he tried to blink them away and swallow the bitter emotion of despair. "Yes, Mama. I'll try my best to get clean again," Taehyung assured, offering a soft smile as his mother nodded and wiped her eyes. She kissed Taehyung's forehead once more and waved before leaving Taehyung alone in that room. The bitter emptiness he felt after her departure on those words was far too much to swallow as he walked over towards the table. He grabbed the invitation and the cups before leaving the room, a heavy atmosphere hanging over him as he navigated his way towards Hyungwon's office and Jungkook.
Jungkook slowly eased himself into a sitting position, his head still reeling as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was supposed to be lunchtime, but the nurse had yet to bring him anything to eat. It wasn't like he could get up and get something to eat himself. He may pass out or worse, end up further damaging his body and that was unacceptable. He'd not been able to have any contact with anyone other than the nurse, let alone physical contact. He could feel the overwhelming hormones urging him to do anything to gain some relief, but he was far too weak to do anything.
He sighed softly, bored out of his mind as he waited for the nurse to come out of his back office. Jungkook had nobody else to talk to while he was trapped here again, so he'd been talking the nurse's ear off in an effort to curb his boredom. He was hoping that one day soon Taehyung would be able to visit him and help fill his time so that his mind wasn't focused on food or pleasure. He could do neither on his own and it really put a damper on the way he felt about his own life right now.
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