42- First Date
Hello, everyone~♡ I won't say much because I have a splitting headache, but I always want to include a personal note to all my lovely readers because you all deserve to know that I love you~♡♡♡ We all know what this chapter has in store from the title and the previous chapter~♡ So I hope that you all will enjoy this lovely little date between Tae and Koo~♡♡♡ There are some minor sexual situations but nothing too serious.:3 I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy~♡
Taehyung and Jungkook walked through the security gates after showing their day passes to the security guard. Taehyung stopped just on the other side of the gate, taking off the blazer he was currently wearing and draping it over Jungkook's shoulders. "You're still recovering, so you should wear it," Taehyung insisted before grabbing Jungkook's hand once again and intertwining their fingers. Jungkook felt how soft and how warm the fabric draped over his shoulders was and he realized Taehyung had warmed it up for him on purpose.
Jungkook leaned over and placed an innocent kiss on Taehyung's cheek as Taehyung led the way to their destination. "Thank you, Tae," he whispered softly, allowing Taehyung to lay his head on his shoulder once again. Taehyung looked so happy when he constantly had contact with any part of Jungkook's body and Jungkook really liked seeing Taehyung so happy.
After a while of walking, Taehyung stopped short in front of an extremely tall building and turned towards Jungkook. Jungkook glanced up towards the top of the building and felt his body reel from the intimidating height of this building. "Wh- what are we doing here?" Jungkook stammered out nervously, never mentioning to Taehyung that he was terrified of heights. "We're going to eat dinner here," Taehyung announced, walking towards the door. Jungkook swallowed hard before realizing that Taehyung was walking towards the building beside it.
Letting out a quiet sigh of relief, Jungkook followed as Taehyung approached the hostess standing at the door. Taehyung mentioned having a reservation already set and what name it would be under as Jungkook watched the woman's expression change completely. Her expression shifted from a forced smile of not caring to be at work to a genuine and super excited smile as she guided them to their table. Jungkook could hear her talking to Taehyung about how his family company was doing and asking when he'd take over or if he was single and still looking. The last question didn't sit right with Jungkook as he grit his teeth and walked over to the chair Taehyung was standing beside.
He pulled the chair out for Taehyung and allowed him to sit before pushing his chair closer to the table. Taehyung smiled up at him and thanked him for being so courteous as Jungkook leaned down and kissed Taehyung tenderly. He pulled back, glaring daggers at the hostess as their eyes met. Taehyung oblivious to the whole exchange as Jungkook took his seat across from Taehyung. Without another word, the hostess placed the menus on their table and left, finally leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone together.
Taehyung smiled as he glanced over at Jungkook before handing him the menu. "Do you think you'd know what you want?" Taehyung asked happily as Jungkook looked over the menu. He stared at the words printed on the menu in a language he wasn't familiar with before glancing over at Taehyung. "No, I don't know what any of these words mean," Jungkook stated as Taehyung chuckled softly. He moved his chair closer to Jungkook's own and explained what each item on the menu entailed as far as what to expect. Jungkook listened intently as he watched Taehyung explain each item, his face seemingly glowing in the dimly lit restaurant. Jungkook's eyes couldn't help but be attracted towards Taehyung as he tried to focus more on his words than his appearance.
Jungkook suddenly felt extremely fortuitous to have someone as precious as Taehyung to be with him. Someone that Jungkook felt added value to his own being as he leaned closer towards Taehyung and kissed him unexpectedly. Taehyung mumbled the last few words of his explanation before kissing Jungkook back with the same intensity. They pulled away from each other, Taehyung's eyes hooded with lust as he cast his gaze down at his own menu and cleared his throat. Neither one wanting to be the person to ruin this date with their hormones. Shortly after their heated kiss, their server approached them and took their drink order with Taehyung ordering a bottle of wine. The server looked uneasy as he cleared his throat, aware of exactly who he was catering to tonight. "I'm sorry, sir. B- but you have to be 21 in order for me to serve you alcohol," the server mentioned, pointing towards the fine print on the menu.
Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance at the server's words and beckoned the server closer. Jungkook could hear Taehyung whispering something incoherent into the server's ear, but he could not discern any of the words being said. The server pulled away from Taehyung with a serious expression, nodding softly before disappearing back into the kitchen area. It wasn't long before the server came back with a bottle of wine and two crystal wine glasses.
Taehyung smiled as the server placed the wine glasses in front of them and popped the cork to their bottle. He poured a little in each glass before shoving the bottle into the ice perched in a bowl across from them. He took their order after Jungkook had finally decided on something with Taehyung ordering Carpaccio and Jungkook ordering Prosciutto.
Taehyung took a small sip of his wine as Jungkook continued to eye him in admiration. "So? How did you actually get him to agree to serve us wine?" Jungkook asked, biting his lip as Taehyung leaned back in his chair and crossed his leg over the other. Jungkook was definitely fighting his inner demons to keep his eyes above Taehyung's waistline with Taehyung's elegant hand resting between his legs. "That's a secret," Taehyung whispered softly, almost sensually as he tried to keep Jungkook from finding out that he had threatened to pull any funding this restaurant received from his family business.
Jungkook nodded softly, taking a sip of his wine as he tried to focus on anything but the way Taehyung was sitting. Jungkook could hear the sound of a string quartet starting up and an idea struck him instantly. Taehyung had impressed him with the restaurant, but maybe Jungkook could impress Taehyung with the way his mother had taught him to dance. He promptly and elegantly rose to his feet, offering Taehyung his hand as he bowed slightly. "Would you care to dance while we wait for our food?" Jungkook asked, watching as Taehyung stared at him with big, doe eyes. Jungkook was a sucker for those eyes as Taehyung nodded softly and took Jungkook's hand without hesitation.
Jungkook immediately whisked Taehyung out onto the dance floor, surprising even Taehyung with his ability to dance. Taehyung had been taught how to dance formally, but Jungkook knew how to lead him perfectly without any hesitation in his steps as Taehyung followed each step magnificently. His body reacting perfectly with Jungkook's flow as Jungkook twirled Taehyung before dipping him. Taehyung felt his breath hitch at how beautifully Jungkook could dance, his back arched in Jungkook's hand before being lifted and spun around again. Taehyung smiled jovially, thoroughly astounded that Jungkook was keeping this skill hidden as Jungkook pulled Taehyung tight against him.
Taehyung groaned softly as the distance between their chests and faces now left their breaths mingling between the two of them. Jungkook dipped Taehyung once more, one of his legs between both Taehyung's own as Taehyung flushed bright red at the rushing sensation before being tugged back into a standing stance. Jungkook could see a lot of eyes on them as he glanced around the crowd and gently pulled Taehyung back over towards their table before he got too excited in front of all these prying eyes. Taehyung in an excited condition was for his eyes only.
Taehyung pulled his inhaler out of his pants pocket as he inhaled a small puff of air to breathe. Jungkook rested his hand on top of Taehyung's free hand as he watched Taehyung carefully. "Are you okay? Did you get too excited or something?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung flushed bright red at that question. Taehyung cleared his throat as he grazed his thumb alongside Jungkook's fingers that rested over his hand. "M- Maybe," Taehyung admitted softly and honestly, shoving his inhaler back into his pocket. "I- It's just that I was exceptionally impressed by how beautifully you danced. I- I've never been conducted so gracefully by someone else before... It felt nice for a change, not having to be the one to lead," Taehyung admitted, offering a shy smile.
Jungkook smiled back and leaned closer towards Taehyung, caressing the soft and smooth skin on the back of Taehyung's hand. "You can thank my mom for that," Jungkook noted, chuckling softly as their server approached them hastily with their food. "She was the one that taught me how to dance," Jungkook added, pointing towards their food as the server laid Taehyung's plate in front of him first. He promptly placed Jungkook's food in front of him, poured them each a bit more wine, and left them in peace once more. Taehyung picked up his fork and collected a bit of the raw meat on his fork before holding it out towards Jungkook. "Well, I'll need to thank your mother then," Taehyung stated, holding his hand underneath the food in case any might fall. "Go ahead and try a bite," Taehyung insisted, urging the fork in Jungkook's direction.
Jungkook slowly and elegantly closed his mouth around Taehyung's fork, taking the food offered to him. He moaned softly at the delicious taste that spread throughout his mouth as he collected some of his food onto his fork and held it out towards Taehyung. Taehyung flushed slightly at Jungkook's gesture, not expecting the younger to do the same towards him as Jungkook urged the fork closer to Taehyung's lips. Taehyung leaned forward slightly and took the food offered to him, closing his eyes as the flavor burst forth in his mouth. They took turns feeding each other the food they'd ordered until it was almost all gone. Taehyung could feel the excitement he felt on the dance floor reignite within his stomach as Jungkook touched his hand every time he took the food off of Taehyung's fork.
Taehyung found this rather odd at the moment, wondering why every little thing Jungkook was doing turned him into a puddle of raging hormones and need. Taehyung had to excuse himself to the bathroom once they were done eating their dinner, trying not to ruin their date as he tucked his growing erection up into his waistband. While it wasn't completely comfortable, he hoped that it wouldn't be noticeable enough to halt his plans for this date. He quickly made his way back towards the table, taking his seat next to Jungkook as he smiled. He didn't realize when they'd moved so close together, but Taehyung wasn't complaining as he took a sip of wine.
"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked, placing his silverware down next to his plate. Taehyung nodded softly as he tilted his head. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" Taehyung asked, rubbing his hands against his slacks to keep his mind preoccupied. Jungkook shook his head with a soft smile. "No reason. You just looked uncomfortable for a moment," Jungkook noted as Taehyung laughed nervously.
Taehyung shook his head at Jungkook's keen observation, trying to deny anything that would ruin everything else he had in store for Jungkook. "No, I was just wondering if you wanted dessert?" Taehyung asked, successfully deflecting attention away from himself as Jungkook thought for a moment. Finally, after some consideration, Jungkook shook his head. "No, I'm fine without dessert tonight," Jungkook stated as Taehyung nodded softly. Taehyung promptly paid the bill after that and they set off towards their next destination. A destination that Jungkook wasn't quite aware of as Taehyung grabbed his hand and firmly navigated the way toward.
Jungkook could smell the delightful and delicious scent of buttered popcorn in the air as they slowly approached their next destination. Bright colorful lights illuminated tall structures against the dark night sky as Jungkook realized their next destination was a carnival. This time, rather than being intimidated by the height of the structures, Jungkook was excited and giddy like a small child as they stood in line to purchase their tickets. He bounced on the balls of his feet, tugging on Taehyung every now and then as Taehyung chuckled. Even with the freezing cold night air enveloping them, Taehyung didn't feel a single bit cold as Jungkook held his hand firmly yet tenderly.
Taehyung purchased the specific tickets that this carnival sold as they entered the grounds, Jungkook's eyes gleaming with excitement. Taehyung couldn't help but feel breathless staring at Jungkook as his eyes shone brighter than the lights all around them. "What shall we ride first?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook pulled them over towards a ride that went upside down in a giant loop. Taehyung noticed that it would stop at the top with everyone upside down for a few seconds before going backwards and doing the same thing until the ride was over.
Taehyung swallowed hard as they took their seats on the ride. He gripped Jungkook's hand even tighter as the ride began, Jungkook noticing the tension in Taehyung's grip. He hastily wrapped his arms around Taehyung and held onto him tightly with a smile. "It's fun, I promise," Jungkook shouted over the screaming around them as Taehyung leaned into Jungkook. They rode several different rides after that one, all of which Taehyung clung to Jungkook as if his life depended on it. After each ride, Jungkook was noticing that Taehyung was stopping to use his inhaler as he pulled Taehyung close to him and wrapped his arms tightly around Taehyung's waist.
"Hey, it's getting pretty cold and you get sick relatively easily. Don't think I haven't noticed you using your inhaler more. Why don't we call it a night?" Jungkook asked, noticing how flush Taehyung's cheeks were from the cold that threatened to ruin their night. Taehyung shook his head before checking his watch and glancing over towards the Ferris wheel. "One more ride," Taehyung insisted, grabbing Jungkook's hand as he directed them over towards the cotton candy concession stand first. It wasn't quite time for the finale to their date and Taehyung needed this date to end with a bang.
They each ordered a large cotton candy, Taehyung's pink and Jungkook's blue as they plucked pieces off and fed those pieces to each other. Taehyung navigating them towards the Ferris wheel as they plucked at their cotton candy and continued to feed each other playfully. Taehyung shoving some of his cotton candy into Jungkook's mouth before laughing as Jungkook missed his mouth and shoved the cotton candy against Taehyung's cheek. Jungkook promptly kissed Taehyung's cheek with a warm smile, licking his lips as Taehyung watched. "Tastes sweet," Jungkook joked playfully as they finally made their way to the front of the line. Taehyung glanced at his watch once more, grateful that there was one car left for them to sit in as the conductor opened the door for them.
Jungkook hastily climbed into the car as Taehyung stopped near the conductor and leaned close to whisper in his ear. Jungkook watched as Taehyung spoke animatedly with the conductor but again, couldn't discern any of the words being spoken. Jungkook then noticed Taehyung pull something small out of his pocket and realized Taehyung was paying the conductor money for some reason before climbing into the small cart with Jungkook.
Jungkook couldn't fight the question from coming out of his mouth as they began to move. "What did you pay him for?" Jungkook asked, skeptical as to what Taehyung was planning. Taehyung smiled as he gripped Jungkook's hand, his rosy cheeks illuminated in the darkness as Jungkook swallowed hard. "You'll see," Taehyung urged gently as he intertwined his cold fingers with Jungkook's own. Jungkook pulled Taehyung close to him, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's shoulders as Taehyung snuggled into Jungkook pleasantly. Right at midnight as Taehyung checked his watch yet again, Jungkook noticed they stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel. Wondering what was going on, Jungkook glanced around only to hear a loud bang ring out across the silent night sky causing him to flinch violently.
Jungkook glanced up as Taehyung did to see bright displays of color spread out across the deep dark purple and blue sky as the color fizzled out. Jungkook watched as bursts of color would periodically illuminate the sky before finally realizing what Taehyung had paid the conductor for now. Jungkook tilted Taehyung's head up to look him in the eyes as fireworks illuminated their faces with beautiful color. Jungkook could see the sparkle of the fireworks in Taehyung's eyes as he leaned down and kissed him deeply.
Taehyung gripped the back of his blazer that Jungkook wore tightly in his fingers as his emotions got the best of him. Jungkook could feel tears slipping past Taehyung's cheeks as he kissed him, slowly pulling away to wipe his tears away. "Why are you crying, Tae?" Jungkook asked, realizing his voice had cracked with emotion too. He'd never been treated like a prince before and Taehyung was certainly proving to him that he should have agreed to date Taehyung sooner.
Taehyung sniffled as he laughed through his tears that were hardening against his rosy cheeks. "I've never been so happy," Taehyung admitted softly, although Jungkook could hear him clearly over all the noise. "You make me so happy," Taehyung added as Jungkook nodded softly in agreement, wiping his own eyes of any stray tears. It was the first time Jungkook had ever become emotional over being satisfied with someone. "I love you," Jungkook blurted out before realizing what he'd said, laughing softly at his own emotional state.
Taehyung froze next to Jungkook, his eyes wide as he stared at Jungkook in disbelief. He wasn't sure if he'd heard that right as Jungkook met Taehyung's shocked gaze with his own stunned gaze. He'd finally realized the words that had left his mouth and Taehyung wasn't saying those three little words back. "Y- You what?" Taehyung asked, swallowing the cold air thickly as Jungkook cleared his throat. "You heard me," was the only answer Taehyung received as Jungkook felt his world spiral out of control. He'd admitted something to Taehyung that he hadn't even acknowledged himself until today and the tension was inevitable as Taehyung hesitated in saying the words back to him.
Before Jungkook could ask if Taehyung would forget he ever said those words, Taehyung pressed his lips firmly against Jungkook's own surprising the younger extensively. Taehyung's cold lips melded against Jungkook's with passion and fervor that Jungkook didn't think he'd feel cold again tonight as Taehyung's hands roamed Jungkook's chest. He was desperately trying to keep his hands above Jungkook's waist as more tears rolled down his cheeks. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss as Taehyung cried more, cupping the elder's face to wipe his tears away with his thumbs before they dried to his rosy cheeks. "I love you too," Taehyung sobbed out, trying his best to smile. "I- I wanted to say it sooner, b- but I was terrified," Taehyung admitted through his tears as Jungkook laughed softly.
"God, I love you so much," Taehyung cried out once again, sniffling as Jungkook pressed their lips together once again. A slow, tender kiss slowly escalating into a passionate, heated kiss that had both of them panting when they pulled away. "Fuck, I told myself I'd control my hormones today, but I want you so bad," Jungkook whispered breathily in Taehyung's ear, nipping Taehyung's ear lobe. Jungkook could feel how ice cold Taehyung's skin felt as he slowly withdrew from Taehyung while they gradually descended from the top of the Ferris wheel. "When we get back, I'll warm you up," Jungkook announced, a devious smirk spreading across his lips as Taehyung's already rosy cheeks turned a darker shade of red.
Once their cart was on the ground and they'd dismounted, Taehyung deeply bowed to the conductor, grateful his date worked better than he'd intended. Jungkook bowed slightly to the conductor as well before grabbing Taehyung's hand and leading them back in the direction of the gate. Jungkook was now determined to treat Taehyung to a night full of passion and love as they exited the carnival. He made sure Taehyung used his inhaler while they walked back to their reform school, noticing that Taehyung hadn't used it once on the Ferris wheel. Although Jungkook wasn't exceedingly knowledgeable about Taehyung's condition, he could tell that the cold weather only exasperated his ailment and Jungkook realized just how cold it truly was, when tiny, white crystalline flakes started to fall from the deep galaxy blue sky all around them.
Both Taehyung and Jungkook glanced up at the falling snow, before glancing at each other with nothing but love. Jungkook taking the opportune moment to kiss Taehyung in the falling snow as flakes began to stick to their hair and clothes. Even though Taehyung was freezing cold and shivering, he didn't hesitate to cup Jungkook's face with his icy hands and kiss Jungkook back with a passion that made them both light-headed.
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