32- Petty Theft
Hello, all you beautiful people~♡♡♡ I hope that you have all been well and living your best lives.:3 That would definitely make me incredibly happy to hear.:3 I plan on going through Amazon to self-publish once I've done enough research, would you guys still support this story? Or should I try with one of the other stories I've created here? Please let me know~♡🥺 Because it is being heavily considered.:3 This chapter does have sexual content and theft, so please read at your own risk~♡♡♡ I hope that you all will enjoy the latest installment~♡♡♡
Taehyung held up the oversized, billowy black shirt to Jungkook as he smiled with satisfaction. He appreciated this look for Jungkook and it also assisted in diverting attention from the reality that Jungkook was still sporting a hard-on. "You're a real tease, you know that?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as the elderly tailor returned to their room with a slender, leather corset and slim fitted black slacks.
Jungkook stared at the items with wide eyes before side glancing Taehyung with a stern expression. Jungkook groaned softly as he continued to stare at the corset and pants that the tailor had brought to them. "Do I have to try them on...?" Jungkook asked softly, nervously glancing at the tailor before turning his attention back towards Taehyung. Taehyung opened his mouth in an 'O' shape before turning towards the tailor. "Would you mind if he tried these on without you present? You can stand right outside the door, but he's shy in front of others," Taehyung lied blatantly, clasping his hands together politely.
The seamster nodded his head as he handed the articles of clothing off to Taehyung with a smile. Taehyung waited until the seamster was outside the door to turn towards Jungkook with the clothes. "Now, do you want to try them on?" Taehyung asked with a boxy smile as he handed the clothes to Jungkook. Jungkook sighed with exasperation, rolling his eyes as he snatched the clothing from Taehyung's hands. "If I really have to," he answered annoyed, rolling his eyes again as he turned his back to Taehyung. Taehyung smiled gleefully, waiting for Jungkook to start changing into his new clothes. Taehyung was excited to see how they'd look on Jungkook and if Taehyung liked them, he was going to buy them for him.
Jungkook sighed once more and removed his shirt, throwing on the billowy black shirt that Taehyung had picked off the rack moments ago. Taehyung smiled as he wrapped the corset around Jungkook's slender waist, his face nestling between the conjunction of Jungkook's neck and shoulder. Jungkook glanced over in alarm as they came face-to-face, the two staring into each other's eyes for a brief moment. Taehyung smiled as he finished clasping the buttons on the corset and pulled away to lace up the back, making sure it was nice and tight to accentuate Jungkook's own curves.
Jungkook felt stiff in that corset, noticing that he wouldn't be able to properly take his pants off. He was barely able to unbutton and unzip his own pants, let alone push them off his hips to try on the new pair. Taehyung smiled as he casually sauntered up in front of Jungkook, glancing at the open flap of Jungkook's pants. "I could help you, you know," Taehyung announced, smirking slightly as his top canine tooth sunk into his bottom lip, tugging on it. Jungkook swallowed hard, aware of what Taehyung was talking about as he glanced towards the door. "What if he hears us?" Jungkook asked, whispering frantically. "Or asks what's taking us so long?"
Taehyung giggled softly as he slowly lowered himself to his knees, his hands gliding from Jungkook's chest down to his thighs. Jungkook shivered violently at how pleasing that felt, goosebumps scattering across his skin. "Well then, you're just going to have to keep quiet," Taehyung whispered seductively, his hands now concentrated on wriggling Jungkook's hips out of his tight pants. Taehyung managed to drop Jungkook's pants to a puddle around his ankles, drooping the waistband of Jungkook's boxers down enough to free his erection from any constraints with a soft smile. Jungkook stood there nervously, watching Taehyung as their eyes met with an intensity that Jungkook wasn't used to observing in Taehyung.
Taehyung leaned closer to Jungkook's tip, their eyes never leaving each other as Taehyung gave a soft lick to Jungkook's tip. Jungkook's knees almost buckled under the sudden pleasure coursing through him as Taehyung's hands elegantly caught Jungkook's hips. They proceeded to stare into each other's eyes with a burning passion as Taehyung's mouth enclosed around Jungkook's tip. Jungkook let out a low groan as Taehyung's tongue swiveled around Jungkook's head before delving further down Jungkook's length. Jungkook watched as Taehyung accepted as much as he could handle of Jungkook's cock into the back of his throat.
Taehyung moaned softly around Jungkook's tip, sending wave upon wave of pleasure rippling throughout Jungkook as his hand grasped Taehyung's hair roughly. Taehyung's eyes never once left Jungkook's own as he continued to bounce his head up and down Jungkook's length deliberately slow, one of his delicate hands clasping the base of Jungkook's cock. He slowly and gently twisted his hand counterclockwise, while his tongue made small clockwise circles around Jungkook's sensitive tip as he proceeded to bounce his head along Jungkook's length. Jungkook's grasp tightened in Taehyung's hair as he started to see stars, his vision hazing over as he panted heavily. "F- fuck... Tae. Wh- where d- did you learn th- this?" Jungkook asked through ragged breaths, his legs shaking with the anticipation of his impending release.
Taehyung knew Jungkook was close to that edge as his body trembled with the mounting pleasure. He couldn't give up now, not even with the seamster knocking on the door to check in on them. Jungkook's ragged breathing left him in no condition to answer either as he shoved Taehyung further onto his cock without realizing he was choking him. Taehyung proceeded to suck Jungkook off even though he was gagging on Jungkook's length shoved deep down his throat. He could tell Jungkook was relishing the constriction of his throat as he gagged on him though, Jungkook's eyebrows knitting together in painful, yet sinful pleasure. Taehyung felt tears accumulate in the corners of his eyes as his throat squeezed around Jungkook's cock. Taehyung pushed back on Jungkook's hips slightly, glancing up at Jungkook with tearful eyes as he continued to suck Jungkook's cock like it was a lollipop. Jungkook bit his lower lip as Taehyung continued to bob his head up and down Jungkook's length, his tongue stopping to play with Jungkook's slit every now and then.
Jungkook panted softly, his hips gradually thrusting into Taehyung's mouth with his imminent release. His grip in Taehyung's hair twisted slightly, jerking his head back so that their eyes were locked on each other and Taehyung couldn't look away from him. "You're so fucking beautiful like that," Jungkook noted, panting as Taehyung's tongue caressed his smooth underside. Jungkook's eyes were narrowed with a mixture of pain and pleasure, his free hand caressing the side of Taehyung's face. "I'm close, Tae, but it's not enough..." Jungkook trailed off as Taehyung nodded softly. Taehyung knew what Jungkook meant as he closed his eyes and mentally prepared himself. With that, Jungkook reared back and thrust forward into Taehyung's mouth harshly.
Taehyung made a loud strangled sound of being choked as Jungkook continued to fuck his mouth. They didn't hear the door open from the concern of the semester as he witnessed the scene in front of him. Jungkook moaned softly into the silence, Taehyung suffocating harder on Jungkook's cum that coated the back of his throat now. He couldn't quite swallow yet with Jungkook still shallowly thrusting into the back of his throat to milk his cock, Taehyung's eyes squeezed shut with the pain.
Before Jungkook could sigh with relief and pull away from Taehyung, Jungkook was roughly shoved away from him and barely able to cover himself back up by swiftly jerking his pants up around his hips. "Get away from him! You're choking him," the elderly seamster cried, watching as Taehyung fell onto his hands coughing wildly. It was a good thing the seamster didn't see what they were actually doing as he stood between Jungkook and Taehyung, thinking he was saving Taehyung. Taehyung clutched his throat with one of his hands as he continued to cough roughly, waving that same hand after a few moments.
With the airflow returning to Taehyung's lungs now, he reached out for the seamster as he shook his head. "N- no," he answered in a hoarse voice that cracked, his eyes pleading with the seamster. Jungkook was silent with embarrassment as his eyes wandered from the seamster back to Taehyung before slowly picking the new pair of pants up from off the floor along with the shirt he'd worn previously. While Taehyung had the seamster distracted, with a slight struggle, Jungkook was finally able to button and zip his pants back up. Noticing the bags they'd previously carried into the store for Yeontan by the couch, Jungkook cautiously approached to collect those too as he absentmindedly placed the pants he was supposed to try on into one of the multiple bags. He then proceeded to watch as the elderly man tended to Taehyung to make sure Taehyung was okay before casually taking a few steps back towards the open door without notice. Yeontan stretched and hopped off the small divan, following after Jungkook without any notice as well.
Taehyung sat back on his legs momentarily, deeply inhaling as his coughing slowly died down. He glanced at the seamster with wary eyes as he wondered what the elderly man had seen. Jungkook met Taehyung's eyes in a split instance as Taehyung bolted to his own feet. Before the elderly man could react to the sudden movement, Taehyung was already by Jungkook and gripping his arm in a panic. Without another word, they both darted from the dressing room with the merchandise Taehyung had originally intended to purchase. All the while the seamster was shouting for someone to stop them before they left the store.
Taehyung trudged heavily down the sidewalk after they'd made it a safe distance from the store they'd just shoplifted from. "I can't believe I've become a petty thief because I couldn't keep my hands to myself..." Taehyung whined, staring at the shirt and corset that Jungkook was still wearing from the store. Jungkook offered a small smile as he gently caressed Taehyung's cheek. "Look, if anyone is the petty thief, it's me. Okay? I'm wearing most of the shit that was stolen, not to mention the pants are in one of these bags," Jungkook mumbled softly, trying to cheer Taehyung up. "And hey, we at least paid for the stuff we got for Yeontan. It's not like we stole a lot," Jungkook added softly, pulling his hand away from Taehyung's cheek. Jungkook then leaned down to scoop Yeontan up off the ground as he followed after them, the action catching Taehyung's attention.
Taehyung looked over the apparel Jungkook still displayed, noticing that it wasn't weather appropriate for the chilly wind that brushed past them. "Aren't you freezing in that though? It isn't much for keeping the cold wind off of you and it is pretty cold already," Taehyung noted, staring at the sleeves billowing with the wind around them. Jungkook forced the shiver that ran up his spine away, shaking his head instead with a flourished smile. "Not at all," he lied, reaching down to grab Taehyung's hand. "I kind of like the ensemble now anyway. It's grown on me," he added, trying to distract himself as they walked hand in hand. Taehyung could feel the heat draining from his hand as Jungkook's ice-cold fingers enveloped his own hand, but he said nothing more on the matter. He knew Jungkook was trying to distract him from asking any more questions about him.
Instead, Taehyung leaned his head against Jungkook's arm to try and warm him up in some way. "Thank you for going shopping with me," Taehyung whispered softly, glancing up at Jungkook's face to read his expression. "It means a lot to me that you'd help me shop for Yeontan," Taehyung added with a soft smile, squeezing Jungkook's hand tenderly. Jungkook glanced down at Taehyung, the serene look of happiness on Taehyung's face stealing the breath right out of Jungkook's lungs. He couldn't understand what was happening to him, but he knew Taehyung was the one responsible for it.
"It was no problem," Jungkook whispered, clearing his throat as heat rushed to his cheeks. He turned his head away from Taehyung in defiance to try and let himself calm down. All he knew was that Taehyung was causing him to do, think, and say crazy things without him realizing it. Jungkook needed that kind of control over him to cease. Nobody had ever held this kind of power over him and he was going to find a way to put an end to it.
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