28- Hoseok's Dilemma
Hello, everyone~♡ I hope you all are well~♡ I am currently sleepy, but I wanted to fulfill my promise to you all about the double update for skipping that one week.:3 It's mostly a filler chapter to move things along, so there's really nothing triggering in this chapter~♡ But either way, still read at your own discretion because of previous and future chapters.xD Well, I hope this isn't too shitty a chapter and I hope that you all enjoy this update~♡ Also, thank you, everyone, for the 4.7k views~♡♡♡♡ You all have no idea how much that means to me already~♡♡♡ Thank you so much and I love you all~♡♡
Jungkook slowly shifted around and laid Taehyung back down in the bed after cleaning him and dressing him in a new gown that the nurse had offered him. Jungkook pulled his shirt and pants back on with a smug smirk as he stretched his back. "You enjoy the show?" Jungkook asked, sneering as he followed behind the nurse.
The nurse sighed with exasperation, trying to avoid the question as he picked Yeontan up off the ground. He examined Yeontan's soft, fluffy fur as he stared into the puppy's humanly emotional eyes. "You're a bad influence, you know that? Dogs? They're not allowed on campus, but because the dog now belongs to Taehyung, they are not going to do anything about it. Unless they want to risk pissing him off. I mean, he will be the future of his family's company," the nurse stated, turning to hand Yeontan to Jungkook. "He could easily cut their funding once he takes the office from his father."
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the nurse, gently ruffling Yeontan's fur as he softly placed the pup on the bed next to Taehyung. Yeontan's initial response was to snuggle deep into Taehyung's side and curl up beside him, laying his head down and closing his eyes. Jungkook smiled at the cute gesture as he turned his attention back towards the nurse. "Is that why he can get away with so much more than anybody else?" Jungkook asked as the nurse turned his back towards Jungkook once more.
"I suppose," the nurse answered, shrugging indifferently as he turned to glance at Taehyung and Yeontan sleeping together before turning his back towards them once more. Jungkook's anger flared for some reason as he choked back on his jealousy, although his words were still sharp like a knife. "What? You still have the image of his naked body engraved in your brain to jerk off to later?" Jungkook asked smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. Jungkook knew the nurse was watching Taehyung the entire duration of their intimate moment and that didn't sit well with Jungkook at all.
The nurse quickly turned on Jungkook, poking him hard in the chest with his index finger as he stared Jungkook down. "Stop mentioning that, now. I know I shouldn't have watched, I feel guilty enough as it stands. Bring it up one more time and I'll make sure you stay detained in this school until the day you graduate. And I don't see that ensuing anytime soon with all your skipping classes and fooling around," the nurse threatened, glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook's anger raged wildly behind his irises, gripping the nurse by the lapels of his lab coat and shoving him into the wall behind them.
"You do that and I'll make sure everyone here knows you like watching a young man, damn near a child to you, fuck another person," Jungkook threatened back, his eyes glowing with the rage that pierced the nurse's very core of existence. "I know which one of us you were watching and your focus was zeroed in on Tae," Jungkook added, the nurse staring at him in absolute horror. "I will fucking bury you."
The nurse cleared his throat in an attempt to break away from Jungkook's grasp as he nodded numbly. "Got it. Just please quit bringing it up?" the nurse asked, trying to reign in his fear of Jungkook. He'd never seen someone's eyes so alive with resentment before, even though they had students who needed to regulate their anger. "H- have you been attending your anger management classes, at least?" The nurse asked, pushing a rough hand through his blond hair.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, the fire still blazing intensely behind his eyes as he heard a soft moan from Taehyung. He shoved the nurse harder against the wall before completely releasing him and turned towards a groggy Taehyung that was trying to sit up in bed. "Hey, hey," Jungkook greeted, quickly walking back over towards Taehyung and urging him to stay under the blankets. "You don't need to get up just yet. You really should just rest more than anything," Jungkook suggested as Taehyung cutely rubbed his sleepy eyes at Jungkook. He blinked a couple of times before leaning forward on Jungkook's shoulder and dragging him into the bed with him.
"T- Tae?! I- I need to get up! I- I have to... attend my anger management class," Jungkook cried out the lie, struggling as Taehyung's body felt like nothing but dead weight against him. He realized that Taehyung had already fallen back to sleep but he couldn't stay here all day. He had things to do, drugs to take and he couldn't very well do that under the supervision of the nurse. Plus, he was starting to feel uncomfortable with Taehyung's body laid completely against his own, his hands wanting to roam Taehyung's body as Jungkook mentally denying them that privilege.
The nurse stared at the two of them, rolling his eyes as he turned away only to see Hoseok standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" The nurse asked as Jungkook peeked over Taehyung's arm wrapped firmly around his shoulders to see who he was addressing his question to. Jungkook threw his head back into the pillows when he saw his roommate, his thoughts racing a mile a minute.
Hoseok made a face as he approached Taehyung and Jungkook, staring at the nurse all the while. "Rude. Just rude. Why do you work here again? Is tormenting your patients at the hospital not enough? You have to torment the students now too?" Hoseok asked as the nurse rolled his eyes. Hoseok stopped in front of the bed, glancing over Jungkook as he sighed heavily. "You know it's a real nuisance when I have to come find you and drag your lazy ass to your classes, right?" Hoseok asked annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down at Jungkook nestled comfortably under Taehyung.
Hoseok's eyes narrowed further as Taehyung moaned softly and snuggled his face further into the crook of Jungkook's neck. Hoseok felt the flames of jealousy lick at his heart as he grabbed Taehyung roughly by his arm and pulled him back away from Jungkook without realizing how rough he had been. "Hey! Watch how you treat him," Jungkook shouted, shoving Hoseok's hand away from Taehyung's arm in defense of the helpless sleeping beauty.
Taehyung groaned softly before retracting his arm underneath him and slowly lifting himself from the bed. He slowly sat up, tucking his legs off to the sides of his outer thighs, one hand between his thighs and the other rubbing one of his sleepy eyes, Taehyung looked up at Hoseok and whined softly. "What did I do?" Taehyung asked sleepily, snatching Hoseok's and Jungkook's hearts straight out of their chests. Both Jungkook and Hoseok floundered for words as Taehyung's eyes shifted back and forth between them.
Hoseok finally cleared his throat, patting Taehyung on his head tenderly. "It's nothing that you did, Tae. I was just irritable with Jungkook here because I have to retrieve his lazy ass for his classes," Hoseok explained, deciding to withhold the jealousy part of his explanation. Jungkook glared up at Hoseok before turning his attention back towards a cute and sleepy Taehyung. "He lies, Tae. I was just about to leave for my anger management class," Jungkook lied as Taehyung laid his heavy head on Jungkook's broad shoulder.
Taehyung smiled sleepily up at Jungkook through his dark lashes, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's arm. "That's good," he answered groggily, rubbing his head against Jungkook's shoulder. "You need to attend those classes to get out of here, right?" Taehyung asked softly as Jungkook nodded solemnly. "Then you should go," Taehyung announced, lifting his heavy head off of Jungkook's shoulder with an innocent smile. "I know you don't like it here, so getting out as soon as possible would be good for you."
For some reason, Jungkook felt hurt by those words. Hurt and guilt as he stared at Taehyung with wide eyes. "I- is that what you want?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung laid back down and snuggled under the blankets. Taehyung looked up at Jungkook with sorrowful eyes and he knew that Taehyung was only being kind. "I only want what's best for you, Kookie. Whatever you want to do, I'll support your decision," Taehyung stated softly, closing his eyes. He was feeling indescribably sleepy as he drifted off to sleep before Jungkook could utter another word.
Jungkook was amazed at how quickly Taehyung had fallen asleep as he glanced back over at Hoseok. Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he gestured for Jungkook to start his journey towards the open door. "Fine, fine, I'm going," Jungkook announced annoyed, climbing out of the bed beside Taehyung. "Pain in my ass," Jungkook uttered under his breath, almost silently.
"What was that?" Hoseok asked annoyed, his razor-sharp hearing catching something airy, but not fully coherent. Jungkook swiftly smiled at Hoseok as he continued to walk towards the door. "Nothing," Jungkook blurted out loudly, quickly turning the corner to escape Hoseok's death glare. Hoseok grumbled under his breath as he followed Jungkook out of the room and down the hall towards his class to ensure he attended.
Jungkook sat on the very edge of a semi-circle facing one single chair with his arms crossed over his chest. "I can't believe I've been subject to this," he grumbled under his breath as his other classmates started to file inside. The teacher tilted his head at Jungkook, checking his roster as he glanced back at the unfamiliar raven-haired student once more. "Ah! You must be Jungkook, correct?" He asked curiously as Jungkook turned a cutting glare in his teacher's direction out of annoyance.
"Yes," he answered shortly, his eyes narrowing further as he turned his head back to the front. The teacher motioned for all of his pupils to take their seats as he walked towards the one single chair that all of theirs were facing. Jungkook turned his head away from the center of the room in his anger, ignoring everything the teacher might have had to say to him.
Hoseok peeked around the door frame of the nurse's office, noticing that Taehyung was still sleeping. He glanced back at Yoongi, who shrugged and walked forward into the nurse's office, dragging Hoseok behind him. "There is absolutely no need for you to be creeping around, Hobi. He's your friend too," Yoongi stated, exasperated as they approached the bed. Taehyung was buried deep under the blankets, only tuffs of his hair visible to them as Yoongi noticed a small dog curled into the side of the blanket.
Yoongi tilted his head up at Hoseok as he shrugged in confusion. He didn't remember seeing the small pup when he was present earlier to drag Jungkook to class, but then again, he was more focused on the fact that Taehyung was cuddling Jungkook. "Tae," Yoongi spoke softly to him, shaking the mass of blankets around him. "Are you okay?" Yoongi asked with concern as both of them glanced at each other nervously.
"It's best you just let him sleep," the nurse called out to them, stepping out of his back office. "He's had a rough day from multiple events and he's still sick. He doesn't recover easily," the nurse informed them, sighing as he approached the bed himself. Yoongi gently pulled the blankets down from Taehyung's face to allow him to breathe easier, but a small whine with a jerk of the blankets and Taehyung's face was fully covered once more.
Hoseok laughed softly at Taehyung as Yoongi glanced over at him. Yoongi bit his lip at the soft look that Hoseok's face adorned, gripping Hoseok's hand in uncertainty. Hoseok glanced over at Yoongi with the same smile, unaware of the apprehensive glance Yoongi tossed his way before he smiled and allowed Hoseok to kiss his cheek. Yoongi laughed nervously alongside Hoseok, trying his best to stifle his sentiments of skepticism.
Yoongi stood beside the man he'd offered his heart so voluntarily towards with so much anxiety and fear clenched tightly between their hands. Yoongi didn't understand why Hoseok chose to suffer beside him when his passions were so obviously concentrated on Taehyung. Yoongi's fingers tightened their grip around Hoseok's hand, his nails digging into the side of Hoseok's hand in anguish as Hoseok finally peeked over at Yoongi with concern.
"Everything okay, love?" Hoseok asked softly, dragging his gaze completely away from Taehyung. Yoongi struggled to conceal the emotions of sudden sorrow and guilt as he nodded softly, his eyes misting over. He glanced at Hoseok with watery eyes, Hoseok finally detecting the raw, private emotions of anguish Yoongi carried with him. "I- I'm fine," Yoongi squeezed out in an unstable voice before letting go of Hoseok's hand and hastily dashing out of the nurse's office.
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