26- News Flash
Hello, everyone~♡ How are you all today? I hope you all are well~♡ Please forgive this chapter, it's a filler and slowly making better plot points.:3 Although some of the information in this chapter is imperative to the story.xD This chapter has minor mention of sexual activity, so please be advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all enjoy this next chapter and don't hesitate to critic me either~♡ Also, don't forget that I love you all~♡♡♡♡
Taehyung straightened himself up before entering the visiting room, still dressed in the gown from the nurse's office. He was instructed by the nurse to return immediately after meeting with his parents. He shut the door quietly behind him, clearing his throat to inform his parents of his presence.
His mother turned away from the window that allowed them to see out into the courtyard. "Baby," she exclaimed happily, rushing over and wrapping her arms around Taehyung in a tight hug. He happily hugged her back, gently patting her hand as he smiled softly. "Hi, mama. It's good to see you! To what do I owe this visit?" Taehyung asked, shifting his attitude more towards his father now.
His father turned towards his wife and son, clearing his throat as he raised an eyebrow. "What's with the mood towards me?" he asked, noticing the discrepancy between each of their greetings. "You're all sunshine and rainbows with your mother but I don't get any of that," his father opposed, trying to get Taehyung to realize the tension between them. Taehyung sighed loudly, patting his mother's hand once again as he tilted his head. "Well, Papa, I wouldn't be so tense around you if I didn't always have to be perfect in front of you. Let's face it, I'm far from perfection to your standards and always will be," Taehyung declared, walking towards the table to take a seat.
His mother followed close behind him, gently patting his shoulder as she glanced at her husband with pleading eyes. She wanted this visit with Taehyung to be pleasant and not end with Taehyung hating his father's existence. Taehyung took a seat and gestured for his father to sit across from him. "Let's talk, shall we? What's on today's agenda for this surprise visit?" Taehyung asked, resting his elbow on the table in front of him. He rested his chin in the palm of his hand as if he was bored and met his father's intense gaze.
"Well, Tae," his mother started speaking, gently rubbing his shoulders. She knew the news would only strain his already physically drained body as she continued. "Your father decided that finding you a partner without your consent was best for you because he doesn't think this crush will last long," his mother explained softly, casting her husband a cutting glare. Taehyung withdrew from his mother's touch subconsciously, hurt by his father undermining their promise. "H- how could you do that?! I- I don't want to be with anybody I don't love! I already told you this," Taehyung cried, standing to his feet in defiance.
"I- I won't be a part of this," Taehyung expressed, his blood boiling with anger as he clenched his fists at his side. His father stepped forward, towards Taehyung with a smug look of enthusiasm. "Oh? Is that so? Well, it doesn't look like you have much of a choice, Taehyung. You can either be in love with a crack head and run the company by yourself or marry a respectable man, who will, in turn, help you run our company," Taehyung's father announced, shoving his hands inside the crisp pockets of his finely pressed slacks. "I supported you when you came out saying that you didn't want to marry a woman or anyone who identified as a woman, whatever the hell that means. So, I took it upon myself to make sure to include that only males need to respond. You should be grateful."
Taehyung's mouth fell open in disappointment as he slowly backed away from his father. "You're auctioning me off like some whore?! I- I can't believe you! Y- you- You can't do this," Taehyung cried, sorrow evident in his voice as tears built up behind his glassy eyes. "Y- you're so heartless! How would you feel if you were forced to marry someone you didn't love?!"
Taehyung's father cleared his throat as he skimmed his foot across the floor. "I do not believe your mother and I loved each other at first. Although, things changed shortly after you were born," his father explained matter- of- fact. Taehyung felt his heart clench uncomfortably and he couldn't distinguish the pain from being heartbroken or whether it was pain from his asthma and possessing bronchitis at the moment. "You're a monster," Taehyung whispered softly, trying to force the emotion in his voice back.
"Be that as it may, you are still to be married by your 18th birthday. So, I've just helped speed up the process, have I not? You will be 18 in a little over a year now and if you want to get to know your guy before marriage, you'll have ample opportunity once the interviews are conducted when you feel better. We'll be back in three to four business days to check on your health once again. You make sure to try and get well in that amount of time or we'll keep coming back to pester you," his father announced, turning on his heel as he headed for the door to leave. "Come, dear. He doesn't deserve pity right now," he called over his shoulder coldly, watching as Taehyung's mother hesitantly stood to her feet. She quickly kissed Taehyung's forehead with a soft sigh before following after her husband.
Taehyung felt numb as he slowly trudged back towards the nurse's office. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he also knew Jungkook was waiting for him there as well. He opened the door slowly, wondering if Jungkook wanted his reward for earlier now or if he could make him wait. Taehyung really didn't feel like sex at all now that he'd received that information. He saw Jungkook and smiled sadly, his heart twisting in pain once again at the thought of having to quit being around Jungkook altogether. His father would never allow him to be involved in any scandal that would hurt the company's reputation.
Jungkook sat up from the bed, his eyebrows were drawn in concern as he slowly stood to his feet. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung felt relief that he wasn't immediately expecting sex. "You look like you've been through hell," Jungkook noted, Taehyung hearing the concern in his voice as he walked over to him. He slowly helped Taehyung back to his bed, even though Taehyung didn't really need the help.
Taehyung stared up at Jungkook's handsome and chiseled face as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'll be fine," Taehyung confirmed, clearing his throat as he forced a smile up at Jungkook. He couldn't force Jungkook to be with him so suddenly, he truly already felt such a strong love for Jungkook that he couldn't bring himself to do anything against Jungkook's will. Even if that meant Taehyung would have to wait until Jungkook was in his forties to want to settle down with anyone.
Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung, placing a reassuring hand on Taehyung's thigh. His hand remained motionless, Taehyung not realizing it was out of respect because even though he'd smiled at Jungkook, Jungkook could see all the years of pain buried beneath that smile. "You don't have to force yourself to be happy around me. I take it that the news wasn't pleasant then?" Jungkook asked softly, allowing Taehyung to rest his head on his shoulder. Taehyung sighed softly at Jungkook's words, his own shoulders slumping in defeat. "No, not really. Papa did something against me without my permission or knowledge... Mama just informed me... I just don't really know what to do about it," Taehyung whispered softly, sighing once more.
Jungkook peered over at Taehyung, his eyes burning intensely at his words. "What did he do?" Jungkook asked, trying to hold back his temper. "He didn't hit you again, did he?" Jungkook asked, his eyes narrowing dangerously. Taehyung laughed begrudgingly at Jungkook's question, shaking his head as he lifted it from Jungkook's shoulders. "No, but I wish he would have done that instead. It would have hurt more, yes, but for a shorter duration," Taehyung explained softly, twisting his hands in his lap. "No, this time, Papa told me that he's basically giving me away to whomever he pleases as their husband..."
Jungkook was silent for a moment, his brain trying to comprehend what Taehyung had just told him before laughing softly. "Then you'll just have to give those suitors a reason not to want you, correct?" Jungkook asked, hoping Taehyung wouldn't hear his voice falter. He was hoping that what he'd just heard wasn't valid, even if Jungkook's intentions were to marry him after 40. At this point, he didn't want anybody else to be with Taehyung before then. Taehyung belonged to him now, whether he was aware of it or not, and nobody was going to take that away from him. Not even Taehyung's parents themselves.
Jungkook gently ruffled Taehyung's hair before slowly shifting his hand behind his own back. Taehyung glanced over slightly to see Jungkook withdraw his hand from behind his back with a tiny balled up Yeontan. "He really missed you while you were gone, so he found it necessary to curl into my back until your return," he noted, handing the puppy over to Taehyung. Taehyung chuckled softly at the excitement within Yeontan as his tail wagged furiously, the soft fluffy fur of Yeontan's curled tail brushing up against his hand with brisk velocity.
"I really am grateful for Yeontan, Jungkook. Thank you so much," he whispered softly, cuddling Yeontan close to his chest as he leaned toward Jungkook slightly. Their lips were mere inches apart as Taehyung's eyes searched Jungkook's face for any sign of discomfort before pressing his lips against Jungkook's own. He didn't know if Jungkook would still be comfortable with him kissing him, discerning the fact that he'd already informed Jungkook of his parent's immediate plans. Jungkook's grip on his knee tightened, his hand sliding up Taehyung's thigh a little more as his other hand cupped his face. He tilted Taehyung's head back narrowly, parting Taehyung's lips with his soft tongue as he inched further inside Taehyung's mouth.
Taehyung's thoughts swirled into the brink of oblivion as he let Jungkook's tongue ravish his own. He felt Jungkook's hand slide higher up his thigh, wondering if he was waiting for Taehyung to push it away or not. Taehyung may not have felt like sex when he'd first entered the room, but Jungkook's hands were like magic when it came to Taehyung's hot spots. He couldn't help but feel aroused with Jungkook's hands touching him the way they did.
He groaned softly as Jungkook's hand slowly massaged his inner thigh, Taehyung's cock twitching with life under his gown. Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung completely when he felt Yeontan's nose nuzzle his arm, turning their fervor entirely off as Jungkook stared at him. "Shit. I- I can't do this with him watching. He's like a baby. I can't and don't want to scar a baby," Jungkook expressed, disappointing Taehyung momentarily. Taehyung cleared his throat as he gently seated Yeontan on the bed, chuckling at his own disappointment. "That's true. Sorry I- I got too carried away," Taehyung apologized, turning to face Jungkook once more.
Although, Jungkook wasn't looking at him like he thought. Jungkook's eyes were downcast, his hands balled up on his own thighs and he was biting into his lower lip. "Jungkook? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head in concern. Jungkook's eyes snapped up and looked straight into Taehyung's eyes, trying to suppress his guilt. "Oh, uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine," Jungkook lied, shaking his head loose of any inappropriate thoughts with Yeontan present. "Do you think we can drop him off at your dorm room? Or do you just want to let him roam around on the floor a little?" Jungkook asked softly and Taehyung knew what Jungkook wanted to do then.
Taehyung giggled softly, covering his mouth so that Jungkook wouldn't see but he could still hear him. "It's not funny," Jungkook defended, flushing as he bit his lower lip once more. "You're hard and that's getting me in the mood again... Why do you have to be so damn sensitive? It makes certain aspects easier, but good god, it also makes things harder for me," he announced, running his hand roughly through his hair.
"It makes things harder for you? How?" Taehyung asked curiously, gently picking Yeontan up to set him down on the ground. Immediately, Yeontan went to sniffing around the room, wandering about and inspecting his surroundings. "Yeah, because it's so damn hard to resist your temptations when you're ready to go anytime I start getting a little handsy. And I get handsy anytime I'm making out with someone," Jungkook confessed, shaking his head in dismay. He watched Yeontan wander about for several moments before turning his attention back towards Taehyung with lust-filled eyes. "You're almost like a drug," Jungkook divulged, roughly pressing his lips against Taehyung's own once more. "And I can't stop indulging myself with you," Jungkook confessed between breaths, their kiss intensifying with those words.
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