25- Forgiveness
Hellooo, everyone~♡ Thank you again for all the reads~♡ I hope you all enjoyed the double update this week.:3 I was excited to release this chapter for specific reasons that I will not spoil~♡ There is mention of sexual content, so please read at your own risk~♡ I hope that you all enjoy this chapter~♡
Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung's bed, holding his hand as he glared daggers at the nurse to keep him away. Taehyung chuckled softly, but gently slid his hand out of Jungkook's and turned away slightly, still hurt by Jungkook's previous litigations.
Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, tilting his head in confusion. Jungkook thought that helping Taehyung get that nurse away from him would qualify as instant forgiveness. He sighed softly and tapped Taehyung's shoulder, trying to turn him back towards him more. "Tae, talk to me. If we don't talk this out, this whole misunderstanding will only get more unpleasant between us," Jungkook professed, giving the nurse a glance that told him to get lost. The nurse put his hands up as if to defend himself and stepped into his office. "Let me know if he needs anything," he stated before closing the door to give them more privacy.
Taehyung sighed in defeat and turned his cold, empty piercing eyes on Jungkook. That gaze stung Jungkook almost instantly as he touched his chest for a brief second, trying to understand what he was feeling. This was another emotion that Jungkook had never experienced before and he didn't quite understand why he was enduring all these unknown sentiments. "What is it that we need to talk about?" Taehyung asked, his voice hollow and devoid of any emotion. It was almost as if he were dead inside and Jungkook sighed loudly.
"You saw me in the cafeteria, correct?" Jungkook asked as he leaned back in his chair slightly. Taehyung's eyes narrowed dangerously, giving Jungkook his answer as he felt that gaze slash through him before Taehyung even spoke. "So what?" Taehyung asked with a hushed tone of deep resentment. "Are you going to tell me you fucked her?" Taehyung added this question, turning his back fully to Jungkook now.
Jungkook stood up and gripped Taehyung's shoulders firmly, turning Taehyung to push his back fully into the mattress. Taehyung stared up at Jungkook's sharp gaze with wide, almost fearful eyes now. "You will look at me when I answer you," Jungkook declared forcefully, his grip tightening on Taehyung's shoulders in anger. Taehyung nodded softly, still staring at Jungkook fearfully as Jungkook pulled his hands away slightly. "To answer your question, no, I didn't," Jungkook stated honestly, noticing the shift of emotion hidden deep within Taehyung's irises. "R- really? But then why was her hand on your..."
"I didn't fuck that girl," Jungkook repeated aloud, trying to understand why he didn't actually do so. "I mean, she's literally just someone everyone sticks their dick in without any fear of attachment, but... I couldn't do it," Jungkook added, looking away as the honesty penetrated Taehyung to his core. This. This was why they needed to talk things out. "I- I see," Taehyung whispered softly in embarrassment for the way he'd acted, shifting into a sitting position. He stared at his hands in his lap, trying to pretend he wasn't jealous this entire time. "I understand though," Taehyung finally spoke, forcing an awkward laugh. "I- I mean, it's not like we're together or anything. You're free to do what you will when you want with whoever you want. If you had been intimate with her, it's not l- like I have a right to say anything," Taehyung whispered incoherently as if talking to himself more than Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed softly in relief, scratching the back of his head as he sat down on the edge of Taehyung's bed. "Yeah, so no hard feelings?" Jungkook asked, leaning towards Taehyung. Lost in thought, Taehyung nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah," Taehyung whispered once more, glancing up into Jungkook's expectant gaze. His heart hurt at his own words, but sadly, they were true. Jungkook sighed once more in relief as he leaned back onto his hands. "Thank God," Jungkook exclaimed, glancing over at Taehyung with a large grin. "I thought I was going to have to find a new fuck buddy because of that," Jungkook added, stinging Taehyung with those words even more.
If his heart could literally shatter without killing him, his heart would most definitely be in fragments. Shards that would gradually cut away at him, even more with every word that Jungkook spoke. Scarring him internally, where nobody could see his wounds or heal them.
Taehyung squeezed out an apprehensive laugh, shifting to lay back down in the bed as he turned away from Jungkook once more. "I'm feeling kind of tired though, so... I'm going to call it a night," Taehyung announced, hoping Jungkook would get the hint and leave him to his thoughts. Jungkook stood up, glancing down at Taehyung's small back and wondered why Taehyung still appeared so discouraged. Taehyung seemed so awkward around him now and so much more fragile than before. It worried Jungkook more than Taehyung would ever know. "Good night, Tae. I hope you sleep well," Jungkook expressed, leaning down to place a kiss on Taehyung's cheek. This time though, Jungkook noticed that no reaction showed on Taehyung's face as he nodded.
This surprised Jungkook even more because Taehyung was always so expressive about his emotions without even realizing it. Jungkook stepped out of the room, feeling worse than ever as he set off towards the principal's office. While it was later in the evening, Jungkook hoped the warden or someone would be around to give him permission to visit off-campus.
Taehyung roused that morning to the sound of the nurse talking, his gruff voice, heavy with sleep as he spoke to whoever it was that was present. Taehyung slowly sat up in bed to see the principal and the nurse talking in the middle of the room. "What's going on?" Taehyung asked with a groggy voice, raspy and deep with sleep as well. They both whirled their attention on Taehyung, Taehyung noticing that the nurse was biting his lip.
Taehyung moved to nudge the blankets aside, wondering if he was in trouble with the principal. "No, no! No need for you to get out of bed," the principal claimed, panicking slightly as he held up his hands to stop Taehyung. "You're sick and I can't have you getting any worse when your parents are coming to visit again here soon," the principal added, forcing a tense smile.
Taehyung stopped his motions as the principal had requested, staring at the two of them. "What are you doing here then?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head in confusion. The pensive look in his gaze told the principal that Taehyung had no idea of what his parents had planned to visit for. "Well..." the principal started, only to be cut off by the nurse.
"I don't think we should be the ones to tell you," the nurse interrupted, clearing his throat as he bounced on the balls of his feet. "Besides... Your parents will be here later this afternoon to tell you," the nurse added, widening his eyes at the principal's blunder. The principal cleared his own throat and nodded in agreement. "Ah, yes! I almost forgot to tell you about that. So, save your strength for when they visit, okay?" The principal expanded, turning on his heel to leave.
The nurse glanced over at Taehyung and smiled softly, confusing him even more. "What was the principal trying to tell me?" Taehyung asked, nervous now as he gripped the sheets between his fingers. "I- uh- I can't tell you... I'm sorry. Although," the nurse exclaimed excitedly. "You do have a visitor!"
The nurse opened the door to reveal a confused and suspicious Jungkook that glared at the nurse. Taehyung noticed a box in his hand that had small holes everywhere. Jungkook eyed the nurse the entire walk towards Taehyung's bed, still suspicious of him. Jungkook stopped in front of a confused Taehyung and held the box out to him, jolting whatever was in the box. He could hear the sound of something scraping the inside of the box.
Taehyung looked up at Jungkook for a moment before Jungkook grinned and urged the box into Taehyung's hands. "It's for you," Jungkook admitted, glaring over his shoulder at the nurse. "Are you going to stand there the entire time or are you going to give us some privacy?" Jungkook asked, his eyes narrowing as he growled the words out. The nurse put his hands up defensively and walked towards his office, shutting himself inside like he'd done the previous night.
Taehyung continued to stare at Jungkook with the box now in his lap, hearing an incessant scraping sound. He'd never heard a gift make this kind of sound as he searched Jungkook's eyes for an explanation. "It's an apology gift. Because for some reason, even though we're not together and you said so yourself, I realize I hurt your feelings even being around that girl. So... I just hope you can forgive me when you see what's inside," Jungkook announced, encouraging Taehyung to open the box.
Taehyung skeptically pulled the lid off of the box and out poked a small, black poof of fur with a light brown face. Its tiny chocolate brown eyes stared at Taehyung as Taehyung stared back into its expressive and compassionate eyes. Instantly, Taehyung knew this was a puppy and he felt an indescribable love for the black poof of fur already as he pulled it from the box excitedly. It was so small, and so fluffy while being the cutest puppy he'd ever seen. He slowly lifted the puppy up and inspected the puppy with excitement to realize it was a male. "Jungkook! This is the greatest gift anyone has ever gotten for me," Taehyung exclaimed, hugging the puppy close to his chest.
Jungkook chuckled as he watched Taehyung all but smother the puppy with cuddles. "What are you going to name him, Tae?" Jungkook asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Taehyung turned towards Jungkook in his excitement and pressed his lips firmly against Jungkook's own. Jungkook's body reacted differently towards Taehyung than that random girl the other day. This kiss excited him almost immediately and sent electricity throughout his entirety as he moaned deeply into the kiss, surprising both Taehyung and himself.
Jungkook quickly pulled away from the kiss, flushing brightly as he cleared his throat. "So yeah. What are you going to name him?" he asked once more, trying to divert the attention from himself. Taehyung pet the puppy's head softly between the ears and grinned at Jungkook in his usual boxy manner. "I don't know. What do you think we should name him?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook thought for a moment. "What about Biscuit?" Jungkook suggested as Taehyung laughed softly. "He's not a food, Jungkook. Hm? Possibly after you," Taehyung suggested and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No. Why not name him something inventive and creative then," Jungkook quipped, crossing his arms over his chest as Taehyung smiled widely. "I've got the perfect name! Yeontan," Taehyung exclaimed happily as Yeontan's tail wagged in harmonizing excitement. "It's a name I've had picked out for a while now... Papa just never allowed me to own any pets..."
Jungkook laughed as he gently pet Yeontan between his ears as well. "Does this mean you forgive me?" Jungkook asked, glancing over at Taehyung as Taehyung looked back at Jungkook. "Yes, I forgive you. Plus, it wasn't even you being around her that hurt the most," Taehyung admitted honestly, scratching under Yeontan's tiny chin. "Receiving Yeontan just sped up your forgiveness rate," Taehyung joked, watching as Yeontan curled up jovially in his lap.
Jungkook frowned at Yeontan, pushing on his fur in a teasing manner. "Hey, hey! That's my spot," Jungkook joked, hearing Taehyung swallow noticeably. "Wh- what?" Taehyung asked, giggling nervously as he cleared his throat. Taehyung abruptly felt shy, heat spreading across his face as Jungkook's eyes narrowed considerably in realization. "Oh? Did I say the right words?" Jungkook asked, trailing a teasing finger down Taehyung's upper thigh. Taehyung shot Jungkook a fleeting, imploring look, his fists clenched beside him. "Please... Not with Yeontan sleeping on my lap... He's a baby..."
Jungkook effortlessly scooped Yeontan up with one hand and plopped him down on the mattress behind him as he scooted closer to Taehyung. "What excuse do you have now, Tae? Yeontan is still sleeping peacefully and I really want you to pardon me of any sins," Jungkook whispered in a husky voice, his hand slinking under Taehyung's blanket. "You can be quiet, can't you?" Jungkook asked in a teasing tone, the palm of his hand huddling firmly between Taehyung's milky thighs. Taehyung whimpered softly at Jungkook's touch as Jungkook hovered over Taehyung, who slowly slumped back into the mattress.
Taehyung's breath hitched as Jungkook palmed him to full hardness under the blankets. Taehyung gripped Jungkook's wrist tightly in desperation, his beseeching eyes glancing towards the nurse's office. "Wh- what i- if he notices us?" Taehyung asked, evidently paranoid that they'd get caught. Jungkook rolled his eyes at Taehyung's question, smirking as he hauled the covers up to his shoulders. "Well? Do you want me to give you head or not?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung physically choked on his words. "It's the only time I'm going to offer, so make a decision fast. I don't offer for just anyone," Jungkook added, flushing at those last words himself. It wasn't that he entirely regret them, but he could see the evident exultation on Taehyung's face at those words. Jungkook swallowed hard in humiliation as he dived under the blankets without giving Taehyung the chance to answer.
Taehyung clenched his thighs together in embarrassment, trying to pull Jungkook out from under the thick blanket. His face was heated and glowing red with scandal when his parents walked through the door, obviously upset with each other. Taehyung froze almost immediately, staring at the two of them as he pulled his knees up to his chest under the blankets, creating a tent to conceal Jungkook's own body better.
Jungkook froze under the blankets, hearing other voices arguing. He licked his lips at the sight that greeted him though, Taehyung's feet pigeon-toed inwards, his toes touching to try and obscure Jungkook's view of his bare lower regions. "M- Mama? P- Papa? Wh- what are you doing here?" he asked, jumping slightly in the bed, his face a more searing red. "Baby, are you running a fever?" Taehyung's mother asked, gently touching his forehead.
Taehyung guiltily pushed his mother's hand away with an awkward smile, laughing slightly again as he shook his head. "N- no, Mama. Just s- surprised is a-ll," he squeezed out the last words, trying his best not to moan in front of them. Jungkook's mouth was now fully wrapped around Taehyung's length, sucking deliberately slow to keep from creating too much movement and generating too much noise. Taehyung shuddered with delight, trying not to let his parents see as he bit his lip slightly. "I- I know you guys have s- something important to share with me. M...ind if we convene in the normal space? It's j- just I d...on't feel comfort...able talking here," Taehyung elaborated, finding it harder and harder not to show his arousal.
Taehyung clenched the sheets tightly in his fists, his knuckles turning white as he dropped his head onto his knees. He panted softly into the fabric, his mouth hanging open as Jungkook's mouth worked wonders on him. "P- please," Taehyung exclaimed without thinking, his head darting up as he cleared his throat. "It's n- not safe to talk here," Taehyung insisted as his mother and father finally nodded in agreement.
"Then we'll see you in the visiting room, baby," his mother stated, both his father and mother finally leaving the room. Taehyung waited with bated breath for several moments before he tossed his head back into the pillow, his back arching off the mattress as he dared to peek under the covers.
Taehyung's legs spread wider to allow him to watch Jungkook, Taehyung's hands caressing his own body in ecstasy. Jungkook daringly met Taehyung's lustful gaze with an intense stare, his mouth bobbing up and down Taehyung's length as Taehyung panted. "W- We d- don't h- ave to finish th- this now..." Taehyung trailed off as Jungkook's eyes narrowed with determination. Jungkook's hands slid up underneath Taehyung's ass, Taehyung's legs now perched over Jungkook's shoulders. Taehyung felt a sudden rush of pure euphoria course through him as Jungkook's fingertips grazed along the underside of Taehyung's sensitive thighs.
He heard Taehyung gasp loudly, felt his body quiver violently in his grasp as Taehyung's hands brushed straight down his body to Jungkook's hair. Both of Taehyung's hands gripped a handful of Jungkook's hair, tugging hard as his back arched further off the mattress. "O- oh... God...!" Taehyung cried out as Jungkook continued to suck Taehyung's cock as if it were a lollipop. He could hear the raw emotion in Taehyung's exhilaration, his hands stroking Jungkook's hair in an attempt to handle the overwhelming pleasure coursing through him.
Jungkook continued to graze his fingertips along the underside and inside of Taehyung's thighs causing the elder's body to quiver and tremble with the threat of his release. "O- oh... Oh no...! J- Jungkook! I- I'm coming," he cried out, his core quaking with imminent eruption. "Jung...kook," Taehyung moaned out with such intensity that Jungkook felt that through and through, almost finding it difficult to swallow Taehyung's cum.
Jungkook felt himself harden as Taehyung panted and moaned out his euphoric ride. Jungkook eventually swallowed everything Taehyung had released, slowly poking his head up from under the covers. "God, it would have been so fucking hot if you'd done that in front of your parents," Jungkook confessed, heatedly kissing Taehyung's lips. Taehyung could taste himself on Jungkook's lips, but it didn't bother him as much as he thought when Jungkook pulled away. "Now, go have your meeting with your parents. I'll keep Yeontan company while I wait for your return," Jungkook stated with a smug smirk, letting Taehyung know they weren't quite finished yet.
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