24- Over Exertion
Hello, everyone~♡ Thank you all so much for 3k reads~♡ You all have no idea what that means to me.:3 So I have decided to do a double update this week as a reward since I have 42 chapters in total right now~♡ The other 18 are still on draft though.🤣 So you'll be getting a chapter today and then again on Friday. It's thanks to some convincing from taekookieelove that this update is happening today.:3 There are some language and mention of student/teacher relations, so please read at your own risk~♡ Although this is more of a filler chapter, I hope it isn't too boring.🥺 Please enjoy and know that I love you all~♡
Taehyung felt this pain spread rapidly, feeling almost as if his lungs were on fire. He touched the center of his chest, backing up even more as he doubled over in pain. When Yoongi stood to help him, Taehyung nudged him away with a strangled whimper. Hot tears hastily slipped past his long eyelashes, his eyes closed in pain. He whimpered once again, seeing the image of that girl all over Jungkook burned in his mind. His eyes snapped open, but the image remained burned into his mind as more tears rushed down his cheeks.
Taehyung didn't want to be there anymore. He didn't want his friends' worrying gazes on him as he silently cried over his broken heart. He knew he shouldn't have gotten so attached to Jungkook already, but he couldn't help it. He really liked Jungkook but now, he wasn't so sure. He didn't look up from the ground as he whipped his arm in front of his eyes before he quickly bolted from the cafeteria, Jimin rushing after him in an attempt to stop him from doing anything ridiculous.
Jungkook watched as both Taehyung and Jimin darted by him, shock apparent on his face. The girl clinging to him squeezed the crotch of his pants before smiling up at him mischievously, even though he was paying her no mind as Yoongi and Hoseok approached them. Yoongi only knew of Jungkook from Hoseok as they stopped in front of him, Yoongi's temper over his friend being hurt getting the best of him. "Oh! So this is what had Taehyung so upset," Hoseok commented, glancing at where the girl's hand rested. "Can't say I blame him."
Yoongi glared at both Jungkook and the girl before rearing a hand back and slapping Jungkook hard enough to leave a bright red handprint. Jungkook's head reeled from the force, his eyes wide with shock as he tried to process what had just happened. Hoseok noticed Jungkook's eyes narrow dangerously as he turned back to face Yoongi and before Jungkook could even lift his arm to retaliate, Hoseok grasped his wrist firmly. "Try it and even being roommates won't save me from kicking your ass," Hoseok affirmed, holding Jungkook's wrist even tighter in his grip. Yoongi continued to glare at Jungkook, his eyes on the girl's hand as he scoffed. "What are you doing with the school slut? I mean, come on. You're just asking for a sexually transmitted disease at this point. You know more guys have cum inside her than tube socks, right?" Yoongi asked, throwing a disgusted glance towards the girl.
"Who're you calling a slut?!" The girl griped, throwing her free hand on her hip as she glared at Yoongi. "You, honey," Yoongi quipped, gesturing towards her and her behavior. "You can take your hand off his dick now. It's obviously not getting hard for you," Yoongi quipped once again, both of them glaring daggers at each other. When she moved her hand away from Jungkook's crotch, Yoongi huffed angrily and turned on his heel. Leaving all of them behind as Hoseok shoved Jungkook's hand away and followed after Yoongi.
Jungkook suddenly felt disgusted in his own behavior when he did nothing to stop her. He'd grown fed up with fighting with her before entering the cafeteria because she hadn't given up yet. He shoved the girl away from him, disgusted to be near her as they glared daggers at each other. He didn't even know why he'd let this girl cling to him in the first place, but he was even more disgusted by her behavior. She scoffed and watched as Jungkook took off down the hallway to find Taehyung once more.
Taehyung whipped through the crowded hallways with ease, making it harder for Jimin to catch up to him. Jimin had been following pretty close behind until more people started coming out of their rooms. Taehyung being able to dodge and dance around them easier with how thin he was while Jimin kept running into person after person until he lost Taehyung in the sea of people.
Taehyung quickly burst through the back doors, panting heavily from running as the cold night air settled around him. He knew he shouldn't have been outside without his hoodie or a jacket with as cold as it was at the moment, but he couldn't care less right now. He needed fresh air that didn't burn his lungs every time he tried to breathe. He let out a choked cry as he tried to swallow his feelings the best that he could manage. He'd always been really good about not showing his true emotions when it mattered most, but right now, he couldn't seem to get himself under control.
He suppressed more sobs as he plunged to his knees, gasping and hacking as he reached for his inhaler. His inhaler that he now realized, was still in his bedroom, sitting on his bed. He crawled around for a moment to face the door, his vision blurring with his tears and lack of oxygen. He gripped his shirt by his chest and hunched over in pain as he let out another garbled sob. He tried his best to breathe on his own by taking deep breaths now, but that wasn't helping him as much as he needed. He'd definitely pushed his body too hard because he was upset. He was striving so hard to breathe that he didn't even hear someone else burst through the door to the open courtyard.
Taehyung didn't even try to look up as their arms briskly wrapped around him. "Tae! It's too cold for you out here," they shouted and Taehyung recognized this person as Jimin. Jimin could hear Taehyung wheezing unnaturally as he continued to struggle for much needed air. "Where's your inhaler, Tae?" Jimin asked, shuffling around in the dirt of the courtyard to find the missing piece of plastic that could help Taehyung get his breathing back to normal. Taehyung shook his head, coughing more and harder as he gripped the front of his shirt tighter. His vision was slowly tunneling and reducing to just a tiny pinhole that he could barely see shapes through. "B- b... ed," Taehyung squeezed out, almost choking on his own words.
Jimin hastily scooped Taehyung's legs out from under him, throwing Taehyung's back into his other arm as he promptly yanked Taehyung up off the ground. He held Taehyung close to him and quickly dashed for the nurse's office since that was closer to them than their own dorm room. He just needed Taehyung to breathe normally now or risk this killing him. Taehyung clung to Jimin weakly, burying his face in Jimin's chest to hide from any judgemental stares directed their way.
Jungkook didn't know where he was looking as he searched every different corridor they'd been through together. He still didn't know very many of the other corridors and wondered if Taehyung might be concealing himself within one of them. He sighed with exasperation as he bolted through the door to the courtyard, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. He tilted his head in bewilderment at the handprints and traces of someone dragging their fingers or hands through the dirt.
The cold night air began to settle around him, chilling his already clammy skin as he turned his attention back towards the school. Had something happened to Taehyung while he was busy searching hallways?
He rushed back into the school, heading straight for Jimin and Taehyung's dorm room this time. He knew they had to be somewhere within the school together. He remembered seeing Jimin chase after Taehyung when he'd spotted them in the cafeteria.
He quickly rushed up to their door, almost desperate to talk things out with Taehyung now as he beat his fist against their fragile door. "Tae! I need to talk to you! Please don't ignore me! That will only make things worse," he called through the door, banging his fist against the unstable door even more.
When he still obtained no answer, he clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned away from the door. "Where else could they have gone?" Jungkook asked himself, pondering out loud as he walked aimlessly down the hallway. He didn't know where else to look and he was growing more desperate by the moment. He needed Taehyung to know that what he may have seen was nothing more than a misunderstanding. He stopped short when he heard familiar voices' frantic whispers as he glanced around in search of them. After a moment of searching hallways again, he finally noticed Hoseok and Yoongi sprinting down the hallway adjacent to him. Jungkook silently peered around before directly cutting across to the hallway they had dashed down and pursued them.
He watched as they entered the nurse's office, sliding up to the entrance of the door and peeking around the frame slightly to see the exasperated nurse turn toward them. "Why are they here? It's not that serious, I can promise you all that. He is in good hands and well taken care of," the nurse asserted with a hint of annoyance as he stared at Hoseok and Yoongi.
"We'd heard from some gossiping hall rats that Taehyung was taken to the nurse's office unconscious... We just wanted to check on him," Yoongi retorted, balancing most of his weight on his left leg as he put his hands on his hips. "You shouldn't be surprised that we'd want to check up on one of our friends. I guess we'll just check on him when you're not around. On that note though, since you had to be such a dick, we'll fucking leave then," Yoongi added, both him and Hoseok turning towards the door now. Jungkook ducked his head back into the hallway and hid down one of the adjacent corridors as Hoseok and Yoongi strolled past him in annoyance to go back to their room.
Jungkook tip-toed back over to the nurse's door to see Jimin standing close to the bed that Taehyung lay upon. Jungkook didn't know what was on Taehyung's face, but Taehyung appeared to be coughing because of it. He watched as the nurse approached Jimin and Taehyung, staring at the two of them. "You know you can leave too, Jimin. He is safe with me and I'll keep him overnight to make sure he gets healthy again," the nurse declared, trying to reassure Jimin. Jimin tilted his head up at the nurse, confusion written across his face. "Wait? I thought you didn't keep students overnight?" Jimin asked, running his hand through Taehyung's hair for comfort.
Jungkook felt an unfamiliar emotion bubble within him at that gesture but continued to watch the three of them. "Well, that was because I had a date that day and didn't feel like missing it. Turns out, I would have been better off taking care of Taehyung that day anyway. The date was rather bitter and definitely not worth my time if that makes you feel any better," the nurse stated with a look of disgust on his face. "Looks like I can't find a decent person after all," he added, glancing at Jimin. Jungkook heard the nervous chuckle and noticed the shift in the atmosphere between Jimin and the nurse from where he stood.
"It doesn't make me feel any better, I promise. I don't live to see people miserable," Jimin expressed, stepping away from Taehyung. "I'll be going then, just please make sure to take good care of him," Jimin added, walking towards the door. Once again, Jungkook ducked into the adjacent hallway to avoid being spotted by anyone. He'd never hear the end of it if he was spotted now.
He waited for Jimin to walk away and down the hall before coming back out of his hiding place. He silently crept over to the door once more to see the nurse standing beside Taehyung's bed now. He watched as the nurse ran his hand through Taehyung's hair this time, a tender look on his face. Jungkook felt a surge of that strange emotion to him, his chest feeling as if a fire had been ignited within him. He grit his teeth in aggravation, his fists clenched beside him as he forced himself not to react to this feeling dwelling within him.
The nurse leaned down over Taehyung, removing the mask from his face. Jungkook could tell Taehyung wasn't well at the moment since his face was devoid of all color and sweat appeared to be beading around his forehead at the same time. Taehyung looked tired and worn out to Jungkook, his pale face twisting in agony as Jungkook continued to watch him. "How are you feeling, Tae?" The nurse asked, Jungkook noticing the fact that he called Taehyung by a more personal name.
Taehyung groaned softly in response, covering his eyes with his arm. "I feel fine. Can I leave now?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook hinting a slight wheeze in Taehyung's speech. "You don't sound fine. In fact, you may have made yourself sick with overexertion and being in the cold like that. You know better," the nurse reprimanded him as he leaned closer to Taehyung. Jungkook felt a fire ignite within him when the nurse's lips touched Taehyung's own and he whipped around the door frame with an annoyed look on his face as he marched towards the nurse.
The nurse jumped back from Taehyung, trying to play the fact that he'd kissed Taehyung off. Even Taehyung sat up in surprise, touching his lips as he stared at the nurse in shock. "Wh- what was that?!" Taehyung asked in astonishment as Jungkook's sight zeroed in on the nurse. Taehyung instantly climbed out of the bed, knowing the look in Jungkook's eye as he put himself between the two of them. "Jungkook! No! Don't fight with him! He's one of my papa's friends! I could get into serious trouble if you hit him!"
Jungkook grit his teeth once more as he grabbed Taehyung's arm. "You're not staying here another minute then," Jungkook asserted, tugging on Taehyung roughly. "You don't need to be around a pedophile," Jungkook added, earning an exasperated sigh from the nurse. "No, Jungkook, I have to stay," Taehyung insisted, jerking back slightly and coughing extremely hard. Jungkook stopped in his tracks when the sound of Taehyung's cough seemed to reverberate deep from within his chest and carry a wheeze behind it. Jungkook could tell already that this was no ordinary cough and mumbled softly about how he wasn't going to leave Taehyung by himself with the nurse then.
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