18- Easily persuaded
Hello, everyone!~♡ Thank you so much for the people that still support this story!~♡ I am excited to see you all and I love you~♡ Sorry this was such a slow process and all, my family has been in town for the past week and I couldn't get it done quickly. There is mention of sexual content, drug abuse, and the use of drugs. Please be advised when reading!~♡ Without further ado, the next chapter~♡ Please enjoy~♡
Jungkook panted heavily as they both slowly came down from their highs, Jungkook gripping Taehyung's slender back in his hands. "Fuck, Tae... N- nobody has ever been able to pinpoint how I really like it before, b- but that... that was fucking phenomenal," he confessed, slowly catching his breath as Taehyung leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
He smiled softly to himself as he glanced at Jungkook out of the corner of his eye. "Does that mean I did a good job reading your body?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook chuckled and nodded. "Yes, it does. Shall we go again?" he asked, kissing Taehyung's neck. "Cause I really wanted to last night... b- but something told me I should be good and wait instead," he whispered softly against Taehyung's sweat sheened neck.
Taehyung groaned softly at the mention of his behavior from the previous night once again, even though he still couldn't recall it. Taehyung pointed towards his pants that were on the floor, Jungkook rolling his eyes, thinking that was Taehyung's way of telling him no. "My inhaler first. Then we can do it again," Taehyung confirmed as Jungkook gripped Taehyung tightly and jumped up. Taehyung tightly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck in alarm as the younger carried him over there. "Yeah, sure! No problem. I thought you were trying to tell me no," he defended, quickly fumbling Taehyung's inhaler out of the back pocket of his pants. Taehyung took two small puffs of his inhaler before setting it on his nightstand beside his bed. "Will I be riding you again?"
Jungkook nodded eagerly, sitting them back on the edge of the bed once more. "W- well you did such an amazing job the first time, I thought you could ride me again..." Taehyung chuckled softly as Jungkook stammered to find the right words before Taehyung pressed a sole finger to Jungkook's lips. "I got it, Kookie. I'll ride you until you're tired of me then," he whispered sensually, his tongue brushing against his own upper lip as Jungkook followed the movement with his eyes. He recollected he'd told Taehyung that he'd make him experience such intense pleasure that he'd never want to fuck another person again, but he was starting to think the same was going to happen to him as well.
He'd never been with somebody that could actually hit that figure 8 motion that close to their own climax. Taehyung was suddenly a very interesting and exciting new toy for Jungkook and he'd make sure that Taehyung remained his toy too. Now that he'd discovered what Taehyung was capable of doing with his body, he didn't want anyone else touching what belonged to him.
Seokjin happily skipped towards his prior year's precious English teacher's classroom, his eyes set on obtaining a very difficult man that resided within that room. He smiled when he realized there was no class in session for this teacher at the moment. He peeked into the quiet room, his smile growing more when he noticed Namjoon laying with his head down on his desk.
Seokjin silently tiptoed over to Namjoon's desk and sat down beside his chair, leaning his head back onto Namjoon's thigh. It had been several years since the first time he'd met Namjoon through befriending his younger sister. He glanced up towards Namjoon's peacefully sleeping face as he pulled his knees up to his chest. "I wish you knew how I truly felt about you... You don't even take me seriously," Seokjin whispered almost inaudible.
He sighed softly and laid his head across his arms as he admired Namjoon's peaceful face. It would be a while before he saw Namjoon's face again once he was clean and behaved enough to leave New Leaf. Namjoon would probably continue teaching here, possibly find someone to love again, and leave Seokjin in heartbreak. He felt that desolate abyss of depression as those thoughts circled within his mind.
He reached up toward Namjoon's face and tenderly caressed his cheek, smiling to himself when Namjoon smiled softly in his sleep. He noticed Namjoon's eyes flutter and quickly retracted his hand as he promptly stood up and stepped back. Before he could turn to leave, Namjoon groggily opened one eye and noticed him as Seokjin flushed deeply. He rushed to take another step back and tripped over one of the legs to a spare desk beside Namjoon's desk.
Namjoon quickly caught Seokjin's wrist in his large hand to keep him from falling backward, pulling Seokjin towards him without realizing it. Seokjin toppled forward onto Namjoon, throwing him back into his chair with Seokjin's face landing just inches from Namjoon's own. Namjoon stared up at Seokjin in surprise with wide eyes, his hands gripping either one of the armrests of his chair. "Wh- what were you doing in here, Jin?" Namjoon asked in bewilderment. Seokjin noticed how close their faces were and where one of Namjoon's hands now rested on his lower back as he stared back at Namjoon with the same surprise.
"I- I- uh- I wanted to come see you," he confessed, stammering over his words at the close proximity of Namjoon's body against his own. Namjoon laughed softly as he gently pushed Seokjin onto his feet so that he could stand as well. "Why did you come to see me? You should have waited for Eun Jun to get here first," Namjoon commented, laughing at his own anxiety that slowly built up inside him. "It's not appropriate for a teacher and student to be alone like this if I haven't asked you to stay after class."
Seokjin bit his lip at Namjoon's words, shaking his head as he clasped his hands around Namjoon's forearm. "I- I wanted to get here before your little sister," Seokjin announced apprehensively, staring up at Namjoon through watery eyes. Namjoon seemed taken aback by Seokjin's words and actions, completely frozen with shock. "Wh- what are you saying? E- Eun Jun i- is your best friend," Namjoon affirmed, trying to understand Seokjin at the moment.
Seokjin laid his head against Namjoon's clothed bicep, closing his eyes tight as he rubbed his head against Namjoon's shirt. "I- I know that b- but I wanted to talk to you a- alone," Seokjin whispered animatedly as he continued to cling to Namjoon's arm. Namjoon glanced around skeptically, anxious that another teacher might come in, see them alone together and get the wrong idea. "Jin, this isn't a good idea," Namjoon whispered back feverishly.
Seokjin bit his lip as he pulled away from Namjoon's arm with tear-filled eyes. "Why can't you ever take me seriously?! My feelings for you have been real since the day Eun Jun introduced us! Why can't you understand that?!" Seokjin cried out, covering his face with embarrassment and sorrow. Namjoon gently caressed Seokjin's head as he tried to calm him, his own heart racing with uncertainty. "Please, Jin. Can't we talk about this back at my house? Anywhere but here," he whispered softly, rubbing soothing circles on Seokjin's head.
Seokjin looked up from his hands, sniffling softly as he hugged Namjoon tightly. "You have to promise you'll talk to me about it then... I don't want to keep waiting for you, only to keep being rejected... It hurts me deeply... although, I still can't help that I love you."
Namjoon took an immediate step back from Seokjin at those words, his expression indecipherable as Seokjin gaped in shock. "W- we're going to talk about this, r- right? You're not going to keep making me wait, are you?" Seokjin asked, his voice surging with his despair. Namjoon quickly nodded, turning Seokjin towards the door promptly. "Yes, yes! We'll still talk about it, Jin. Meet me at my house at 7 pm sharp tonight. We'll talk then," he whispered into Seokjin's ear before pushing him out the door.
Yoongi sat with his hands between his legs, staring up at Hoseok with large, emotional eyes. "Y- you want to wh- what?" Yoongi asked in disbelief, his stomach in knots at Hoseok's prior statement. "Y- you want to have an o- open relationship? B- but why?! H- haven't I given you everything?" Yoongi cried, watching Hoseok intently to see what he'd do.
Hoseok crouched down in front of Yoongi, gently cupping his pale face in his hands. "I wouldn't love you any less, Yoongi. I promise," he noted, swiftly kissing Yoongi's pout. "In fact, you and I will still do everything we already do together, just with a third person involved," Hoseok explained, trying to convince Yoongi to allow a polymorphic relationship. Yoongi stared into Hoseok's sincere eyes as he felt tears sting his own.
"I know who the third person is going to be, Hobi... I'm not stupid. I've seen the way you look at Taehyung... I'm afraid that if I allow this... I'll be inviting my own demise as well," he whispered softly, his tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. Hoseok promptly moved to wipe Yoongi's tears away with his thumbs, his own resolve dying with Yoongi's statement. He sighed softly, gingerly caressing Yoongi's face before kissing him tenderly.
"I'm sorry, Suga bear. I didn't think I'd upset you this much suggesting that... It's just that... I wanted to experience what it would be like being in a relationship with Taehyung... but I don't want to lose you either. So, I was being selfish... I'd rather just never learn if it means hurting you this much," Hoseok apologized softly, pulling Yoongi into his arms. Yoongi wiped away some of his remaining tears before glancing up at Hoseok once more.
"I- If I do allow it... you can't leave me out of anything," Yoongi whispered softly as Hoseok looked down at him with a soft smile. "You don't have to do that, love. I'm perfectly happy not realizing," Hoseok confirmed, kissing Yoongi's nose. Yoongi smiled softly as he pressed his hands against Hoseok's chest. "Yes, I do because you wouldn't have asked if you didn't really want it," Yoongi added, closing his eyes in thought. "Give me some time to think about it though... I- I don't know what I want to do just yet," Yoongi clarified as Hoseok kissed his nose once again.
Hoseok snuggled into Yoongi happily, kissing his cheek before nuzzling into Yoongi's neck. "You have no idea how happy you make me," Hoseok expressed, tightening his grip around Yoongi's thin waist. Yoongi buried his face in Hoseok's shoulder with a soft giggle.
Jungkook flicked his lighter open, igniting it as he hovered the unlit cigarette poking out from between his plump lips over the flame. He stared at Taehyung's bare back as he crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back on one hand as he exhaled the acrid smoke into the room. Taehyung quickly turned around with the plastic container Jungkook was introduced to when he'd first arrived.
He smiled as Taehyung popped the latches of the box, Jungkook inhaling deeply from his cigarette once more. "What are we going to take this time?" he asked, exhaling the smoke that he had been holding. Taehyung rummaged around inside the cubicles, before smiling to himself. "I'm feeling a little Angel Dust today. What about you? Is there anything, in particular, you want to try?"
Jungkook shrugged as he snuffed out the short of his cigarette, saving the rest for after he was high. "I'll save the rest of that for after we do this. It makes my high last a little longer in my opinion," Jungkook claimed, storing the short cigarette in a small metal cigarette case that he tucked into his pants pocket. Taehyung slowly tucked the plastic container back into his closet as he stood to his feet, turning towards Jungkook.
Jungkook glanced down at the small plastic bag in Taehyung's hand, his eyes traveling slightly lower. He realized that Taehyung's pants were still unbuttoned and wondered how they stayed upon his hips as his eyes wandered over Taehyung's body. "Okay, so this can be injected, snorted, or smoked. How do you want it?"
Jungkook leaned back on his hands once again, tilting his head from side to side in thought. "I'm not very fond of injecting drugs since it leaves marks... Why don't we smoke it this time around?" Jungkook suggested as Taehyung giggled slightly, walking back towards his closet. He dug into the side of his closet and opened a drawer from the dresser inside. He pulled out a very thin pipe with a very small bowl at the end of it.
Jungkook studied the pipe as Taehyung turned towards Jungkook with a devious smile and walked over towards the bed. "Let me see your lighter," Taehyung instructed, placing the pipe onto the bed. Jungkook slid his lighter into Taehyung's hand and watched as Taehyung packed the small bowl with the powdered angel dust. Taehyung tapped the side of the bowl with Jungkook's lighter to make sure it was tight enough to smoke slowly, but loose enough to still be smoked.
Taehyung ignited Jungkook's lighter as he brought the end of the pipe towards his lips. He covered the hole on the side of the bowl with his index finger as he held the lighter underneath the bowl. He inhaled deeply from the thin tube before uncovering the hole to keep it burning without holding the lighter under it any longer. He pulled away from the pipe and exhaled, coughing harshly as he handed both the lighter and pipe to Jungkook.
Jungkook ignited his own lighter and covered the hole before inhaling deeply as well. He uncovered the hole, continuing to inhale before he pulled away. He exhaled after holding the drug within his lungs for a moment, his head reeling drastically. He laughed languidly with a lopsided bunny smile as he handed both back to Taehyung, both of them taking turns until they emptied the small plastic bag.
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