11- If I can't have you...
Hello, everyone who still supports this story~❤ Please remember I love you lots~❤ I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter~ It has some violence and drug mention~❤ Please read at your own discretion~❤
Taehyung nervously lounged across from Jeremy, staring at the newly replenished teacup placed in front of him. "Drink it. It'll soothe your nerves," Jeremy coaxed as Taehyung continued to stare skeptically at it. He could hear Jimin and Jungkook beating on the door outside while it sounded like someone was heavily kicking the door, but Taehyung comprehended it wouldn't budge anytime too soon.
"U- um, Jeremy? Y- you said you kn- knew that I was paranoid earlier... H- how did you know that?" Taehyung implored softly, picking up the drink as Jeremy stared him into submission with his menacing eyes. Taehyung accepted a minuscule sip from this cup that had just been handed to him once more. Jeremy grasped the edge of the table tightly in his hands, Taehyung chewing his lip nervously as Jeremy's knuckles turned white with his overwhelming grip.
Taehyung was absolutely terrified about what Jeremy might do as he sat there, staring blankly ahead as he took another small sip. He watched as Jeremy stood up and sat down next to him, too close for comfort before positioning his hand on Taehyung's inner thigh. "I know a lot of things about you, Tae. I know that you easily become aroused. Like if I touch you here, you start to get hard. If I touch you here," he noted, shifting his hand to Taehyung's ear and massaging his earlobe gently. "It heightens your sensitivity or here too," he whispered softly, brushing his fingers along the side of Taehyung's neck. Right up against the most prominent vein- his carotid artery. "That one right there really heightens your sensitivity. It also appears to be bruised," Jeremy commented, moving closer to Taehyung's neck.
Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut at Jeremy's hot breath fanning out across his neck as he tried to listen to what Jeremy was saying. That had been the exact spot that Jungkook had marked on him earlier that day. It wasn't a bruise, but he wasn't going to correct Jeremy either. "P- please stop teasing me," Taehyung instructed, shoving Jeremy's hand away from his neck. He'd kept caressing that vein with his thumb and it was really starting to get to Taehyung. "How do you know these things anyway?" Taehyung asked softly, unnerved by how he would answer as Jeremy shoved him down hard.
Jeremy hovered over Taehyung as Taehyung tried to fight Jeremy away from him by shoving his open hands into Jeremy's face. Jeremy quickly grabbed Taehyung's slender wrists and slammed them down on either side of his head as Taehyung stared up at him in complete horror. "I've been watching you, Tae. Since the day you first spoke to me," he confessed, straddling Taehyung's thin waist now. Taehyung tried to fight his way back up into a sitting position, only to be overpowered and thrust back down severely. His head hit the floor hard and he felt it reel as he stared up at Jeremy with hazy eyes now. His vision became obscured and his body felt even heavier than before as Taehyung's subconscious drifted.
"No," Taehyung whimpered softly, understanding all too well what his body was experiencing now. He knew something was wrong with that tea before he even took a sip but he was only trying to get out of here by being acquiescent. "Y- you drugged me?" he asked softly, his words slurred as he started to feel woozy, his vision growing more faint. "Wh- why?"
Jeremy forcefully yanked on Taehyung's pants as Taehyung struggled to remain awake and stay dressed. "Stop it, Taehyung! I've wanted to be with you since the day you and I became seat partners, but you never wanted anything to do with me," he shouted in Taehyung's face as he slapped him severely in his rage. "You finally lose that precious virginity you'd been saving for someone you thought was special and it was the new guy?! Fucking seriously?! Him," he screamed as Taehyung whimpered softly and turned his head away in fear. Jeremy's large hand harshly grasped Taehyung's chin and coerced him to look him in the eye.
Taehyung was petrified as Jeremy yelled at him from above with one of his hands pinned to the ground and really no way to defend himself against this nightmare. Taehyung wasn't used to this kind of handling. This kind of hostility. It was his first time experiencing someone so physically volatile and ample with animosity over something he'd done. "St- stop..." Taehyung whimpered out softly as he heeded Jimin and Jungkook beating against the door still. Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut tight, anticipating Jeremy would move away from him to interrupt their commotion, but he was wrong. More mistaken than he wished as Jeremy leaned his head down closer to Taehyung's neck.
Again, Taehyung turned his head away in reluctance until Jeremy bit down hard on the junction between his neck and his shoulder. Taehyung wailed loudly in pain, his legs flailing underneath Jeremy as tears rolled down his cheeks. Pain radiated from his neck and shoulder as Jeremy shifted away from Taehyung, outrage evident on his face. "Stop crying, damn it! Stop trying to get away from me too," Jeremy shrieked, squeezing Taehyung's wrists tightly in his grasp.
Taehyung grit his teeth as he whined softly, gradually feeling his subconscious fading more and more with each fleeting moment. "No," Taehyung slurred out softly, inclining his head back. He could see a sliver of an opening in the door, although he was barely able to admit if he was looking at Jungkook or Jimin. "You get your filthy fucking hands off of him," Jimin shouted through the crack as Jungkook proceeded to kick the door more to create a substantial gap.
"Don't worry, Tae. I won't let them ruin our time together," Jeremy announced softly stroking one of his hands down Taehyung's chest and stomach. At this point, Taehyung was too inebriated to raise his freed arm as he stared blankly at the crack in the door. He was gazing right at Jimin and Jungkook striving desperately to assist him, but he wasn't observing them as his vision dimmed. Taehyung now understood what drug Jeremy had used in his tea as his eyelids grew heavier and he gradually receded into a hypnotic slumber as severe as he'd resisted it.
Jeremy sneered smugly as he glanced up at Jungkook and Jimin through the door. "Quaaludes are a hell of a drug, don't you think?" Jeremy asked, extending his hand up Taehyung's shirt for them to see. Jungkook felt his blood boil and his fury flare because even though he wasn't dating Taehyung, nobody else touched what he had already claimed. Taehyung belonged to him whether he remembered it or not.
Jungkook's perception subsided to dark red before he gave a massive kick to the door, thrusting it open a little wider. Extensive enough for Jimin to slip through the slot now as Jeremy snatched Taehyung's limp body up off the floor and into his lap. "Don't come any closer! You can't have him," Jeremy shouted, enclosing his excessively powerful arms tightly around Taehyung. "If I can't have him, no one will," he proclaimed, clasping his arms even tighter around Taehyung's unconscious body.
He snatched a knife out from under the table and brandished it menacingly next to Taehyung's neck. "Why can't you just accept me being with Tae, Jimin? You're his best friend, his longest standing friend at that. You can convince him to love me and we can be satisfied together," he declared, caressing Taehyung's cheek tenderly as Taehyung's head slumped against Jeremy's shoulder.
Jimin held his hands up to show he wasn't trying to attack Jeremy and keep him from harming Taehyung. His head perked up when he heard Taehyung's nickname and his own name called as if Jeremy personally knew them. "H- How did you learn my name? Or Taehyung's nickname for that question? He's scarcely conversed with you and only his intimate friends know to call him Tae," Jimin recounted softly, remaining frozen on the spot.
Jeremy's hand tinkered with the hem of Taehyung's shirt, his hand brushing against the bare skin of Taehyung's lower abdomen and lingering there. "We were going to be lovers, Jimin. He was going to be mine and we were going to be happy. He wouldn't be happy with anybody else, I know it. That's why I followed him everywhere and observed his every move to ensure he didn't get too close to anyone other than you. I was protecting him too," he whispered softly, his hand drifting lower to fiddle with the hem of Taehyung's pants. "You can still make him love me!"
Jimin shook his head as he glanced back to see Jungkook jostle his way into the room. He promptly yanked Jungkook back to restrain him away from Jeremy and Taehyung, indicating towards the knife that Jeremy still affixed against Taehyung's neck. "I can't make him love anyone he doesn't yearn for, Jeremy. He wasn't interested in you then and he's still not interested," Jimin attempted to rationalize, barely shifting closer.
Jungkook scowled, infuriated as Jeremy's hand dipped into Taehyung's pants. Jungkook felt every fiber of his being vibrate with fury as he could do nothing but watch Jeremy do whatever he desired with Taehyung. They all heard Taehyung's soft whimper as he wildly flailed his arms out in front of him as if fighting someone off. Jimin and Jungkook both glanced at each other before veering their attention back towards Jeremy, Jimin opening his mouth to speak.
"Jeremy, I don't think what you're doing is a good idea. Don't you want Taehyung to love you and not fear you? This kind of circumstance isn't going to help your possibility of dating Taehyung, especially if Taehyung wakes up right now with your hand down his pants," Jimin debated as Jungkook ever so slightly inched closer towards Jeremy and Taehyung. A completely inconspicuous movement to Jeremy since his attention was concentrated on Jimin.
Jeremy scoffed as he removed his hand from Taehyung's pants and skimmed his hand up Taehyung's waist. "I don't think he'll be waking up anytime soon though. I put enough drugs in his drink to guarantee he'd remain asleep, at least," Jeremy retorted, Jungkook slinking even closer towards them. Jeremy promptly glanced over at Jungkook before raising a suspecting eyebrow. "Have you always been that close?"
Jimin stammered slightly, trying to take his scrutiny off of Jungkook. "Ah, but, J- Jeremy! You didn't put too much in his drink, did you? You don't want to overdose him, right? Especially since he'd been clean for a while! Even an insufficient amount can be too much for a drug someone isn't used to consuming," Jimin articulated, watching out of the corner of his eye as Jungkook persisted to barely inch closer with each spoken word. Before Jeremy could notice Jungkook's tendencies yet again, Jungkook halted only a few feet from them now. Jeremy stood to his feet, still gripping Taehyung's dead weight of a body against him in security. His hand clutched the knife even tighter, pressing it against Taehyung's delicate skin enough that they saw blood trickle down the side of his neck. "You weren't that close before! You two are deceiving me," he wailed, averting his attention towards Jimin for a split instant.
Jungkook seized that opportune moment to act as he stepped forward and sucker punched Jeremy square in his jaw causing him to drop the knife he was wielding to endanger Taehyung's life. He dropped Taehyung's body in reaction to the force Jungkook utilized. Jimin instantly hauled Taehyung towards safety as Jungkook pivoted his head in a circular motion to alleviate the muscles in his neck.
He hastily snatched a reeling Jeremy by the collar of his shirt and slammed him up against the wall as he punched him repeatedly until Jimin's voice cut through the sound of Jungkook's fist connecting with Jeremy's face. "Stop it!" Jungkook whirled his head around toward Jimin with blood thirsty eyes that cut Jimin to the core with fear before Jungkook noticed Taehyung was safely in Jimin's arms. "You'll get expelled to solitary confinement if the Principal catches you! Do you think Taehyung would want that for you because of this asshole?" Jimin cried as Jungkook's fists trembled with the amount of turbulent fury that churned inside his stomach.
Jungkook begrudgingly let go of Jeremy's collar, allowing his limp body to plummet to the ground with a noisy thud as he turned away from him. Just the sight of Jeremy's face compelled Jungkook to proceed beating him until he was nothing more than a blood stain on the floor. His animosity could not be soothed this effortlessly as even the sight of Taehyung's unconscious body heightened his fury.
Jungkook clicked his tongue in irritation before he briskly strode past Jimin holding Taehyung's unconscious body and Rosé trotting towards Jeremy's room with the Principal in tow. Rosé wanted to stop and ask if everything was okay, but Jungkook's dark and brooding expression told her not to bother. He wasn't in the mood for any conversation or being cheered up. No, he appeared as if he would slaughter someone the moment they opened their mouth towards him.
She continued down the hallway towards Jeremy's room, immediately witnessing Jimin heaving Taehyung out of the semi-opened doorway. The Principal was abrupt to jog towards Jimin and Taehyung, checking to confirm Taehyung was okay. He'd sacrifice his job if he let anything disastrous happen to Taehyung. He peered into the room to evaluate the circumstance, before having security guards come to extract Jeremy from his dorm room. He would be allocated under solitary confinement while nobody was penalized for the injuries that Jeremy had sustained, the Principal believing that Jeremy deserved what he'd received.
Jimin stared as the security guards lugged Jeremy off down the hall while Jimin hoisted Taehyung into a slumping position against the wall so that they could wait for the nurse. Jimin had offered to carry Taehyung to the nurse's office, but the Principal insisted that they stay there and wait for the nurse to procure a gurney instead. Jimin sighed softly as he gently caressed Taehyung's swollen cheek while the nurse arrived with a bed for Taehyung. Jimin bit his lip as the nurse and Principal heaved Taehyung's limp body up and onto the bed, contemplating while the nurse wheeled him off towards his office.
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