Team excersize
Midoriya [POV]
After lunch we all went back to class. All might announced we would be doing a training exercise two against two he would be picking the partners by drawing names
Bakugo and Kirishima
Mineta and Shoji
Momo and Hagakure
Iida and Aoyama
Tsuyu and me
Sero and Jiro
Ojiro and Koda
Sato and Tokoyami
Todoroki and Emiko
Ichiro and Mina
Kaminari and Uraraka
Emiko was thrilled with her partnering. She has seemed to take quite an interest in Todoroki and his quirk though Ichiro was a nervous wreck with Mina who was excited and energetic all over Ichiro. We all changed into our hero costumes and went to the training ground
"Okay now I will chose who each group is up against" All Might started to pull names out of a box "Kaminari and Uraraka vs Iida and Aoyama, Tsuyu and Midoriya vs Ichiro and Mina, Sero and jiro vs Bakugo and Kirishima, Mineta and Shoji vs Ojiro and Koda, Momo and Kagakure vs Todoroki and Emiko and since we have eleven groups one group will go again vs Sato and Tokoyami" I looked at Ichiro, he looked down at the floor picking at his nails nervously. Mina jumped up leaning on his shoulder exclaiming something that I couldn't make out. He flinched at her touch and turned to stone which made her laugh. I didn't want to fight Ichiro and I don't think that he wanted to fight me either
Ichiro [POV]
I was partnered up with the energetic pink girl. She was kind of scary with how much energy she had and to make it worse I was up against Midoriya and his partner who just looked like a girl version of him. I don't remember anyone's names which I felt bad about. I picked at my nails listening to the pink girl talk
"Tsu-chan has a long tongue so since she's long ranged and I'm long ranged I'll take care of Tsu-chan you're good at close combat right of I don't even know your quirk" she rambled off laughing at the end
"I can turn into a statue" I explained quietly
"Oh you're really quiet I can barely hear you" she exclaimed
"I can turn into a statue" I repeated a bit louder my voice hoarse and my throat killing me still
"So you'd be good at defense that's awesome I'm not very good at defense" she clapped her hands together excitedly
"I guess" I muttered
"But Midoriya is strong too do you think you could handle him?" she asked
"I..., I don't know" I responded
"Don't put yourself down like that be confident" she leaned her elbow on my shoulder again and I couldn't stop myself from turning into the cement of the ground. The pink girl laughed
"Your quirks really something" she exclaimed my heart pounding in my chest and I felt like I was going to pass out again but I kept myself together as best I could
"I..., I feel bad....., I don't...., I don't remember your name" I mumbled quietly
"I'm Mina and you're Ichiro right" she exclaimed and I nodded
"Well we're gonna kick Midoriya and Tsu-Chan's butts" She smiled brightly
"Mhm" I mumbled confidently
(A.N. sorry for the short chapter I just felt like this was a good place to end it here)
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