Socializing is hard
Ichiro [POV]
My leg ached but at least the water helped a lot. I laid down on my bed facing the ceiling. I held my arm above my head looking at my hand. I was tired but it was useless to try to sleep. I rolled over to my side letting my arm droop off the edge my fingers brushing against the hardwood floor. I tensed up the wood grain snaking up my fingers through my hand and stopped at my elbow. This was a weak wood it would snap under enough force but I guess, everything will. I relaxed my muscles rolling back over so I was facing the ceiling. I traced the patterns of it with my eyes. My vision kept blurring in and out so I just gave up. I covered my face with my hands sitting up slowly. Swallowing my fear I opened the door and made my way silently through the hallway. I gripped the railing making my way downstairs. I heard everyone's muffled voices talking quietly. Fear immediately gripped me freezing me in place. I sucked in a deep breath letting it out slowly before turning away walking back up the stairs. I sat back down on my bed tugging my shirt off over my head. I had scars all around my shoulders, neck, middle torso, wrists and everywhere else where I had stopped my quirk halfway mostly around my joints. I traced a new scar around my shoulder. At least the actual cuts healed quickly
Midoriya [POV]
"Can I talk to Ichiro?" I asked nervously
"I don't see why not but I cant assure you that he will talk back but just try to knock quietly he's probably pretty jumpy" Emika agreed. I stood up bowing to them and slowly went upstairs
Emiko [POV]
"You saw him come downstairs a little and go back up right?" I whispered to Emika
"Yeah I think he wanted to come down" Emika agreed
Midoriya [POV]
I knocked gently on the door waiting for a response
"Yeah?" Ichiro asked from behind the door
"Can I come in?" I asked, There was a long pause and for a second I though Ichiro had froze
"Yeah" He finally mumbled his voice hard to hear. I twisted the doorknob pushing it open. Ichiro was sitting on his bed his hair covering his face. He was shirtless grotesque scars all around his shoulders and neck wrapping all the way around. All the scars seemed to be covered by even ore scars layered on top of one another
"Where did all those scars come from?" I asked concerned, he fidgeted with his hands not replying. I would have thought that if he was on the floor he would have turned to a statue
"My quirk" He responded quietly
"How did it happen from your quirk?" I knew I was pressing a bit to much and probably making him uncomfortable. Ichiro snaked his hand to the bed frame. The wood slithered up through his arm stopping halfway up his forearm. The wood dug into his skin leaving a red mark around his arm. He pulled his hand away relaxing his arm the red circle starting to bleed. He rubbed it uncomfortably, not like he was in pain though
"Why does it do that?" I asked walking over to his bedside
"It only happens when I stop midway" he replied slowly picking his shirt up from the floor pulling it back over his head.
"Can I sit down?" I asked fearful that I was really pushing my luck with his small burst of socialization from him. He nodded crossing his legs in front of him. I sat down next to him
"I just wanted to talk for a bit 'kay?" I reassured him. He nodded slowly brushing a strand of hair behind his ears. I was finally able to get a somewhat good look at him from up close. I noticed small holes in his ears
"You have your ears pierced?" I asked excitedly. He nodded reaching over to his bedside table picking up two small gemstone earrings. He took hold of the small thin metal pole behind it turning his hand into the metal from it
"That's a cleaver way to take advantage of a quirk like yours" I complimented, a small smile flitted across his face his cheeks and ears dusted a faint shade of pink. He put the earrings back on his bedside table.
"What materials can you turn into a statue with" I asked curiously
"Wood, stones, and metals" He mumbled I noticed that he was actually much taller than me even though he was only sitting down but somehow with his weird shy magic he made himself look so much smaller than he actually was bringing as little attention to himself as possible. His dark hair was messy like it had never been brushed ever
"Your quirk would be awesome for defense but it doesn't seem like it would work well for attacking if you can't move like that" I added, Ichiro chewed on his bottom lip before standing up. He stumbled a bit as he got up and I figured it was his quirk malfunctioning again but that didn't seem to be the case. He went over to his punching bag. He stepped back throwing a punch at it hardening his body right as his fist made contact with the bag. It sent a large shock wave through the room that blew my hair in front of my face. I brushed it back looking at him as he stood there his chin facing the ceiling. I started to get worried when he didn't move for a while but he finally did relax falling to his knees on the floor.
"Ichiro are you alright?" I asked standing up quickly. He covered his face with both hands leaning over his knees
"My quirk isn't what I need to control it's my anxiety" He turned to me his hands covered in blood again. Blood dripped down his face a long cut running from under his eyes over the bridge of his nose all the way across his face. He grimaced from the pain. I went over kneeling in front of you
"Is anywhere else cut?" I asked concerned
"No" he shook his head laughing exasperatedly "I'm so stupid I should have stopped it before but I forgot"
"Do you have a first aid kit?" I asked, he nodded pointed to a drawer in his wardrobe. I went over opening it, there was a first aid kit along with some other things that I didn't care to notice. I went back opening the first aid kit. I found some disinfectant putting some on a clean cotton pad
"Is it okay if I clean it?" I asked, he nodded slowly I started to clean the cut dabbing it on slowly. He sucked in a sharp breath squeezing his eyes shut
"Sorry" I apologized finishing up. I covered the cuts with Gauze wrapping the medical tape around it to keep it in place. I had him hold his hair away so I could wrap it the rest of the way around his head
"Sorry it's not the most professional but it will work" I smiled at him
"thank you" He mumbled biting his bottom lip again
"Of course"
"Midoriya I don't know what the two of you are doing up here but I heard a loud noise" Emiko knocked on the door making Ichiro jump. She opened the door her eyes landing on the both of us on the floor. Ichiro tensed up and shouted quickly
"DON'T TELL MOM!" Emiko burst out laughing
"Why would I tell mom you have to explain why you have bandages all over your face she's not blind she'll notice" She laughed
"No don't tell mom about anything that happened today" he stood up quickly but stumbled falling back down he clutched his stomach with one hand
(A.N. Woof seven chapters done in like five hours my left hand is cramping by now but I can't leave ya'll on a cliff hanger)
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