School Again
Emiko [POV]
After a while a few kids started to file into class. Ichiro had dozed off at his desk from not sleeping for around a week. Uraraka came in, scanned around the room and when she noticed Ichiro hunched over laying on his arms she bounded up to us. Before she had the chance to say something I spoke up
"He lost his voice" I explained just as he sat up. He looked around the room noticing Uraraka standing there
"Ichiro what happened to you you were gone all last week" she asked, Ichiro shrugged
"Flu" I explained figuring that it would be easiest to explain to people as I had to be his translator today. We had our own code so it would be easy to use that if he remembered it
"Emiko if you want to sit by your brother for now I'm fine with that" Aizawa offered. I nodded moving into the seat next to him where usually the red and white haired boy sat. I hoped he wouldn't mind. There was still a bit of time until class started when the red and white haired boy did come to class. He noticed me sitting in his seat but didn't say anything about it he just came over and sat down where I would usually sit.
"Ichiro you've got a lot of work to catch up on" I commented, he sighed frowning, I laughed "Ichi you've been gone for two weeks sick as a dog and you're complaining about the work you have to catch up on" he gave me a thumbs up
"ICHIRO" Midoriya shouted as he came into the classroom. He hurried over to his desk not even bothering to drop his bag off first
"Where were you I was worried that you dropped out like you said" Midoriya asked quickly
"I told you Midoriya he was sick you didn't have to worry so much" I explained trying to calm Midoriya down. Ichiro held up his hand sifting through his bag. He pulled out a piece of lined paper and a pencil. His hand shook and I noticed him writing with his wrong hand
"Ichi you're left handed" I corrected but he brushed it off switching his pencil to the other hand
Midoriya [POV]
I found it strange that Ichiro needed a reminder of which hand he wrote with but I didn't question it. When he finished writing he put the pencil down handing the piece of paper to me. I took it and my heart skipped a beat when I read what it said "I wasn't sick it was another panic attack worse this time" My eyes widened with surprise
"Are you alright?" I gasped out. Ichiro nodded taking the paper back from me and starting to write again. His handwriting was sloppy and his hands shook but he handed it back to me when he was finished "Sedated a lot I know that I remember what it felt like though I remember everything what went through my head all I wanted was to die right then I kept ripping out the IV many times. It doesn't matter now though I'm much better I feel better my mind is much more clear though sedatives have a lot of side effects on my body I don't remember what they all are though but please don't tell Emi that I know what happened she doesn't know that I remember" I looked at him nervously before glancing at Emiko
"Ichi that was quirk I thought that you'd at least lie for a little bit" she whined "Now I feel bad for lying to everyone" Ichiro shrugged, I decided to do as Ichiro told me and not tell Emiko that would get her all worked up and she seemed so much happier with him around. Ichiro laid his head back on his arms watching Emiko
"You're being quiet today though" she pointed out and when he raised one eyebrow she burst out laughing "I know I know I'm sorry" he just rolled his eyes
"Well I'm glad your back Ichiro" I smiled going back to my desk as class started
Emiko [POV]
I'm glad that Ichi was back at school everything seemed so much better with him here. I didn't pay attention to anything that Aizawa said but I don't think that Ichiro did either. He doodled flowers on a piece of paper using his right hand again. I let him draw though and didn't correct him. Apart from Midoriya and Uraraka I don't think that anyone else noticed that Ichiro was back apart from the teachers. I wasn't complaining though that mean't less explaining. I started paying attention again just long enough that we were doing another training exorcise. As we got up to go to the locker room I heard Aizawa go up to Ichiro
"You need to sit this one out okay I guess you can change into your hero costume if you want but I don't see much point to that it's all up to you though" Ichiro nodded smiling faintly. Ichiro liked his hero costume, it wasn't flashy or anything it was more convenient than anything and he was proud of that. We split up to go to our locker rooms
Midoriya [POV]
I didn't expect Ichiro to be down in the locker room along with the rest of us but he got changed as well. I was praying that Aizawa wasn't making him participate in the state that he was in.
"Ichiro are you participating?" I asked nervously as I came up to him. He flinched when I spoke. He shook his head quickly
"Why are you getting changed then?" he picked up one of the crutches leaning against the wall as the other clattered to the floor. I bent down picking it up for him. He smiled shrugged. His hero costume was simple black long sleeve shirt black pants and a hooded cape which hid his face from view. He had a band around his neck by his collar bone which covered up the scars around his neck. As he closed the locker I noticed some jewelry but he didn't seem to be wearing any. He tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around he bent the band around his neck so that the part pressing against his skin shown outward. The inside was laced with a type of metal. He smiled proudly
"Clever" I complimented walking with him to the field. His crutches clicking quietly against the hard stone floor. As we got onto the field Ichiro stopped walking by the door. I looked back at him. He looked down at the floor for a few seconds before shaking his head his hair falling in front of his face. He smiled and kept walking. When we were all on the field Aizawa gave further instructions. He split us up into groups and went over to talk with Ichiro
Ichiro [POV]
"You know you didn't have to get changed" Aizawa pointed out I nodded
"Don't push yourself but if you want to do something productive that would be ideal but I don't mind" he told me I nodded again
"Or I guess you could watch the others that would be a good idea just don't get yourself hurt anymore than you already are and don't interfere with the others okay" He raised one eyebrow I nodded once more. Aizawa went off to the side to supervise. Since I wasn't paying attention in class I didn't know what everyone else was doing. I sat down on my knees watching everyone. I was biting my nails again. What I got from what I saw was that everyone was in groups of three or four and were put against another group to fight but that's all I understood. I didn't know what the goal was or anything. I looked around for Emi on the field. When I found her she was fighting with the red and white haired boy again but I couldn't tell if he was on her team or not.
"Ichiro my boy I heard you weren't feeling well" A familiar hero voice rang out making me jump. I turned as all might came out of the building
"Why don't you change out of your hero costume and we can go talk" I looked over at Aizawa. He looked from me to All Might before nodding at me. I picked up my crutches and followed all might stopping in the locker room to change back into my school uniform. I followed all might into the nurse's office. She looked up when we entered.
(A.N. when I was writing that originally in my head I kept thinking "What if he was just hallucinating and All Might wasn't actually there and he just randomly left the class and wandered around the school and stuff" and no matter what I wrote I kept thinking that to the point where "AIZAWA SAID IT WAS OKAY ITS NOT A HALLUCINATION" Because that would have been really awkward if it was a hallucinating and even then my brain kept saying that and it got really annoying so I had him go to Recovery Girl's office to prove that I didn't want that to happen ('∀`;) )
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