Movie time
(A.N. so I'm quite upset because I had wrote the beginning part of this chapter and Now its gone and I hadn't wrote it anywhere but I guess that's where I went wrong whatever I guess I'll have to start all over again)
Emiko [POV]
A few hours later I knocked on Ichi's door before opening it
"Ichi we're going-" I trailed off seeing him on the ground his legs spread out his forehead resting against the floor. He was almost completely flat on the ground doing the splits
"ICHI" I exclaimed my eyes widened with surprise he jumped sitting up quickly
"Yes?" He replied weakly
"Since when have you been able to do that?" I shouted
"Um for a while actually but I've just been working on my flexibility more recently" He responded scratching at the back of his neck nervously
"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked awestruck
"I don't know you never asked and it never came up in conversation" he insisted still in the same position he was just sitting up
"What the are you two shouting about in here?" Mika popped her head in the doorway next to me her mouth fell open in shock
"Ichi holy crap" she cried out
"what?" he asked again
"How" was all she gasped out
"I noticed I was a bit flexible when I was doing stretches so I just continued to work on that I'm a bit stiff from not doing it for a while and I guess it helps with my quirk somehow" he put his hands down on the floor
"it doesn't even hurt?" She asked
"I can't handle pain I wouldn't be lounging around on the floor doing the splits if it hurt" he responded like that was the most obvious thing in the world
"I still can't believe our older brother is more flexible than we are" I shook my head laughing
"Do you have a problem with this?" He asked accusingly
"No no I'm proud of you Ichi that's really cool that you can do that" I insisted
"But what did you come in here to tell me?" he asked stretching his arms above his head
"me and Mika were leaving to go to the movies" I explained
"Oh Have fun" he responded
"We'll be back in a few hours don't burn the house down mom and dad wont be home until really late tonight so you should be good for tonight" I explained
"Kay thanks" he nodded
"Bye" I waved
"Bye bye" he responded folding back over his arms stretched above his head
"Our brother is a freak of nature" Mika laughed as I got my shoes on at the door
"Yeah but I guess that's what makes him unique" I shrugged going out the door locking it behind me. As we walked away I looked up at Ichi's bedroom window I couldn't see him. We met up with Midoriya at the movie theater bought our tickets and went to the theater room
"Is Ichiro at home?" Midoriya asked sitting down in his seat
"No he's out with some friends" I rolled my eyes "Of course he's at home"
"He always is" Mika chimed in
"He never goes out with you?" He asked
"Not usually unless he's forced to he prefers to be alone but with two younger sisters he never really can be alone" I explained with a small laugh
"Yeah I wouldn't really know since I don't have any siblings or anything" He shrugged as the previews for new movies started
"it's just you and your mom right? What happened to your dad?" I asked
"Well I never knew my dad I don't even know anything about him or what he was like so it's always just been me and my mom" he responded with a shrug
"I see though your mom is really nice I can't say the same with ours" I laughed
"your mom is really scary is that really what you deal with all the time?" He asked
"Well usually she's out really late and we usually try to go to sleep before that though she always focuses on Ichi never us she pretty much just pretends we don't exist and yells at Ichi blaming him for anything" Mika shook her head
"That sounds awful" Midoriya frowned
"Ichi's got a lot of pent up emotions and I don't think that's healthy but I guess he deals with it when he's fighting" I shrugged "He fights with such emotion I guess that's why it's so interesting to watch"
"Yeah I guess that's why" He smiled
"The movie isn't too long so afterwards we can go back to our house if you want" I offered
"Yeah" he nodded
Ichiro [POV]
I sat up crossing my legs in front of me. I was home alone so what to do. I could exorcise but I do that every day when people are home. I was all by myself and I was excited. I stood up opening my door slowly peeking down the hallway. I walked down the stairs into the living room. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I froze in my place, we weren't expecting anyone. Whoever was at the door knocked again. The knocking continued but didn't get any louder than a normal friendly knock. I slowly retreated upstairs not wanting to confront the person at the door. I went back to my room and looked out my window down at the ground. I could barely see the outline of a box outside the door and a man wearing a typical mailman outfit walking away down the drive way. Mom probably ordered a package or something. I went back downstairs carefully opening the front door. There was a medium sized cardboard box sitting on the front steps. I picked it up cautiously and shut and locked the door with both locks instead of one. The box had a few holes in it which I found odd. I pulled out my phone as I got a knife from the kitchen
Me: Emi did you order something?
Me: Because a box just came to the door
I cut open the tape on the top of the box pulling the flaps apart. As soon as I did though a small creature jumped out. I cried out with surprise jumping back. A small tabby cat was sitting on the table it's back arched it's fur puffed up. It hissed at me
I had never dealt with a cat before or any sort of animals
"H-Hey It's o-o-okay I wont h-h-hurt you" I stuttered trying to calm the small cat it hissed at me again. I held my hands out
"Where'd you come from?" I asked confused even though I knew that It wouldn't answer me. I slowly crept around the table the cat staring at me the whole time as I went into the kitchen. I got a small dish of milk and carefully came back setting it on the table next to the cat. It continued to hiss at me ignoring the dish of milk. My heart beat sped up and the room spun. This time I couldn't stop myself from passing out but when I woke up the cat was on the floor next to me nuzzling up against me milk dripping from its whiskers. I sat up quickly unsure what to do. It wasn't hissing at me anymore
"Were you just hungry?" I asked receiving no answer but a satisfied meow. My phone buzzed
Emi: no I didn't order a package why and what's hissing at you
Emi: what? We're coming home right now
Me: please hurry
I was scared to death of this small creature but now it didn't seem like it was angry anymore. I cautiously touched it putting my hand on its head. It didn't hiss at me
"Where did you come from?" I asked again getting a small meow in response as it nuzzled into my touch. It yawned curling up next to me leaning against my leg. It soon fell asleep.
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