Ichiro's Turn
Ichiro [POV]
I slowly stepped up in front of Aizawa
"Are you sure?" I asked nervously not really wanting to fight I didn't like fighting in front of people or really doing anything in front of people
"Yes if you want to get a good grade in my class" He narrowed his eyes searching my face for something. I didn't get a chance to say anything else before he came at me making the first move. I dodged it jumping out of the way
Aizawa [POV]
The boy looked genuinely terrified but he's fought before and he's done well. He's a strong boy but doesn't realize it. He kept dodging my attacks like it was no big deal but his eyes searched around taking everything in. He was observant and I knew that but, he was oblivious to most things. He didn't seem to have many physical weaknesses, he was strong, he had good form, he knew how to move and knew how to fight, his quirk was the most impressive I observed. He knew how to use it and he knew how to get by with both defense and attack. Though he wasn't trying to attack me he was just dodging my own attacks trying to keep his distance. I raised one eyebrow but didn't say anything I would let him figure himself out. He watched me silently himself avoiding my punches easily. Not even his footsteps seemed to make noise. He was light on his feet but at the same time he put a lot of his weight on one foot rather than balancing it out. That's good for maneuvering but for hand to hand combat it isn't the best thing. I took a swipe at his feet trying to throw him off balance. I was barely able to touch him when he moved away again swaying slightly but he regained his balance. He furrowed his eyebrows nervously and threw a punch at me. He was quick I didn't expect that. He saw my openings and took his chances. His punches were hard to dodge but he was timid and I didn't feel he was going all out. I found myself getting distracted trying to find an opening for my to land a punch and he took that to his advantage landing a hit directly in my gut. I sputtered jumping back. Though what I've seen of his previous attacks he usually turns himself to steel or whatever material he has but he didn't do that. Maybe he was doubting himself not thinking that he was going to make a hit but it got me back focused and I think he started to get focused too. His bangs were swept out of the way and in that moment I saw his crimson red eyes, I could have swore he had dark blue eyes but because he always covered his face I couldn't remember. He mumbled something to himself that I couldn't understand and went for another attack. I blocked his fist throwing a punch of my own. He ducked down trying to sweep my feet from under me. I almost fell backwards but managed to keep standing.
Emiko [POV]
I saw something that I had never seen before, Ichi's eyes they had gone a dark maroon color. I thought the darkest they could go was crimson but I was wrong. I was just starting to think that Ichi might be the only person to defeat Aizawa. But right before Ichi could throw another attack Aizawa swept his feet from under him and Ichi fell down hard on his back coughing and sputtering.
"Ichiro" Aizawa started holding out his hand to Ichi. Ichi rubbed his eyes the maroon faded to the normal blue as he took his hand "I want to say I'm proud of you you're stronger than you think and much stronger than you appear, You carry yourself well and are very well with hand to hand combat, you're observant and understand your surroundings, you look for openings and keep your distance very well long enough to make an opening yourself if you cant find one, you keep appearance calm and move quietly and confidently, you've got a strong quirk that you've made your own, you know how to use it well and had made adjustments to your body and you know what you can handle I'm surprised I don't see that often from first years who know their limits and not to go past it" Aizawa shot a death glare at Midoriya a small smile spread across his face before he continued "You've got amazing upper body strength, but, because of that you focus a lot on your upper body and neglect your lower body which leaves you with a lot of openings though you do well to cover for it there is room to grow and in situations where the fights get drawn out like that you're weaknesses get revealed by how much you move and it tires you out so you get clumsy but despite all that you're stronger, faster and, smarter than you give the impression of"
Aizawa [POV]
I smiled at Ichiro and to my upmost surprise tears started to form in the corners of his eyes flowing down his cheeks dripping down onto the soft dirt. He buried his face in his hands. I was confused I had praised him but at the same time I had scolded him. He looked back up at me tears falling down his face but he smiled at me the largest smile that I had seen on this boy
"Thank you" He cried out through his tears. I realized in that moment how much this boy must have heard only the negatives of his form and attacks to make him like this. He must not have ever heard much praise in his life that he just crumbles. I didn't know what this kid deals with at home but to make him just crack under praise it made me feel kind of guilty. He wiped his eyes walking back over with the rest of the group
Ichiro [POV]
I felt so weak crying like that in front of everyone but I just couldn't contain myself.
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