Dinner party (Pt 2)
Midoriya [POV]
When we sat down at the table it was already set and my mom was waiting in her usual spot for us. We prayed and began to eat some short conversations held but didn't last long. My mom tried to include Ichiro by trying to start up a conversation but they always ended short
"Ichiro how come you decided to go to U.A. to become a hero" my mom asked in another attempt to try to start a conversation with him
"U.A. is one of the best schools for becoming a hero it's always been my dream" he picked at his food "Though I'm starting to think it's not for me I might try to work towards something else to drop out I guess" I don't think Ichi realized everything that he was saying
"Ichi why would you think that?" Emiko exclaimed
"What?" he looked at her confused he really must not have noticed what he said
"Why would you want to drop out" she exclaimed her eyes widened in surprise. He buried his face in his hands
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" he mumbled into his hands
"Is it true though Ichi?" Emika asked
"lets not talk about that now just forget I ever said anything I don't wanna ruin this night everyone seems to be having fun" he looked up with a smile but it seemed forced
"We aren't done talking Ichi we'll talk about this later" Emiko snapped. The atmosphere got tense after that and it seemed to be really getting to Ichiro he was starting to tremble. My mom kept trying to make conversation but it wasn't working at all anymore
"How was your day Izuku?" My mom asked me
"it was good I didn't get hurt today so that's always a plus" I joked
"That's good" she smiled and was about to say something more when Ichiro sneezed covering his face. It was a small sneeze like a little kitten. It was kinda cute
"Bless you" My mom giggled
"Thank you" he responded quietly
"See Ichiro I knew you'd get a cold from staying out in the rain" Emiko scolded
"No" was all he said not explaining any further. After dinner I got up to wash dished and I was surprised when Ichiro went to help me
"Oh you don't have to help you're the guest" I started, Ichiro didn't say anything but he didn't stop helping either. Right when we finished my mom came into the kitchen
"Ichiro honey if you want to change back into your clothes they just came out of the dryer" my mom told him
"Thank you" he mumbled taking his clothes back timidly going to the bathroom. Emiko came in with the tray of tea Emika trailing behind her
"I can take that from you" my mom offered. Emiko nodded handing it to her. Ichiro came back out of the bathroom back in his school uniform
"let's go to my room" I suggested, Emiko nodded with a smile as I led them to my room. It was kind of embarrassing with all the All Might posters but they didn't seem to mind. I took the sweater and shorts from Ichiro.
"I didn't want to mention this in front of my mom but it's been eating at me all day" I turned to look at Emiko and Ichiro "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to but I wanted to know where you went when Aizawa called you out of class" I sat down at my desk waiting for an answer Emiko and Emika sat on my bed and Ichiro sat down on the floor
"Well" Emiko started looking down at Ichiro but he didn't react "Ichi just got a bit anxious and Aizawa must have gotten worried or something so we just went to the nurse" she shrugged smiling nervously. Emika looked at her raising one eyebrow
"Aizawa wouldn't do that unless he felt it was something serious that was happening" I pointed out. She looked down nervously at Ichiro again but he still didn't say anything. He looked down at the floor picking at his nails
"Emi what happened?" Emika asked concerned. Now Emiko was backed into a corner and Ichiro didn't help her out at all
"Ichi had a small panic attack in class after training I knew it was coming by how irritable he was after coming out of the locker room and how he was in class" she finally blurted out
"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" Emika exclaimed
"I was going to but I never got the chance" she defend
"Ichiro are you okay?" I asked noticing he hadn't said a word about any of this
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" he asked looking up his hair in front of his face but he wore a smile that seemed fake
"Why am I always the last to know about these important things" Emika whined
"That's just how the news spreads I guess" Emiko insisted
"Ugh" she whined hitting Ichiro on the back of the head "Why didn't you of all people tell me"
"Because someone cane even tell the difference between a panic attack and his plain old anxiety" Emiko answered before he had the chance to reply Ichiro looked up at the two of them sitting on the bed
"Whats with those sad puppy dog eyes" Emika shouted
"No reason" he responded looking at me grinning
"There's always a reason what do you want" she insisted
"Nothing" he shrugged
"Whoever gave you those puppy dog eyes gave you way to much power that you shouldn't have" she accused Ichiro only laughed
"Ichiro you're actually being quite quiet today more than normal" Emiko pointed out
"Talking is a lot of work though" he whined
"So it appears you're just too lazy" I asked
"Mhm" he hummed nodding
"That's unlike you" Emiko commented
"I'm just tired I couldn't sleep at all last night I kept waking up" he complained
"Anxiety?" Emika asked
"No, that's the problem there was no reason to it" he rubbed his eyes sleepily
"You were probably just anxious you have a tendency to forget about those little episodes after they've happened" Emiko smacked him on the back of the head
"Ow that's not my fault" he insisted
"Are you sure your quirk is really being able to turn into a statue and not your crippling anxiety?" I joked
"No kidding, that's what I've been thinking lately" he agreed
"Oh right that reminds me you idiot what was that talk about dropping out of U.A." Emiko scolded smacking him upside the head as he picked at his nails
"I'm not cut out for being a hero anyways so why bother chasing a dream that I cant achieve" He shrugged
"But what brought that on I want to know why just now you're thinking that it's only been your second day of school" she furrowed her eyebrows with concern
"I can't do it I can't face the anxiety and pressure of everything if I can't handle things now I won't be able to save anyone" he shook his head slowly and sadly
"Ichiro even though you're anxious and shy you've got a good heart and even though it doesn't show you're brave when it matters most" Emika encouraged sincerely
"I'm not brave at all" he insisted
"in school Ichiro when that kid was harassing me you didn't even hesitate to at you stood between us and you saved me you were my hero Ichiro" she put her hand on his shoulder
"I was scared out of my mind the whole time and if you weren't there I would have turned to stone right there" he explained "that's nothing like how a hero is"
"Ichiro a hero once told me that being a hero isn't about being fearless it's about acting even though you're scared" I added, Ichiro didn't say anything for a long time he just looked down at the floor fidgeting with his hands
"That's not what makes me a hero I'm not cut out for this" he shook his head. Emiko's eyes widened with realization
"Did mom tell you that?" she asked her voice weak and desperate waiting for his answer but he never gave one
"Ichiro you can't listen to her she doesn't know what's good for you she never has from the moment you were born" she voice slowly rose Ichiro flinched cowering down to make himself look smaller. Emiko's expression softened "Ichiro look what she's done to you I raised my voice just a little and you cower down even from me I love you and you know that I would never hurt you" she put her hand on his head gently, instinctively he flinched and pulled away
"Your mother?" I asked confused
"Our mother is strict always yelling at him for not being perfect finding every flaw in him and reminding him of it every day, the doctor doesn't know why his anxiety got this bad but I have a feeling that it's because of her" Emiko explained brushing a strand of hair out of her face. She glanced at the clock on my nightstand
"Oh gosh we should get going its gotten really late" she stood up quickly
"I can walk with you home" I offered
"Ah no its find you don't have to" she insisted
"Alright" I smiled "at least let me walk you to the end of the block" I suggested
"If it will make you happy" Emika smiled standing up as well, helping Ichiro to his feet
"Kay let's go then" I smiled
Emiko [POV]
Midoriya insisted to walk us down to the end of the block we couldn't refuse but that just made everything even more tense. No one spoke and Ichiro hung behind walking slowly dragging his feet. What Midoriya said was to just be the end of the block turned out to be all the way to our house.
"Thank you for having us over" I bowed
"Of course you can stop by any time for dinner" He smiled waving and running off. I unlocked the door going inside. All the lights were off. We all went to our rooms exhausted
"Night Ichi" I smiled though I doubted that he could see me in the dark
"Night" he replied shutting his door quietly until a small click could be heard of it shutting the rest of the way. Me and Mika went to our room saying goodnight and going to bed.
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