here I am
taking care of all the loose ends that I have on wattpad.
If you've read this far recently, hi this book hasn't been actually updated in a long time. And I know that I said i'd finish it in the last Author's note.
If you've read this book in the past and had it in your library, got notified or just came back to read it for some odd reason. also hi.
Well I'm guessing that you can assume where I'm going with this but if you didn't guess it, let me say it loud and clear.
I'm not finishing this book, there won't be anymore updates.
I had big plans for this book, and I don't post for publicity or in hopes that the book will take off like some of my others have now. Honestly I just post because I love writing and I love posting.
After the last Authors note I think that I went back and reread some of the chapters and I realized how completely god awful my characters were. Ichiro was really the only character that I thought to develop and I based the book around him because I grew attached (hell I don't remember his sisters names)
Emika (?) and Emiko (?) are such Mary sues that it hurts me, there was no character development or even thought to their character and literally it makes me cringe. Ichiro could have possibly been like a character in one of my actual books but Emiko and Emika just kinda... make me cringe how badly I wrote them.
This book got a lot more views from the last time that I checked a long time ago but I don't know
At this point I'm rambling because I want to get all my thoughts out since this book is my FIRST story ever posted on wattpad and it kinda hurts me to be saying all this stuff but it's true.
This book is where it all started for me.
I started from ground zero, absolutely nothing, I think 6th grade me just wanted to try writing for BNHA a new anime that I watched and I wanted to write something. Then I had an idea for these three characters that... hey what if they were in BNHA too!
So I'm going to ramble for a bit I guess because this story really does mean a lot to me. I've grown so much as a writer and I never would have if I didn't decide to post this story and my other stories on wattpad.
I planned so much for Ichiro and this book would have been so much longer, I planned for it to go all the way to the future where he's a pro hero or whatever. It's so silly since he's just an oc in a universe I didn't even create.
But y'know if you read this crappy young writing of mine, thanks. I don't know what your impression of my writing is since I've grown a lot more and I don't really post on wattpad but truly thank you for reading this.
There's really so much that I could say about this book that at the same time I don't know how to say it.
I don't know why I put off doing this for so long and I know for certain that surely no one is actually sitting around and waiting for an update or being super invested in this story since it's pretty bad and Emiko and Emika are pretty horrible characters, exactly what you would expect from a 6th grader's anime oc.
Anyway this was a long ramble of me to just say I'm not completing this anymore. I didn't even give reasons but at this point I don't really think I need to give them.
Well, this is goodbye to this story, my first ever book on Wattpad had to end like this. But that's fine. It's a reminder of who I used to be and how things were. My writing used to be crap but I'm happy with how it is now. In a few years I'll probably say the same about my current writing but that's what it's all about.
Writing is a cycle of growth that I'm happy to be a part of.
Thank you for reading and reaching the end of this book.
Goodbye Ichirio.
My writing would probably never be the same if I hadn't written you or this book.
Thank you for coming on this journey with me everyone here who has read this book and is reading this right now.
Sometimes I miss the past but it's better to move on.
Also sorry for getting so sappy and emotional about a crappy bnha oc wattpad book.
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