we had gotten back and ate the food at the dinner table, joyce quickly finished hers and washed her plate up, telling us to wash ours once finished.
I eventually finished and so did will - whilst washing our plates will splashed me with the dirty soapy water, I got him back by a lot, the ground getting slippery, he got me back and half of the washing up water was on the ground, will went to get a towel but fell over and smashed his plate.
I smacked my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing, he turned to me with the remaining of plate in his hand with wide eyes. Joyce walked out of her bedroom and shook her head.
"I told you to wash your plates not the floor," she told us, I looked away so I wouldn't laugh. "you know what to do William," she said whilst he nodded and went back inside her room.
I started laughing so loud will began to join, I had to cross my legs and try stop laughing.
"stop-p-p laugh-ing," will said and stood up after rolling around with laughter. I calmed myself down and leant over the side trying to keep myself cool.
"my god," I said and closed my eye letting out that sigh of 'calm down'.
"c'mon help me clean up,' he said whilst picking up the smashes pieces of plates. I got some kitchen rolls and clean up the ground. I put my plate in the drying rack and will put his plate in the bin.
"that was too funny," I said as I walked off to the living room. will walked off to his moms room and came back with large camera.
"why have you got that?" I asked, watching him set it up, I crossed my legs on the sofa.
"just need to show you something," he said, the screen turning blue and he pressed play.
it was on Halloween last year. there was a man with fake teeth telling johnathan how to use the camera. it then cut to will and his friends trick or treating, I haven't done that in years. it went to another shot of them boys talking about how they hate nougat but dustin disagreed you could see someone pop out and max was underneath the mask. later in the clip mike was disagreeing about max being apart of the group, the tape still playing
"just think, max was like you, mike disagreed on her but eventually as time went on, he began to like her and she became apart of the party," he said to me I was watching the screen still, teenagers jumping out at will, calling him a freak and zombie boy. later he was screaming for mike and abruptly ran away, will saw this and paused it at a shot that had a weird shape in the screen it was large next to wills small frame.
"will what is that?" I asked he poked at the screen confused.
"me?" he question I looked closer at the shape, it wasn't like anything I've seen before.
"no that shape," I told him.
"what shape?" He said looking at the screen. I gave up and lied down again.
"don't worry," I told him as he skipped through a couple things but came to another bit with him and his mom he stopped it and let it play. they had music playing in the background whilst him and joyce danced to it.
"is this happening?" He asked johnathan who was behind the camera.
"it's happening alright," johnathan said whilst they danced and gave joyce a little twirl. I smiled and so did will. he began to take out all the plugs and have the camera back to his mom. coming out with the DVD and put it.
"oh my god, I'm not gonna sleep tonight," I said and took a pillow will came over to sit next to me. he held out his hand and I took it.
the first scene took me to heart already, and it was a scary movie. the man was lit on fire. I tensed up a little and will squeezed my hand, he thought i was scared but boy was he wrong.
we continued watching and watched as the boyfriend was swallowed up in the bed.
"oh my god," I said in horror, closing my eyes, looking away, will laughed.
"it's okay it's gone now," he said and I looked back to them in the boiler room. honestly I really likes Nancy, she was so cool battling freddy and when her mom turned on her Jesus Christ it was a good movie but I was just a massive pussy.
"woo! movie over thank god!" I said and cheered once I saw the credits roll.
"did you like it?" he asked taking out the DVD and putting it in it's case.
"I mean it was good but I'm not going to bed for a couple weeks," I joked whilst he turned off the television and gave the movie back to his mom. I grabbed my bag and carried it with me. "I'll get dressed in the bathroom," I told him and he agreed telling me he'll change in his room.
I put on wills hoodie and my long stripey pyjama bottoms. I came out and knocked on his door.
"come in," he said, I walked in and saw him dressed, reading his comic book.
"what comic is that?" I asked, putting my backpack next to his desk, sitting next to him in his bed.
"x-men 134," he said, flicking a page.
"no way!" I sat up and looked at the book.
"yes way, dustin gave it to me," he said and looked over to me smirking.
"I've been begging my dad to get me that for ages!" I told him and he flicked over another page.
"maybe when finished with it I'll give it to you," he suggested to me, I nodded and danced to myself.
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