"okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow," mike said getting on his bike.
"bye!" max, lucas and dustin said to me and will who began to walk home whilst they rode back home on their bikes.
"how you feeling?" will asked me as soon as they left and we began to walk home.
"happy," I told him, smiling and intertwined my hand with his.
"how did you come to terms with mike?" he asked, turning round the corner.
"well I told him about my powers and how I could hurt him, we talked about the upside down and just came to terms with each other," I told him, I felt a drop of water fall on my cheek. "whoa, I think it's raining," I said, and felt another drop on my head.
"I felt it too," he said and looked up, to the sky. it began to shower it down, we started running to my house. will saw a puddle on the curb and jumped in it, splashing up his legs and mine too.
"William!" I yelled and he giggled.
"what? come jump!" he yelled and jumping in the puddle laughing to himself, I jumped in and kicked the water. he looked at me with a devilish grin.
"oh no," I said and ran onto the pavement, he chased after me, I ran across the road and he chase me still, we ran along the pavement til I tripped up on my feet and he fell over me.
"bahahhahah!" We laughed as we rolled on the ground laughing hard, the rain falling harder than earlier.
will stood up and helped me up, I got down my feet stood up next to him.
"thank y-" I started but was cut off with wills lips crashing onto mine. they felt chapped and soft at the same time, he held into my waist, I closed my eyes and kissed him back. wrapping my arms around his neck.
fireworks, celebrations, cheering was happening as we kissed. I felt him pull away and look at me, I smiled at his wet hair pressed against his forehead and calmly stared Into his hazel eyes.
I got on my toes and reached for his lips again, kissing him gently as he kissed back. I've never felt so much bliss in my life. I pulled away and hugged him in pouring rain.
"y/n," will said, I looked up at him and he pointed over to my houses where his mom was screaming and jumping around and my dad was staring at me angrily through the living room window.
"well shit..." I said and let go of will, we crossed the road together and walked inside.
"yes! my baby's had his first kiss!" joyce screams running over to him and hugged him tightly. I giggled at him being smothered in hugs by his mom.
"oh god," he joked and looked at me smiling I giggled through the process.
"what's going on?" a man walked out from the bathroom, wearing police uniform.
"hopper! wills has his first kiss, you missed it, it was so adorable!" Joyce said excitedly. letting go of will, and walked to my dad. "you owe me five bucks," she said and held her hand out my dad gave her the money and sat back hopper sitting next to her in a tight squeeze.
"um what are you doing here?" Will asked, looking at joyce and hopper.
"just having a school gathering, used to be the best trio in the school we did," my dad said on a seat of his own. I nodded and grabbed wills hand.
"you continue your school gathering, we'll be upstairs," I said and started to head to the staircase.
"no making out!" my dad yelled from downstairs. I turned back to the drenched will.
"dad!" I yelled and saw will laugh, we then ran upstairs and into my room.
when you're not single no more but continue writing imagines cause why not Innit. ALSO ITS OCTOBER IM FUCKING LOSING THE PLOT.
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