me and will quickly walked out before the others, linking arm, pushing past kids and out onto the field, sitting on a small patch of grass where no one could see us. it was the groups small hide out so we sat there and waited.
I laid my head on wills shoulder as he stroked my hair, soothing me after what happened; it felt nice (like before when we were cuddling the butterflies were dancing around in my stomach.)
we saw max , dustin and lucas walk out of the building, I sat up and started waving.
"max!" I yelled grabbing her attention as they walked over to us. I looked at will worryingly.
"they all know about eleven, they'll think it's cool to hang out with someone like you," he told me, I felt the front of my eyebrows raise.
"but what about my mom?" I asked he held my hand.
"you dont have to tell them about your mom, just talk about the fire drill today," he suggested I nodded and they sat down.
"hey, so what happened?" max asked, taking off her backpack. My bottom lips quivered and I looked to will, he smiled at me and I looked back at them.
"I made the fire drill happen," I started, will squeezed my hand.
"how?" Dustin asked, eating a granola bar. I inhaled deeply.
"With my mind," I told them, dustin choked on his bar and lucas spat out his water.
"you have powers?" max whisper yelled. I nodded with a straight face. "what type of powers?" she asked. I furrowed my brows.
"max, you idiot, it's obvious what powers she has," dustin told her she furrowed her brows and it suddenly clicked in her.
"oh, you can set off fires," she said and face palmed. I nodded and gulped.
"but I only do it when I'm angry," I told them. they looked at me confused and lucas spoke up.
"so what made you so angry?" he asked, putting the lid onto his water bottle.
"try guess," I told them and they all mumbled 'mike' I nodded and remembered about walking into class. "but today I walked into maths and everyone just seemed scared of me? I asked to go to the toilet and there was writing on the walls," I started. I was about to cry but swallowed them back and sighed.
"what did it say?" max asked curiously. I stared at the ground and felt my heart rate increase.
"that I'm a freak. a bully and the school slut," I said and felt the tears well up. "and it's all because of mike, he screamed then words like bloody murder so the school would hear and now they think it's the truth," I started I say gritting my teeth and began to get angry. will let go of my hand and held my arm.
"calm down," he told me, knowing that I was getting angry. I sighed and looked at them, they gave each other looks and remained silent
"y/n?" someone asked, I looked up and saw a shadow of a male. "come to my office with me please," the head teacher told me, I stood up and grabbed my bag.
"see you later y/s/n," dustin said. I waved goodbye to them and walked with the headteacher putting on my backpack.
"we've got someone in the office that you need to speak to, it's about yesterday," he told me, I gave him nervous smile and continue to walk to his office. he walked ahead and opened the door, mike siting a chair patiently.
I stood away from the door and stood behind the wall. the head teacher looked at me confused to why I wont step foot in there.
"well come one on then," he told me I shook my head and crossed my arms.
"I'm not going in there," I told him, he let go of the door.
"why not?" he asked me. I put my foot outwards and looked at him with anger.
"did you not hear what happened yesterday?" I asked and he sighed.
"yes I did, just walk inside and we can sort this out-" he suggested to me I squinted my eyes and cut him off.
"so why do you think I slapped him? for attention?" I asked and e quickly can back at me.
"no, y/n I told you I'm here to sort this out," he told me. I scoffed and uncrossed my arms.
"well I'm telling you I'm going into that fucking room, he's a dickward and has the school against me, and I do hope he heard that," I told him and walked away, I heard the door slam open and footsteps jogging to me.
"y/n wait," I heard mike say. I continued walking off, the head teacher chasing us.
"fuck off mike," I told him heading for the doors. he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
stay calm y/n.
my mom told me in my ear. She probably knows I'll burn him up if I get too angry. I sighed through my nostrils.
"listen to me, for a second godamn it," he told me, I pushed his hand off my shoulder and started to walk away. I pushed the doors and slammed them against the walls some kids turned to us again. "you said your not doing it for attention why are you walking out?" he asked me loudly, I walked down the stairs. he grabbed onto my shoulder.
"get off me mike, the schools against me, they think I'm the school slut and a bully, no body fucking likes that, and you've caused it," I yelled him, turning around.
"If you let me talk to you, then none of this would've happened!" he yelled back. I scoffed and planted my feet.
"about what? All you ever did was roll your eyes and ignore me, telling me we had rules, you've always been a dick to me mike it would've happened anyways!" I yelled back he stood still and didn't say anything. "exactly, you mike never gave a chance, so why should I give you one?" I asked, he stopped and just looked at me in defeat. I had my point across and he couldn't say anything back to it.
"please, I want to just talk about this," he told me.
"about what? did I slap you back into reality or something? just fuck off and think of a better apology than a bit of paper that says sorry, because sorry doesn't cut it bitch," I told him an walked off. the head teacher was yelling my name but I ignored it and walked off into the large forest which the group called mirkwood.
super duper sorry if there is typos I'm really tired and I haven't posted in a while, I know when I read this back I'm gonna be clawing my skin. lol k bye :).
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