we had eventually got to wills house. halfway through the journey to wills he suggested that we ride on his bike to which we agreed to and hurried back home, I stood on the back of wills bike, standing on the bike pegs that stuck out whilst he pedalled on home.
we arrived at the his house, got off his bike and walked over to his house and entered it.
"hi mom," will said, seeing his mom in the kitchen. I walked behind following him onto the kitchen.
"hey will, the DVD is on top of the TV," joyce told us, we thanked and walked to living room, will put in the VHS into its slot. "I'm gonna be in my room, johnathan is too," joyce told us.
I sat on the sofa whilst will setted up the video, I kicked off my shoes and hid my feet underneath my coat that I took off. will stood up and pressed play walking off to the kitchen.
"where you going?" I asked him which he opened up the cupboard and took out a packet of crisps, went over to the fridge and took out a can if come each for us.
"just grabbing some refreshments," he smiled handing me coke and crisps, getting up again and walked over to the light switch.
"no! Don't turn off the lights," I begged he grinned at me holding his hand against the switch. "please don't," I begged.
"it just a movie, it won't come out of the screen, and If you do get scared don't look," will told me and quickly turned off the lights to which I had to give in and let him sit down next to me.
the movie started and a we watched I munched onto my crisps and took little sips from my coke, too invested into the movie. it came to the bit where the brother looks underneath the bed seeing if anything was underneath, it quickly panned up and showed the clown behind him. I was drinking my drink and spilt it down me when I jumped.
"oh shit," I groaned, standing up after soaking myself in coke down my shirt and onto my denim jacket.
"pass that," he said In between giggles, holding out his hand which i placed the can in his hand and looked down at myself feeling it stick slightly. will went and put the drink onto coffee table and turned in the light.
"will, please stop laughing and help me out," I asked politely, he calmed down a little and nodded, grabbing my jacket and put it over a radiator.
"I'll let you burrow one of my jumpers," he said and I nodded, he quickly paused the movie and led me to his bedroom and to his closet of cluttered clothes. he grabbed one out of his draws and handed it to me.
"take off that shirt cause it's sticky, I'll stand outside whilst you do," he's told me and left the room. I huffed taking of my shirt seeing a coke stain on my bra.
"ough, my bra," I mumbled slight whilst I put on wills jumper. and looked at my reflection from the window. "ugh, I don't match," I grunted at the grey oversized hoddie, attempting to tuck it in but it wasn't very successful. I groaned and grabbed my shirt opening up the door looking at will.
"it doesn't match," I complained. he chuckled and shrugged.
"at least you won't get sticky anymore," he told me and I gave him a small fake smile, he stood aside and let me walk through.
"pass I'll put it in the radiator for you," he told me, I gave him my shirt and watched as he put layed it out nicely. I sat back on the sofa and crossed my legs annoyingly.
"can we keep the lights on this time?" I asked and he nodded pressing play and sitting back down.
finally the movie ended and I quickly came out from hiding underneath my fingers.
"thank god for that, I don't think I would've lasted another 10 minutes," I joked until the screen went static. "no, no, don't, oh my god, no I'm leaving," I said and walked out of the room, hiding behind a wall.
"chill out, it cause the movie ended," he laughed and took the DVD out and put it back in its case, the screen black.
"well I did tell you I'm scared of horrors," I told him walking back in the room, he went to sit down.
"just wait until we watch nightmare on elm street," he told me. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"we're not watching nightmare on elm street," I told him strictly he grinned and nodded.
"yes we are," he said walking over to another DVD ontop of the television. I looked at the cover and saw freddy a face.
"I'm not watching it," I told him straight, he whined and begged.
"please it'll be great,"
"you won't be thinking that when you can't sleep at night," I told him with a smirk and he groaned.
"what about we save it for another day?" he suggest I shook my head smiling.
"I am not watching that movie will,"
"what movie?" joyce said, coming from around the corner and scaring me and will.
"oh my god joyce," I said holding onto my chest, feeling my heart beat go crazy.
"I was planning to do that all night," she laughed and cheered walking over to the kitchen making herself a warm coffee. "anyways what movie?" she asked.
"nightmare on elm street," I told her and she quickly shook her head.
"no, you're far to young or that, you won't sleep for days trust me," she said as she filled up the kettle.
"I told you," I said to will, crossing my arms and smirking.
"ugh, no fun, I really wanted to watch this movie," he said putting the DVD away and sat on the sofa.
"erm, y/n, shouldn't your dad be here? it almost 10?" Joyce questioned, as she let the water boil inside of the kettle.
"oh shoot, I forgot about the time, um, I'm not sure," I said and walked towards the window.
"would you like me to drive you home?" joyce suggested and I agreed to it seeing as my dad probably won't turn up any minute. "okay, let me go find my keys," she said putting the kettle on the other side of the cooker and let it sizzle down.
"i dont want to go home," I said moving away from the window and sat cross legged on the ground.
"why not?" will asked, drinking his can of coke.
"because I always have to go home once I'm having a lot of fun, it's not fair," I explained to him he chuckled a little.
"well, we still have school tomorrow, I can see you there?" will told me I shrugged and sighed deeply.
"found them!"
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