the party had been hanging for a while. they all were just chatting and groaning about school, I was practising my abilities here and there.
I had set off a leaf when something in the distance caught my eye. I looked up and saw a woman standing there. a familar looking woman. she wore a navy blue jumper that looked snug against her chest and some jeans to match it.
my lips parted as I began to remember who this woman was.
"mom?" I asked, standing up, the woman still there.
"y/n, you okay?" max asked, they all stayed still, sitting next the doorway of the bus until will saw me walk.
"y/n," he said and followed me.
All of they're calls were muffled in my ears as the sound of ringing echoed in my eardrum. The woman was just looking at me and not moving. I started to run, water lining my eyes
"momma!" I yelled and saw her jumper abruptly caught on fire again, will ran after me as I continued to run.
then it all went to black as my laces undid itself and I toppled over my feet and I felt my face scrape the ground.
wills pov: (OO ya girlies changing the pov)
I watched as her legs tripped up on her and she fell onto the ground.
"y/n!" I yelled and heard the party start to run after her too once she fell over. I kneeled down and grabbed towards her. her eyes were shut and her lips parted. I put my hand over her mouth and felt her breathing.
"is she breathing?" max asked and knelt down too, I pushed her onto her back, a small gash on her cheek.
"yes, has anybody got water?" I asked and lucas took off his backpack.
"I do," he said and passed it over to me. I took off the lid and splashed her with it, some still left inside the bottle. she didn't wake up. I did it again and she gasped loudly.
"y/n!" I yelled and quickly wrapped her in an embrace. she was heavily breathing and hugged me back.
"w-what? why am I wet?" she asked.
"you passed out," mike said.
"what was you doing?" dustin asked.
"my, my mom, I thought," she started, looking at her surroundings, turning around and saw nobody there, she began to cry and pull in for a hug.
"what about you mom?" lucas asked concerned, and turned towards dustin and mike confused.
"I thought she was over there but I could've been hallucinating," she said and gripped onto me. I let go and helped her up.
"c'mon let's get you home," I til her an she nodded.
"should we come?" mike asked. I shrugged and looked to y/n, she have me a small nod.
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