wholesome stuff 1/2
Ey you're reading this and enjoying my books check out my others<3
----nobody's pov--
Today jshlatt and quackity and the dream team decided to go over to tommy's house and philza even allowed it.
"Okay everyone get in the car I have tommy's house on the gps" Dream said.
"CAN I DRIVE"quackity said happily.
"No you'll probably run someone over." George said
Then george and quackity started to bicker about if quackity should or should not drive.
This went on for two minutes start until jshlatt said he'll drive.
They all got in the limbo and started to talk about what they're going to do over the weekends at tommy's house.
"So this is basically a sleep over." Sapnap said.
"Yes but it's for boys so you can call it a gamer sleepover since we're all gamers" quackity said.
"That's a dumb reason" george said.
Then they started to fight again until quackity had enough.
"Eso es, chico británico, voy a golpearte el trasero, vale, vete a la mierda, rata fea, pelea conmigo. Soy un Chad absoluto"quackity said.
(I'm sorry I had to)
Everyone started to laugh and chuckle and dream started to turn into a kettle/ deflating ballon.
After an hour or more they finally arrived.
"DAMNN tommy lives in here! Look's like the damn white house" jshlatt said.
"This is so fucking huge I swear to God I can't even see the top" quackity said.
"I guess you need glasses blind boy" george said.
"OH HUSH YOU'RE COLOURNLIND" quackity yelled back
"Okay stop it you two and let's go inside I'm getting impatient" sapnap said.
Everyone walked up to the door and jshlatt knocked on it.
Wilbur opened the door
"Oh hey guys come on in tommy is uhh busy right now." Wilbur said.
Everyone was looking around until dream saw something
He was a boy with long pink hair and a crown.
"Damn that's some long hair." Dream muttered to himself.
"That's my brother technoblade don't fuck with him me or phil." Wilbur said putting his hand on dreams shoulder.
Shivers went down dreams spine and he cautiously nodded.
"Good! Okay everyone so let me show you you're bedroom for the weekends."
--with tommy but not his pov-
tommy let out a sneeze and cuddled in fluffy blanket for longer.
"I told you I shouldn't have jumped into the pool" Tubbo said.
"I-i th-tho-ught i-t was l-like ic-e." Tommy said with a few coughs between his sentences.
"You didn't even recover for last times sickness" tubbo said.
Tubbo let out a sigh and lit the fire place and leaving tommy to groan to himself
"Tubbbbooo donnnttt leavveeee" tommy groaned.
"I have to let you rest now" tubbo said walking towards the door.
"But I'm dieing" tommy said
"No you aren't your just sick" tubbo said slowly shutting the door.
"Don't you dare shut the door-"tommy almost said finishing the sentence but sneezed and was left alone.
Tommy slowly started to drift off into sleep
--meanwhile downstairs--
"Why do you need them?" Dream said chuckling afterwards.
"UHH BECAUSE IM HUNGRY" sapnap said.
"Okay fine fine here" dream said handing it to sapnap.
"Thank you!" Sapnap said
"Coming" dream said as sapnap started to walk to the living room leaving dream falling behind.
Couple hours later of watching the movie.
Everyone was asleep expect technoblade but he was out somewhere and jshlatt was on the couch scrolling through his phone until he heard a sneeze from upstairs.
Jshlatt proceeded to slowly get up and walk to where the noise was coming from.
Jshlatt slowly opened the door to only see a very exhausted sick tommy.
Jshlatt slowly shut the door behind him and sat next to tommy.
"You okay bud?" Jshlatt asked.
Tommy looked at him then layed his head on Jshlatt's shoulder.
Jshlatt wrapped his arms around tommy and they both started to slowly fall asleep.
Oh and they where infront of the fireplace.
-- 5 hours later and btw techno was back-
Wilbur yawned and put his covers over his shoulders and decided to check up on tommy.
Wilbur slowly opened the door to only see tommy sleeping on Jshlatt's shoulder and Jshlatt head rested on tommy's head.
They where both asleep.
Wilbur took a quick picture and slowly shut the door.
Wil went downstairs and saw philza cooking and techno yelling at the dream team and quackity for eating bacon.
"Hey hey guys look at this photo I took!" Wilbur said.
Everyone went to see wils and started to chuckle
"Oh my Lord I'm going to tease jshlatt about this" quackity said laughing afterwards.
"But they do look comfortable" technoblade said.
Sapnap and dream nodded in agreement as george and quackity where wheezing there head off while tubbo was helping philza with breakfast.
After everyone ate wilbur decided to check up on them one more time.
As he checked he saw tommy in bed and jshlatt on the couch scrolling through his phone.
"Oh hey will" jshlatt said in a happy mood.
"What got you in a happy mood?" Wilbur asked.
"Nothing much the kid said I helped with his sickness and he didn't feel more comfortable in his life while he was sick." Jshlatt said with a smirk.
"Oh I believe you because I have this picture" wilbur said showing jshlatt the picture.
"Oh you son of a bitch how dare you" Jshlatt said as wilbur was wheezing his head off.
Guys?"tommy said.
To be continued....
Hello my minecraft gamers I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I hope you have a good day
Goodbye my minecraft gamers <3
And these people are pog:BlankFeather firephoenixmn and BlankFeather
I'll be mentioning more people in the upcoming chapters hope you enjoyed!
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