The reason why I made the title a season 2 is because I don't want s2 to be messy like s1.
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The blonde woke up from his nap from last time he didn't Remember specifically what happened. All he knows is that's they told his that'd be they where going to make his bullies leave him which made tommy's day easier. But today was business day today.
He's confused because he didn't know what he even had to wear but all tommy knows is that he has to wear a nice business suit from what jshlatt told him. He also heard that there was a new kid named ranboo? Almost sounds like ranboob-. The young blonde quickly snapped out of his thoughts and got ready. He put a black coat over his shoulders some fake glasses a white buttoned up shirt with black pants and suspenders.
And his black shoes once he was done he grabbed his airpods and started to listen to jack stauber-buttercup. He had one airpod in and the other in his case and the case in his book bag. Finally he was done and so he went down stairs to get met with his dad and older brother.
"Wow looking good tommy!" Philza said getting his coffee smiling as technoblade nods and scrolls through his phone."where's wilba?" Technoblade said looking up from his phone. "Uh I think he's coming down right bout now-" tommy said before wilbur started to run down the stairs."wilbur stop running down the stairs or you'll hurt yourself!" Philza said scolding wilbur and hitting him on the head with his bucket hat.
"Oh and what did you guys do to my bullies?" Tommy asked looking at the three.
Flash back...
"YEAH KID TAKE THAT I JUST BROKE 2 OF YOUR MONITORS AND BROKE YOUR PC AND DELETED YOUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNT" Said wilbur holding his bat that he just took out of Liam's pc and 2 monitors "I'M SORRY I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN I SWEAR" said todd and James, james was in the background crying. "This is will be your last and final warning." Technoblade said walking away with philza and wilbur. "OUR PARENTS ARE GONNA BE SO MAD!" They heard todd say and they chuckled.
Flashback ended...
"We should've made them orphan's-" technoblade almost said before being hit on the head my philza's bucket hat. "No." Wilbur and phil both and to technoblade. "Anyways we made sure to make those boys never messed with you again!"wilbur said. "Okay bye guys! See you later." Tommy said walking out the door alone since wilbur had to go to the doctors today. Finally tommy arrived to the school bus on time since the blonde was alone this time. Tommy took out his key card and scanned once that was done. He sat in the back of the school bus and just remembered."Oh me fuckin brains all bad Because I forgot to me pills." Tommy muttered to himself.
Once they arrived to school tommy went to his locker like usual to get his stuff but instead of being bullied he was his bullies avoiding him like crazy. "Tommy!" Said tubbo running over to his best friend. "Hello tubboat." Said tommy waving to his friend. "How was yours trip with your parents?" Said the blonde "it went well!" Tubbo said smiling. The bell rung and tommy headed off to his first class which was LA.
"Okay boys and girls welcome the student ranboo!" The teacher said as the door opened showing the new kid. Tommy rolled his eyes and wanted to go to sleep since his head was was throbbing with pain."ranboo you can introduce yourself." The teacher said.
"Uhh I'm half enderman I have two different coloured eyes green and red and I can also randomly teleport." He said. "So where you always born that way an enderman?" A girl spoke up "sorry if it's a bit personal." She said after.
"Oh no no it's okay! Umm yeah I was born this way!" Ranboo said smiling. "You're hair was your hair always that colour or did you dye it?" A boy said putting his hand down and in his pockets. "My hair it wasn't dyed crazy right my hair is naturally black and white!" Ranboo said scratching the back of his head and once 3 minutes of answering questions the teacher asked him to sit down politely. Ranboo sat next to tommy. After a couple of minutes the pain started to become unbearable to tommy. "Uh Ms may I please excuse myself for awhile?" The blonde said raising his hand and once the teacher said yes he quickly upped and left the classroom leaving some people shocked and looking at the door.
The blonde was walking down the hallway to the nurse's office everything was getting blurry and he was sweating. Once he was already at the nurse's office he collapsed face first on the ground.
The blonde woke up his nose was bleeding and it had a cotton ball In it to make the bleeding stop for awhile and he was in a bed? The nurse was calling his brother or his dad but he thinks it technoblade since wilbur soot and philza minecraft had to go to the doctors.
"Do you have any friends that could take care of you?" The nurse said looking over at tommy. "Uh yes timedeo" the blonde said looking down on at his phone. "Can you give him a call please?" The nurse said. The blonde nodded and dialed deo's phone number. After a couple of seconds
Deo picked up.
"Hey tommy what's up aren't you supposed to be in class?" Deo said. "Yeah I'm supposed to but it's a somewhat of a long story so I'll text you if but can you pick me up, technoblade is at school and philza and wilbur are at the doctor's and won't be home around 5pm."tommy said. Shortly after deo answered."Yeah I'll come and pick you up." The brunette said before having up they both said goodbye. "He said he'll be here to pick me up." Tommy said. "Okay I have your stuff you can wait in the office" the nurse said handing tommy his bookbag and the blonde shortly after left.
"Tommy?" Deo said walking in the office room. The blonde noticed his friend and ran up to him and hugged him putting his face in his chest.
The brunette sighed and slowly put his hands on the blonde boys head running his hands through tommy's golden locks. "Well we should get going we can head to your house since you have the key to you're house!" Deo said after tommy let go of his friend and walked away and went into his car. Once deo was finally in the car they had a nice talk about school and what they're doing over the weekends.
After a couple of minutes tommy fell asleep on deo's shoulder and since it was cold out and tommy left his jacket in the nurse's office by accident. Deo put his hoodie on tommy without making him wake up. Once they finally arrived to the mansion and yes the wind was freezing.
Deo held tommy in a bridal why? Because he didn't want to wake tommy up. The blonde nuzzled closer to deo so he could feel warmth. Finally inside with warmth deo slowly put tommy down on the couch put the set the wood on fire in the fireplace and sat down next to tommy. After a couple of minutes deo fell asleep laying his head down on tommy and tommy laying his head down on deo's shoulder.
Hours later technoblade and wilbur and philza arrived home they where all met with tommy and deo cuddling sleeping with the fireplace burning the wood making soft crackling sounds. They all sighed expect wilbur who was on some anesthetics. He was giggling and saying some dumb stupid shit.
"Noticing that those to are sleeping wilbur you should rest since you had your wisdom tooth out!" Philza said pushing the middle child upstairs who was complaining and groaning about how he doesn't wanna sleep. "Habvsgsaa" wilbur said "I did not understand I thing you just said." Technoblade said saying with a enthusiastic typed voice."kJajwnwjahana banana's" wilbur said before his room door was shut. "Did he just say banana's?" Philza asked looking over at technoblade who was also quiet confused. "Yup he said banana's from what I heard now I'm not going to get these two upstairs in tommy's room by myself you know that right?" The pinkette said. "Yup I know I'll get tommy and you'll get deo mk?" Philza said carrying a giant child who was surprisingly light.
After a couple of minutes of putting tommy and deo upstairs they finally did it the two where asleep. Tommy hugging deo and putting his face in his chest and deo hugging tommy putting his head on the blonde boys golden locks. (NOT A SHIP THIS IS PLATONIC). The both smiled and shut tommy's door and also went to bed.
Hope you enjoyed todays chapter pogchamp! Sorry for not uploading for awhile I'm trying to get my grades up and also write down other books! And yes this is only platonic what I'm doing with timedeo and tommy they're both minors and you shouldn't never be shipping them at all and this is the hoodie deo put on tommy if you're wondering.
Nice right I dunno just looked up fluffy hoodies yeah so uhh goodbye my minecraft gamers ❤️
Sorry for making it so short and shit
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