Hey this is a book yeah enjoy it.
--nobodys pov--
It's been a couple of days after the argument and tommy would only come downstairs to get food or water or just to go to school.
Tubbo stayed with us for awhile maybe like 2 months or so maybe since his family is going on a long business trip.
Tommy and tubbo have been ignoring each other and tommy would keep his door locked until today.
Tommy just went downstairs to get some water and some snacks and went back upstairs but his room door was locked
"WHAT THE HELL WHO LOCKED MY DOOR?"tommy yelled and the only way he could unlock his door was by asking phil but he didn't want to talk to him.
The blonde sighed and tried his best to unlock it and gave up and went downstairs.
"Which one of you dickheads locked my door"tommy said.
The four of them looked at each other because they knew what was going on.
"I dunno I guess it just locked on it own.."wilbur said ignorantly.
"Yeah" technoblade said in his montone voice.
Phil and tubbo just nodded.
Tommy let out a sigh and got off the stairs and everyone was surprised.
Tommy hair was a mess he was wearing a long black hoodie sweatpants and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.
The young blonde went to the kitchen to get some water until he was stopped by tubbo.
Tommy looked the other way.
"Tommy have you been sleeping well?" Tubbo asked worriedly.
"Yeah yeah I've been sleeping fine enough for myself tubbo."tommy said.
Tommy doesn't usually act this moody around tubbo.
And what he said about him having enough sleep was a lie he hadn't slept after he only had 2 hours or 1 hour of sleep or just stayed up until his alarm went off.
Wilbur and techno knew something was off because tommy usually doesn't wear hoodies unless it's cold out and it's warm like hell inside their house and the fireplace is even on.
"Hey tommy why are you wearing a black hoodie it's so warm in here and we even have the fireplace on" wilbur asked.
"Uhh cause I can I can dress how I wanna dress bitch boy."tommy said rolling his eyes.
"My Lord tommy you're acting like a problematic teenager" technoblade said Earning some chuckles by wilbur phil and tubbo.
Tommy rolled his eyes and gave technoblade a quick and simple whatever.
"Hey tommy can you roll up your sleeves"wilbur asked.
"Uhh sure..."tommy said
He rolled up his sleeves and he wasn't cutting from Wilbur's or anyone else's perspective.
"Oh okay.." wilbur said
Tommy rolled down his sleeves and went to the couch and started to drift off into sleep.
What they didn't know was that tommy was cutting and in different places and he put foundation over the cuts so he wouldn't get caught and he would also hide the makeup.
"Is tommy okay I'm worried he hasn't been talking to us recently after that and how do we make up after what we've done because he looked pissed off at all of us and looked like he didn't want to be down here." Tubbo said.
"Hey tubbo what's tommy's favorite minecraft mob?" Philza asked.
"Oh I think he like slimes!" Tubbo said missing the times where tommy would go around in minecraft slimes and bringing one back as a pet.
"How about we get tommy some stuff and make him something and apologize?" Wilbur said
They all nodded hoping that this would work.
Tubbo bought tommy a slime hoodie and a slime necklace and plushie
Technoblade bought tommy pocket knife.
Wilbur bought tommy cape that was blue that faded into green.
And philza made tommy cookies.
Once they where all done they all fell asleep next to tommy what didn't know is that tommy was awake the whole time and cracked a little smile.
--2 hours later and tommy actually passed out falling asleep on technoblades shoulder.--
Tommy woke up to technoblades fluffy cape on him and the smell of cookies.
He got up and wrapped the cape around him and slowly walked to the kitchen to find presents what did he miss out was it someone's birthday?
"Tommy you're finally awake can you go sit at the table for a awhile?" Phil asked politely
Tommy went to sit down as philza took out the cookies from the oven and he finally sat down next to technoblade and wilbur.
"So we wanted to apologise to what we've done to your we're sorry we do still care so much to you and you make us smile everyday so apart from this apology we got you presents." Philza said.
After tommy opened the presents he felt happier and he wore the cape and slime hoodie and hugged all of them.
They all had cookies and watched some TV.
Well he can't say mad at them forever.
I'm so sorry if this chapter is short I was sleepy af.
Bye my minecraft gamers.
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