For now on I'll do the cabin things later since I don't have any ideas for them but this is more the a couple months later after the cabins.
JANQJHQHQGQ Thank you guys if you guys do like my writing doe check out my other books just self promoted. enjoy!!!
-------- nobody's pov--
Wilbur woke up he felt like shit because he didn't get any good sleep from last night reasoning is that he was editing a video until 3AM in the morning. The brunette rolled out of bed and broke his alarm clock "Damn alarm clock." Said wilbur as he got dressed and ready to wake up tommy since he already knows technoblade was ready for school. Wilbur opened tommy's door slowly and remembered that today that tommy has a test. The brunette slowly shaked the young blonde awake. Let young blonde let out a groan ( not a moan that's weird champ) and slowly opened his eyes."Wilbur?" Tommy said slowly getting himself up "get ready tommy you have a test today" wilbur said leaving tommy's room to let the blonde get dressed for the day. As tommy was finally done he called up deo to see how he was doing since they haven't talked in two weeks and it was so boring without taking to deo because deo was on a trip and today he finally came home."Deo!" Tommy said when he finally picked up. "Tommy sorry for being long for awhile I wish I could skip but to be honest it was boring" deo said. Tommy and deo where talking until tommy reached his bus stop. " Yeah technoblade isn't sleeping well because he said he's in a war about potatoes?" Tommy said questioning about what he just said. "Oh sorry tommy have to go bye talk to you after school!". Deo said "bye!" Tommy said before ending the call with deo.
After awhile of waiting the bus finally showed up. As the blonde finally went on his bus he waved his brother wilbur good bye since he was there with him the whole time and just noticed that he was there. His middle brother waved goodbye as tommy left to go on his bus.
Tommy scanned his key card and walked head down to the back where he usually sits since he doesn't talk or sit with people much unless doe magically came into his bus now that'd be pretty pog and tubbo wasn't going to school this week because him and his family are in a very important trip. The young blonde put his headphones in and started to listen to music.
After a couple of minutes the school bus finally reached the place called school but we like to call it hell or prison. When tommy almost reached his locker he felt he shoulder being grabbed he turned around to his bullies "fuck" tommy said under his breath " How about you meet us at 6 pm at the behind the school?" Said todd and his goons Liam and James nodded along with a smirk on their face. Tommy took a deep breath "o-okay see you there at 6pm" tommy said nervously as his bullies left as he was walking to his first period he remembered the time when he didn't go somewhere at the specific timing he got beat up he had a bloody nose mouth black eye and they even stabbed his arm. Tommy shivered and sighed and walked in his class and sat down in his assigned seat like always and waited for lunch time where he could sit outside and eat and call deo. What finally felt like hours it was time for lunch tommy literally self packed his food sprinted to a spot where he always sits when he wants to be alone and called deo. After a couple of minutes of catching a breath and getting his food out deo finally picked up." Hello TimEdEo" tommy said almost choking figuring out how to breathe and talk out the same time. " Tommy you okay you sound like you've just ran a Marathon" deo says with a light chuckle at the end. " Deo I had the most intense moment of my life it involves me you and running" tommy said almost wheezing as he talks." How about you drink water and catch some more of your breath because you're literally turning into a deflating ballon and take your time" deo said. Tommy literally knew deo was smirking he could literally hear it in his voice tommy drank some water and did what deo said because he didn't want to be a kettle when he was speaking right. After a couple minutes the bell rang tommy sighed and they both said their goodbyes while hanging up. After a couple of hours school was over and tommy was home. The younger blonde was in his room change out of his clothes and was laying on his bed face first he looked at his phone and it said 5:46pm tommy sighed got up and got dressed and put on a bookbag of bandages and foundation. He slowly walked downstairs since his dad and brothers where watching a movie."Tommy where are you going?" Philza said with concern in his voice."oh uh I'm going on a walk!" Tommy said nervously "but you don't go outside at 6pm tommy" wilbur said questioning tommy. "Well I wanted to try something new wimblur soot" tommy said smugly technoblade let out a chuckle "okay kid you can go out but come home at 7pm or else." Technoblade said tommy nodded and started through the door. " So we aren't questioning why he didn't have his phone and he had a backpack." Philza said.. "Fuck" wilbur said.
"How did they not notice how sus I was" tommy said walking behind his school where he was supposed to meet his bullies. Then there they where todd james and Liam (I literally almost forgot there names ) "oh isn't little bitch boy you've actually came here on time and didn't say home like a bitch." Liam said taking out a pocket knife and the two others holding tommy's arm's "W-What you don't have to do this" tommy said struggling getting out of the other boys grips "I'm so tired of your bullshit tommy you're every girl's crush we use to be since we where the jocks! Then you came along with you and your famous dad and brothers" Liam said inching closer and closer to tommy while the young blonde tried shuffling backwards but kept being pulled back" Oh how you where friends WITH THE DREAM TEAM AND THE PRINCIPAL'S SON AND QUACKITY AND TUBBO" liam yelled at tommy " you know how damn lucky you are! every kid wants to live your life!" Liam said getting closer and closer " All of your grades are beyond everyone else's you're personality made every girl and boy (expect his friends) LOVE YOU." Liam said kicking tommy's stomach and punching his face afterwards "You deserve this." Liam said pushing tommy on the ground . The young blonde looked up at the three boys who where surrounding him before he blacked out. After tommy woke up he felt immense pain he had bruises all over cuts and some where stabs he had bloody nose black eye and a broken leg. "Fuck this pain hurts and all but how the hell with my dad and brothers react" tommy said shuffling through his backpack patching up his bruises with foundation and bandaging himself. After tommy was done he cried for awhile before getting but and shuffling home since he didn't want to aggravate his broken leg after.
After tommy was home which took him an hour and when he was home the lights where all on. Tommy silently cursed under his breathe and slowly opened the door to see a crying wilbur worried philza and somewhat scared technoblade. "TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled running over to the young who was shutting the door. Wilbur hugged tommy he did back but wilbur couldn't help to see how dirty tommy's hair was and clothes and he could smell blood? "Tommy you okay you look roughed up " philza said eyeing tommy. Before the blonde could say anything he got cut off
"TOMMY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG?" Technoblade yelled somewhat making tommy jump and his leg bringing immense pain to the rest of his body." I just sprained it that's all" tommy said "and the banadges what are those about?" Wilbur asked. "Oh I just fell on concrete while running around" tommy said sheepishly. "And the foundation???" Philza said looking at tommy concerned while going through his backpack that the young blonde had on before. "Oh uh I met one of my friends while walking they gave me some since they didn't use it anymore" tommy said scratching his neck nervously. "Tommy you have the smell of blood and you have alot of blood on your shirt so." Technoblade said. The blonde looked at his shirt seeing blood on it. "Oh shit..." Tommy said to himself. "That's from tripping duh! Don't you think that your torso gets hurt to" tommy said smiling weakly. "Okay just take a shower I'll check up on you after okay" said philza. Tommy nodded and darted upstairs to take his shower. As the young blonde was going to take his shower he locker his bedroom door and bathroom door since he figured out that they won't actually check up on him right? Finally when the young blonde was done he got out of the shower. He looked in the mirror to see bruises cuts and his leg gave off immense pain when he ran upstairs and his black eye hurt to. After looking in the mirror for awhile he got in his PJs he was wearing a black oversized hoodie to hide the cuts and bruises and he wore grey sweatpants to cover more cuts and bruises. Until tommy heard his bedroom door trying to be unlocked. Tommy cursed under his breathe he really didn't actually think that they'd check up on him. "Tommy you okay in there you're making us worried." Philza said. "YEAAAH I'm good just doing something!" Tommy said trying not to sound that nervous about the situation he was in until he heard his bathroom door trying to be unlocked."how the hell did they do that" tommy said under his breathe as his eyes darting around the room to see if he could his black eye. Since he foundation was in his room. He knew that was a dumb play. Until he heard his bathroom door get unlocked. In a panic typed way he looked at the wall." Tommy why are you sitting on the floor and looking a the wall?" Wilbur said concerned and confused at the same time.
"Uhhh because the wall looks interesting and my leg really hurts from walking and tripping yeah that's why!" Tommy said with a nervous smile that they couldn't see. "Tommy turn around so we can see your face" technoblade said. Tommy though of a plan that could work and could not work but he just hoped for the best. The young blonde got up and tried to run to the door. But he failed when technoblade caught him. "Fuck" tommy whispered to himself. The blonde looked down at the floor not wanting to look up at all 3 of them. "Tommy look at us please" wilbur said softly. "Fine I guess I'll make you look up" will said walking over to tommy. The brunette grabbed tommy's chin softly and made him look at him.
"Tommy What HAPPENED?" Wilbur said hugging the injured younger."ow ow ow I'm fine " tommy said trying to balance the pain with his broken leg."that's not fine tommy what happened and who did this to you?" Philza said slowly helping the blonde towards his bed. "These nimwatts named Liam james and Todd" tommy said slowly sitting down next to phil wil and technoblade on his bed." Okay" technoblade said writing down the names of the kids and asked. " What's there last name?" Technoblade asked looking at the blonde. "Uhh liam bailey todd jackson and James miller." Tommy said trying to remember their last names. "Okay thanks, toms me phil and wil are gonna make sure they will never and I mean never mess you okay." The pinkette said laying down the younger to sleep. The blonde nodded and started to slowly fall asleep as the 3 olders slowly made it out of his room.
"So technoblade got their address?" Wilbur asked getting out a bat and did phil. "Uhh yeah I even looked at their parents twitter they said that the kids parents are gone" technoblade said putting a wired bat in his backpack."dude that's dumb" wilbur said tieing his shoe laces. "okay whatever let's get going so these losers don't hurt tommy" philza said grabbing both of his sons arms.
I'm sorry to make do this to you but I'm super sleepy and I'm making a new book and making more chapters for other books and trying to do school work at the same time and we found my cat poggers and this took me a week or 2 to finish.
And yesterday's stream doe O_O
Ngl tommy's house looking kinda good
Hope you enjoyed todays chaper goodbye my minecraft gamers ❤️
(Nobody me while writing: :( I'll miss unus anus)
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