cabin week 3/5
I'm so so sorry I just needed to extend the days because today was the day that technoblade phil and wilbur is going to meet tommy's cabin.
Enjoy ❤️
There will be ✨platonic hugs✨ LMAO JK ANGST
Tommy woke up to feel light head and on his bed he sneezed into his elbow and his head was in pain it feels like he was going to die his whole body was aching almost feels like he was ran over by a train.
The blonde boy was sweating but also feeling so very cold his eyesight was so blurry and black dots started to appear rather quickly
Was he seriously going to pass out and yes he definitely did.
(Guess who is learning how to speak German if you guessed me you are correct).
-nobody's pov-
Tubbo yawned at got out of bed he last remembered that he was sleeping with tommy and quackity on the floor next to the fire place watching the bee movie.
He slowly got out of bed he heard dream harrassing george.
"This early in the morning?." Tubbo said with a dry voice and a groan at the end.
As tubbo just remembered that today was a very very important day the cabin members where going to meet tommy's family and oh my they were all very excited because they where a big deal of course.
Tubbo went to his closet and grabbed a soft fluffy hoodie that had a bee on the back and had the words B e e b o i on the sleeves of course this was on made for him.
As tubbo went to check up on tommy he decided to see how jshlatt and quackity where doing Jshlatt's bed was dry and he was actually still sleeping on the couch since he looked more comfortable there.
And quackity was upstairs in his room sleeping in his soft fluffy velvet bed.
It was 7 am.
Tubbo went downstairs to get something to snack and accidentally forgetting about tommy.
Quackity woke up and wrapped his soft covers around him and went to tommy's room to see how he was holding up.
God he almost screeched at the sight.
Tommy looked like he was dieing his nose was red af and his eyes where puffy he looked like he was shivering but also sweating.
"Oh my God tommy are you okay?!" Quackity said with a worried tone.
Tommy looked him dead in the eyes and then passed out again.
God this was worse than it seemed his family was coming around 9:35 am this morning and if they see tommy like this they would immediately take him back home.
(Philza actually picked up wilbur from his cabin and left techno at home)
-at home with phil wil and techno-
"Is everyone ready I bet tommy is going to be so happy when we arrive!" Said phil with a calm happy montone voice.
"Almost done!" Wilbur said as he was getting his shoes tied and getting his casual yellow sweater with his black beanie.
Technoblade was already done and ready he swapped his kingly stuff for a nice pink hoodie and some jeans with black vans and had a crown necklace and still had his crown on his head he'd never take it off and his long pink hair was put in a braid.
Philza on the other hand had a bucket hat that was a dark blue his shirt was white and blue jeans some black jordans and a nice black sweater.
Everyone in the cabin was trying to get tommy better and trying to wake up and trying to get everything ready since his family is coming over today.
Tommy was still upstairs knocked out having goosebumps sweating his hand somewhat twitching abit and heavy breathing.
He barely hadn't gotten any sleep from last night so he looked like trash.
He has baggy eyes and a runny nose.
Everyone fell silent when they heard a knock.
Tubbo ran downstairs got everything prepared and open the door to see 3 tall men.
Tubbo assumed it was tommy's family and let them in the 3 men looked around and then finally asked.
"Where is tommy" the father figured asked looking around to find his blonde tall son.
"O-Oh u-uhm he's still asleep h-he didn't sleep well last night-" quackity was cut off by a mad dashing wilbur
"WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR TECHNOBLADE GET YOUR-" big Q was once cut off again by a mad dashing philza and technoblade.
"TOMMY ARE YOU OKAY?!" Philza said after he just swung the door open.
The three saw tommy's head under the cover.
Something had to be wrong thought wilbur.
The olders walked up to the youngers bed and slowly took off the covers.
Tommy slowly blinked around since everything was Abit blurry for him.
" I was walking outside yest-erday and I fell in a l-Ake." Said the young blonde with a few coughs
"Tommy we're going to take you home if you like it or not."techno said in a montone demanding voice.
(okay from here on out the cabin week isn't finished yet but It will be kept in mind don't worry your gamer head in have interesting stuff for you✨)
Tommy got his most important stuff and cautiously walked to the car and waved weak goodbyes to his friends that'll be see later.
It would take them two hours to get home.
Tommy was just having flash backs.
-if you don't like any of this stuff here dont read any further --------------->sexaule assault<~~~ ew not pog ~~~> murder and blood alcohol yelling and angst-------- it's time for tommy's seconds family flashbacks the one that I told you to keep in mind!
Tommy was at an orphanage on the porch waiting for his new family to come along he was so excited because the last time he had a family..
He shaked his head to forget about the grim history of his past family it was now 3pm his new father's car had now pulled up.
Tommy went into the car and him and his new father where having a nice conversations with each other.
Tommy couldn't help but cringe when his father's breathe reeked of alcohol and beer.
A couple minutes later he and his dad where at the new house tommy went upstairs after meeting few of his family members.
Tommy took out a picture of him and his friends they would always have to much fun in his military camp he would go through so much.
His real mother died his dad abandoned him at the age of 13.
A 13 who would've knew that at that age he would have so much ptsd the pain and trauma he's been through.
Watching all his friends drop dead like flys during wars.
But today today would be so much different.
He snapped out of his phase when he heard loud yelling from downstairs.
He opened the door and immediately hit by the smell of strong acohal.
he heard a slam from the front door his mom and dad left leaving him and his older brother alone.
Suddenly he was alarmed by his bedroom door slamming he saw his older brother.
Wtf is he doing tommy thought.
this is where the you know what settles in so you can stop reading if you want and when you see✨❤️ it will be done.
The blonde was thrown on his bed his brother ontop of him he was telling his older brother to fuck off.
He was being touched by his older brother.
He was telling him to stop but he didn't he couldn't even do anything.
He was just there scared as hell he wanted to do something but he couldn't he was frozen.
Hours passed by where he was being touched by older where he told him to stop when he was feeling pain.
His dad was finally home.
His older brother left his room leaving tommy bruised and scared.
The blonde cried it off and he heard stomps and banging from his door his dad opened the door.
And yelled at him for no reason and hit him with a empty acohal bottle making it break on his head and blood was every where.
And his father ontop of that started beating him.
His dad now could he even call him that left him room slamming the door.
Tommy cried until 12 am he had already bandaged himself until he heard screaming from the basement and then gunshots.
His mother was murdered by his father tommy quickly panicked and everything packed and ran away.
It was only a month a month since he's been in that family and he wanted to leave.
Flashback over❤️✨
Tommy didn't realize he was crying while he had those flashbacks.
"Are you okay tommy?" Wilbur asked calmly.
Tommy wanted to say no but he nodded yes and philza didn't even believe it..
"Hey tommy how about we have a little family talk when we're done driving home." Phil said.
Tommy heart had just skipped a beat and he also didn't feel well apart from that that one sentence made tommy's blood grow cold.
Tommy anxiously nodded his head up and he hoped that phil didn't think anything suspicious of him.
Speaking of that it's only been 5 years since they've found tommy and he hadn't been open about himself.
Tommy slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Is tommy okay I'm kinda worried for him he hasn't been talking much since we left the cabin." Wilbur said.
(I'm just vibing to this song called such a wh-re ITS SO AMAZINGGG)
"yeah something is wrong wilbur duh! Have you not seen tommy has been ignoring his schoolwork and skipping classes and he is sneaking out and he's coming back home with bruises or bandages" technoblade said not trying to yell.
"That's why I want us to have a nice family talk when we go home." Phil said.
A couple of minutes later. I can't help but nervously smile when tommy gets in trouble.
Tommy finally woke up but he was in his room he was confused at but decided to finally get up he didn't feel sick after awhile.
The young blonde when down stairs to get a snack to only see technoblade wilbur and philza at the dining table talking about who knows what.
We walked downstairs quietly and tried to get water only to be caught.
"Tommy." Technoblade deadpanned.
"I should've stayed in bed." Tommy said to himself in his head.
"Yes??" Tommy said trying to act normal but he was scared like hell.
"Come over here real quick we just wanna talk." Wilbur said in a montone voice.
Tommy once again said to himself in his head "wtf is going on did- okay tommy chill everything is going to be okay."
The blonde sighed and took a seat at the dining table.
"So tommy want to tell us why you're skipping school failing classes and sneaking out?" Phil said.
"U-uh uhhhhh uhhh well ummm because...." The blonde said.
Little flashback
"Tell anyone your dead meat kid." Said the random kid that I don't have a name for.
Tommy nodded and cried silently.
Flashback ended
"B-becauae I was uhhh going to uhh" tommy kept stuttering.
Tommy thought to himself "okay if I just say I'm going to parties with some of my friends thn they'll pay off me right? Wait where was my diary?"
"So you going to tell us or what nerd?" The pinkette said.
"Because I was going to parties with friends yeah yeah I've been sneaking to parties and leaving school because me and my friends would go t the stores and beaches when skipping school!"tommy said sweating.
"Is that so. Because tommy I found this little book in your room when I was putting you in bed so you could sleep." Wilbur said.
"Want to tell us why there is a razor with abit of blood on it in the book under a bunch of papers and your bookbag." Technoblade said.
Well I'm screwed tommy thought to himself.
--tommys pov--
I got up and tried to run to the front door but wilbur and techno grabbed my shoulder and stared into my eyes with anger.
I'm so dead.
Wait they have my diary maybe I could use some fake things saying it's not my blood or my diary.
Phil was already reading through it so damn it I'm screwed.
--phil's pov--
Dairy: today I snuck out to have a nice walk once again to see one of my friends that I've been sneaking out with since the sbi ever got me I went into a dark alleyway by accident.
An old man came up to me ew ikr but then he did not okay stuff to me like touch me say words to me and worse I felt powerless vulnerable.
He started to touch my unwanted areas I told him to stop a bunch of times he didn't listen but he said if I kept doing that I'd get worse.
He started to leave bite marks all over me.
All I could do was cry I could've done something to stop it but I couldn't I just was so scared.
The man told me if I tell anyone he'd find me and rape me.
I was stained year drops on that one page.
I went it another.
The reason why I haven't been listening in school and skipping is because I always get into these school fights and I'd get harrassed again and bullied and get picked on for no reason.
While I was being bullied someone punched me right in the ribcage and someone kicked my stomach and I started to cough blood.
How did I survive I don't know how.
I didn't tell anyone once again tommyinnit psh me I'd never tell anyone horrible person trash weak liar. Maybe a monster.
But never a bitch boy I keep telling myself lies until a break I didn't yet hopefully.
More tear stains.
The reason why I didn't want to talk about my 2nd family is because my older brother raped me and "father" killed my mother who i never got to meet they would both hurt me.
My 1st family but murdered and once again I was held hostage I was an experiment they would do these insane things to me.
I hate it I hate it I hate i hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it. Make it stop.
I have these nightmares and I don't get anymore sleep and I don't even eat much anymore I cause myself harm in places where people can't see.
At times I stay awake until my alarm clock goes off I always see things these voices inside my head always tell me I'm worthless.-
I couldn't ready anymore
"Tommy are you going through all of this and why didn't you tell us?!" I yelled but also in a soft voice.
I woke the diary over to wilbur and phil they both took awhile and looked at tommy to once they're bubbly happy energetic boy who was quiet and shakey.
"Because it's non of your business and non of your concern I can go through with stuff by myself!" Tommy snapped back.
I was taken back abit.
--nobodys pov
"How long have you been sneaking out?" Technoblade said
" F-four years" tommy muttered.
(FYI tubbo was there the whole time he was in the car with them and he was in the living room hearing everything he didn't want to leave tommy's side)
Tubbo felt a sudden wave of hate and he was time he was going to let it out.
Tubbo got up and walked into the kitchen where is best friend was and his dad and two brothers where his dad was disappointed and his oldest brother ticked off and middle just mad af.
Tubbo stopped wilbur and backhanded tommy
"ow wtf tubbo!" Tommy said.
"Tommy stop being so self centered people have feelings to you know and you can't just go around saying bull shit to people for no reason." Tubbo said.
Everyone was silent until phil said
"Tommy I hired a security guard for you to watch you 24/7 and you're grounded for I don't know how long and I'm taking away your PC." Phil said
"That's NOT FAIR I hate you guy's" he mumbled the last part to himself.
Tommy was being dragged and thrown into his room the door was locked and windows barred and pc taken away.
The blonde kept banging on the door for hours until he completely gave up and cried for like 2 hours straight.
He called deo after.
Deo and him fell asleep on call.
"Was I abit to harsh?" Tubbo asked feeling guilty and regret about the argument from hours ago.
Maybe we all where.."wilbur said
Technoblade nodded.
"Maybe we should apologize tommorow morning"said phil with a tinge of sadness in his voice.
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