Chapter 89 Sam
Still in the back of my head, I knew that Mason would never hurt me. I had even seen him in his wolf form and saw the intelligence behind his eyes. Even with my brain telling me I was my body wanted to cower in the corner. It was the anger in his wolf eyes that was not human and I wasn't sure how much wolf was there and how little Mason was left.
Lawrence's words kept coming back. "The closer the full moon, the closer our animal is to the surface." and "our strength so much greater than a human."
I lost track of time, although I did not think much time at all passed before I heard the first car pull in the driveway. Practicing my breathing, I stayed against the wall, the shaking had slowed to a fine tremor and my mind was slowly took over. The sound of the door opening was the only clue someone came in the house only seconds before a knock came on the office door.
"Sam, it's Lawrence. Will you open the door and let me in please?" Before his words reached me, the feeling of calm and acceptance flooded through my body.
Feeling better, no longer scared, but still a bit uneasy, which was slowly being washed away with the calm circling around me. I slowly stood and started for the door. With a steady hand, I unlocked the door than turned the knob stepping back to let Lawrence in.
"Are you Ok?" he asked, walking in the room.
Without a second thought, I threw myself into his arms and started to cry. "Oh Lawrence, I'm such an idiot. I...I freaked and I hurt Mason. I never want to hurt anyone, not like that. Do you think he will ever forgive me?"
Holding me tight, he spoke into my hair in a hush tone, "Sam. Sam, it's all right. If anything from what I heard he hopes that you can find it in yourself to forgive his actions," his words made me cry even harder. "Hey, it's Ok," he began to rub my back, whispering reassuring words in my ear.
"Here I am trying to convince you all that I am not a useless boob and I am crying all over your shirt," I sniffled, loosening my grip, taking a hesitant half step back, but staying in touching distance. Sliding my hand down to his, "Is this Ok?" I asked, giving his hand a squeeze. Their touch always gave me the feeling of calm and reassurance.
"Anytime Sam," he replied, squeezing my hand back.
Not hearing any car pull in, I jumped a foot back when the front door slammed open. "Sam!" Dmitri bellowed with what I thought might have been a hint of fear lingering in his voice. The relief in his eyes was immediate when he seen me; even with a quick glimpse down to see I was holding the Leader of the Pride's hand did not seem to have any effect on him. With two long strides, he had scooped me up in his arms. "Babe, you Ok?"
Lawrence let go of my hand as soon as Dmitri reached out to me. Wrapping my arms around Dmitri, I muffled my words against his neck, "I'm fine, just acting really stupid. Have you seen Mason? I need to apologize to him."
Taking my face in his hands and laying a soft kiss against my lips, then said, "Don't worry about him. How are you? I should have been here. For now on someone will always be with you at all times."
I stepped back out of his arms. "NO. First of all that's not what's bothering me, well not really, hurting Mason is the problem and there is no way I am having someone with me at all times. I reluctantly agreed to have someone with me when I leave the house and that still stands. This is my house and I will do as I please. Do you understand me? Now if you will excuse me I need to find Mason," I left the very irate Dmitri behind while I headed outside to find Mason.
Just outside the door, I could feel Dmitri's anger as well as his presence a couple feet behind. Still focused on my goal, finding Mason, I said, "Block it Dmitri, I could feel you a mile away." Feeling his anger dissipates, I could breathe again and headed around the corner of the house to see Mason pacing by the tree line.
Even at this distance I could see the agony he was in. Head bowed, thrusting his hands through his hair aggressively with his shoulders slumped. Knowing I was the reason for his pain tore me in two. Quickening my pace, I called out, "Mason!" His body went rigid, stopped mid stride and turned to face me. Soon as we met each other's eyes, I began to run and jumped into his arms.
"I'm so sorry. I...I....shit I don't know. Not able to get out of my house, then you running out to chase the van and then you wouldn't tell me what was going on and then...then you looked so angry and sometimes I forget what you really are. Please forgive me," I rambled on a mile-a-minute.
Squeezing me tight, face buried in my neck, taking in my scent. "I'm the one who's sorry. Shit Sam, when those guys wouldn't stop I couldn't think, my wolf took over and wanted blood. I swear I would never hurt you. I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at myself for not getting to them in time," he kissed my neck, "Will you forgive me?"
I laughed, "How bout we forgive each other," I countered.
Mason's relief written all over his face, "That I can do. Let's get you back inside. Looks like Dmitri's going to blow a gasket and here comes Nickoli, plus Jack should be here soon."
No escaping the inevitable, I took Mason's hand and headed back to the house. I already knew how this was going to go. They all would want me under guard at all times and I would fight it, but this time I did not know who was going to win.
Back in the house after being greeted by Nickoli, Nate, and a few others and telling them that I was fine I squeezed by the crowd of shifters that took up every inch of my house to look for Jack. I had to stop whatever he had planned before things got too far out control. In the dining room, which had become the meeting room, Jack and Lawrence were posted at the head of the table talking amongst each other. Wiggling my way through the crowd, with Dmitri and Nickoli on my tail, I finally made it to my destination. My agitation grew due to the house once again full of people. I was never much on big social events and my house was turning into central station.
"Jack," my tone clipped.
"Don't start Samantha. How much more proof do you need." he countered, knowing I was ready for a fight from my tone alone.
"Actually we don't know that for sure. For all we know they could have had the radio up and didn't hear Mason," I did not really believe that but losing what little time I had to herself, I was willing to say anything.
Jack looked at me with disbelief, "Sam, I know you don't believe that. Someone wants you and is willing to come here, at your home to take you. So you can fight all you want, but sorry kid this time you will not get your way." He took a step closer, trying to use his physical presence to intimidate me. "Plus, I heard that you were going to go and confront these men after you promised that you would stay inside unless you had one of us with you. So tell me Sam, how are we supposed to keep you safe when you pull stupid stunts like that?"
That was it, I saw red, "First, I am a big girl and can make my own decisions. Second, I never asked for any of you to protect me. Third, I couldn't get out of my damn house today when I tried, so if you can explain that one before the door hits you in the ass when you leave would be great," I said, jaw clenched, speaking low and in between her teeth.
"Everybody out!" Jack barked his order, while staring daggers at me.
Under his scrutiny, I tried my best not to squirm and maintain eye contact. I could not tell what was happening in the room behind me, but I heard feet shuffling and a growl before the dining room door closed. Thinking it was just myself and Jack left in the room, I jumped when I heard Lawrence's voice right behind me.
"Samantha, you're being childish. And the reason you could not leave the house was because the house knew the danger you were in and kept you in and the danger out. If one of those men came up to the house they would not be able to enter."
I was beyond able to keep my temper in check. "Great, just fucking great, my house will lock me in if I'm in danger! If it's not one of you smothering me it is my house," I ranted, than came up with something, "So if my house will lock me in then there is absolutely no reason to have anyone here with me." A not so nice smile spread across my face. Although I loved these people, the constant feeling of being smothered was getting to be too much. "Now with that said, I want you and everybody else out of my house NOW," I snapped.
At that moment, I was scared of my house, terrified on what those men wanted with me and losing myself amongst these shifters, that would be more than happy to have me locked away in a little room for the rest of my life. When in fear, use anger and sarcasm, but this time I may have gone too far. Jack was probably the one with the most control over his emotions, but right now the vein in his neck was throbbing and his face turned a not so pleasant shade of red. If I backed down now, that would give them the go ahead to push their way on me every time, knowing that there would be a good chance of me backing down when things got to heated.
Before I knew what hit me , and before Jack had a chance to say anything, I was slammed hard, flat on my back on the solid wood dining room table with Lawrence straddling over my thighs and my hands pinned above my head. Air knocked out of me, head immediately throbbing from the impact of the table. I lied there with wide eyes and mouth slack.
Just inches from my face, Lawrence's voice was low and cold, "Come on Sam, you're such a big girl, so get out of this." To stunned for words I just laid quietly.
Jack came up to the table, back in control besides the growing smirk he wasn't fighting, crept up his face. "You're family, we protect family and the sooner you come to terms with that the easier it will be. It's getting dark, we will be hunting around here tonight so you will be safe and someone will be here tomorrow," with that said Jack left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Lawrence still straddling me and alone together in the room.
A few silent minutes passed before Lawrence said, "Remember our conversation last night?" his voice no longer cold just bland.
I stayed silent, staring up into his eyes, breathing heavy, not from his weight. But from the intensity of the situation. His grip loosened on my wrists, I thought he was going to get off, but what I was not expecting was his lips slamming against mine. I had kissed Lawrence before right after my episode of finding out what they were and what I was.
This kiss was pure animal attraction; forceful, demanding ball of lust that I was not able to fight off even if I wanted to. Since the first time I met Lawrence I had lusted after him and took as many precautions to avoid being alone with him. It was more than lust. There was a connection but I did everything I could to ignore it
I truly loved Dmitri and Nickoli and also fought the sexual nature of being with them until I was ready to make a decision on who I would take as a mate, but with Lawrence it was just....more, which was harder to deal with. Without talking about it outright, I had tiptoed around the situation with Mady and from what I got, the attraction could and probably have to do with him being unmated and powerful that the Tlazolteotl wanted and craved.
When the kissed stopped abruptly, Lawrence was out the door, leaving my swollen lips cold, body hot and panties soaked. I was so conflicted on how I felt and what I felt. Still lying flat on my back on the table I took slow deep breaths, closing my eyes to regain control before leaving the room. A few minutes later the front door shut, reaching out with my senses I knew the house was empty. Everyone was gone but close by. Still lying there catching my breath I felt a surge of power rake over my body. It was time and the wolves and lions started to shift to their animal form. Once the power faded and no longer felt like someone was holding me down I rolled off the table and headed for a much needed cold shower.
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