Chapter 77 Dmitri
I laid very still watching Sam take all the information in. I hoped my age wasn't going to make her run off screaming. Overall, she had taking everything in stride finding out about them. The hardest thing for her was that she was a Tlazolteotl and believed that the only reason I and the others cared for her was the strong connection that came with it. Now that she was beginning to understand it better, she seemed to be coping quite well. Only if she realized what an amazing person she was and that she was distend to be my mate, all would be that much better.
Several seconds went by as she stared down at him in shock. Snapping her mouth, her lips twitched into the barest of smiles. "Well. That definitely puts a whole new meaning of aging well," she startled to chuckle, "You do know I have standards and one of those is that I don't date men who are over 100 years older than I am." She started to laugh uncontrollably, "EW, are you wrinkly?" she gasped out then went back to laughing. Tears were running down her cheeks and she was holding her stomach lying flat on her back.
Relief flooded my body and I began to laugh right along with her. The musical sound of her laughter filled the air. God I loved this woman. Not able to help myself, as the laughter calmed, I lowered myself down and took her lips with mine.
Returning my kiss, all humour faded for a few seconds before she stiffened and pushed gently on my chest. Eyes narrowing as she tilted her head to the side. "Dmitri. It's probably nothing, but I feel like we are being watched," she whispered.
Not moving anything but my eyes, I began to search the area. On high alert, my other senses kicked in. The slightest sound of a trig snapping caught my attention right before the wind-changed directions. I could smell two human males and the distinguished scent of metal.
"You guys have me so paranoid," she said, grabbing my shirt to pull him back down.
Jumping up, cradling Sam in my arms, I started to run for the jeep. Whoever those two men were, they had guns, and I would not risk Sam even knowing I could probably take them out. The hair on the back of my neck rose, something was definitely not right. This was private land with clear "No Hunting" signs placed everywhere.
Ignoring her squeal of shock, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and hit Nate's number. Nate answered on the second ring. "We're being followed by two men with guns. I have Sam and we're running back to the jeep now. Something is not right here. I need to get her out of here," I kept my voice low so whoever was following us could not hear. The mention of guns had Sam's eyes widen and the faint smell of fear coming off her.
"Keep your phone on. I'm leaving right now," Nate said before hanging up.
"Did you say guns?" I could see she was trying to be strong, but the fear I could smell off her increased.
I could run faster than any human, but not as fast as a bullet. Jeep in sight I pushed his legs even faster. Keeping my eye on the jeep, I smiled, "Nothing to worry about. You know I'm just a tad over protective of you," I said to calm her down.
Twenty feet from the jeep I heard a click from a gun being fired then a sting in my upper thigh. Staggering from the impact I realized it was not a bullet, but a tranquilizer dart. Reaching back and grabbing the dart out of my leg then let it fall to the ground.
Reaching the jeep, I started to feel my leg go numb. Opening up the passenger side door and scooting Sam to the driver's seat. "Drive," I commanded. Then dragged my quickly weakening body in and slamming the door.
Without asking any questions, Sam started the jeep and hit the gas sending loose gravel everywhere. "Dmitri? What's wrong? Talk to me." I could hear the fear in her voice. "Nate's on the phone."
I didn't remember hearing the phone ring. Struggling to stay conscious, I took the phone from Sam. "Nate?" my voice was thick and slurred. "Sam...divin...been...tranq..."
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