Chapter 10 Sam
I enjoyed myself even more than I thought possible. As long as I didn't have to shake anymore hands. That was not completely true; some people I met didn't have any effect on me at all. Now I just had to figure out what was causing it. Finally relaxed enough to look around at everybody, I noticed that most of the men were huge, not as big as Dmitri, but a lot bigger than your average man and all very attractive. Looking even more closely at the women, they too were pretty if not gorgeous and all extremely fit. A lot of them seem to have this sex appeal about them. I didn't know what that Alexis' problem was, even if I was interested in someone here, I couldn't even compare to these women. I was not here to pick up some guy.
Doing another pass, I noticed Sydney sitting by herself watching other kids her own age from a distance. "If everyone will please excuse me," I announced, leaving the group to talk to Sydney. "Mind if I join you?" I asked Sydney.
"Ah...sure," Sydney said, in complete surprise.
"So what are you doing over here by yourself?" I asked, casually looking out towards everyone who seemed to be having a good time. It really bothered me to watch Sydney sitting by herself.
Sydney just shrugged, so I tried to help the conversion along. "I'm not too big on the whole crowd thing either."
"It's not just's just...I don't fit in," Sydney, stammered, staring at her feet now.
"I see and understand that feeling a little too well. I am a good listener if you feel like sharing."
"I don't know," Sydney sighed.
Getting the impression she did really want to talk, I decided to help the conversation along even more. "Well I know it was a long time ago and you probably heard this a million times, but I am going to say it anyways. I use to be your age and no matter what you think we all had to deal with the same crap, and now I just know a bit more." Nudging Sydney with my elbow and gave her a friendly smile. I didn't know why but I always had this knack for talking to people. More like they never had a problem opening up to me. I could be shopping and find out someone's life history within 30 minutes. It had its uses as well as its downfalls. Especially since I am not a big people person.
"Well...well just look at me, I'm 16 with a 13 year old body and look at my clothes...UGH" Putting her head in hands.
"Well I'm glad it has nothing to do with drugs or sex. Those speeches can get so boring." I teased, working at replacing the misery in her eyes with something more at ease. "On the serious note, looking young now sucks, but when you get older you'll love it...hold on." Cutting her off before she went to protest, "If you want to look different, I can help with that." Taking in a good look at Sydney; wearing an oversized tee that fell to her knees with a pair of faded baggy blue jeans and well used shoes. She had mid length golden brown hair and pale green eyes, just like her grandfather. She looked petite but was hard to tell with the clothes hanging off her. "Do you have different shoes here, maybe a pair of flats?" I asked. A plan already forming
"I can ask my grandma to borrow a pair of hers," Sydney said, with suspicion and excitement.
"Good, just give me 5 minutes OK? I will be right back." I left to talk to Mady, to explain what I wanted to do. Not able to find Nate anywhere to ask to borrow his truck, I had to think of plan B, and quick. Just at that moment I spotted Mason. He was the one that came with Sydney when they introduced themselves. I knew in those few short minutes that Sydney liked Mason and felt comfortable around him.
Walking over, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. Turning around his eyes meet mine and his movie star smile blossomed a crossed his face. "Hi Mason, I need a favour if you have a few minutes and want to help a couple of girls out?"
"Anything, just name it," he said seductively.
I laughed at his antics before thinking he may have been serious. "I will so remember that for the future, count on that. I need you to drive Sydney and I back to Mady's, and wait for a few minutes and then bring us back."
"Sure, do I need to know why?" He asked with reservation, eyes narrowed.
"Just girl stuff. I just have to get Sydney and we will meet you out front." I turned to find Sydney. "Oh Mason, you're a lifesaver, and I owe you one."
Mischief light up his eyes, "I will remind you of that someday."
There I went, I kept putting my foot in mouth. It was hard not to smile at him' "I bet you will."
Leaving Mason down stairs, we quickly went up to Mady's room to rummage through her closet. The box was right where Mady said it would be. Going through it, I passed Sydney a few things and pushed her to the bathroom. After modelling three outfits, we both decided on a cute pair of navy-cuffed shorts with a white lace trimmed camisole with a slinky white cardigan. Letting her hair down, putting on pink lip-gloss, bronze eyeliner, and mascara, we were ready in a swift 20 minutes.
While Sydney stared at herself in the mirror, I asked, "So what do you think? It didn't take too long."
"Why...why did you do this for me?" Sydney asked, staring at the transformation in the mirror.
I tried to put a happy smile on but just looked sad. "You remind me of someone who I carried for deeply, plus I don't like to see a pretty young girl sad."
"Oh...and thank you I love it...Umm Sam who is she, the one I remind you of?"
I turned to get ready to leave the room. "You're welcome, and we have to get back. You ready?" I was thankful that Sydney either let the unanswered question go or just got sidetracked with her new look. My past was not a topic for discussion.
"I'm ready. You know Sam, I'm also a good listened," Sydney said shyly, leaving the room.
"I'll remember that," I said, putting an arm around Sydney shoulders giving a light squeeze, "Thank you for the offer."
"Mason, we're ready to leave," I called down the stairs.
Meeting us at the stairs, Mason put on a huge innocent and very pleased smile when he saw the transformation of Sydney. "You look beautiful Syd," Mason said, with pure admiration.
Sydney going a deep lovely shade of red looked down at her feet. "Thanks," she muttered.
"See I told you," I whispered not to embarrass her more. Nudging Sydney with my elbow and winked my thanks to Mason.
On the way back to Jack's, I could not help but steal a glimpse now and then of Sydney. The girl absolutely glowed, she sat up straighter, shoulders squared off instead of slouched, and her chin was up. I even caught Mason looking a couple of times at the renewed young woman. Pulling up to Jack's house you could feel the nervous and excited energy rippling off Sydney. Before Mason had the trucked stopped, Sydney had the back door open and jumping out and racing around to the back of the house with a huge smile that lite up her face. All I could do was laugh. Getting out of the truck I found Sydney left her door wide open.
"Hey Mason, is this today's paper, and if it is, do you mind if I look at it? I'm house hunting," I asked, seeing the paper in the back seat.
"Sure go ahead. You did a real nice thing for her. It's been awhile since I have seen her smile, never mind giddy." Mason said with his own bright smile.
"Thanks. I was glad I could help. She seems like a great kid."
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