2: New Hadeston
All I felt was cold. Bitter cold. I pieced together it was the chill of death.
'So this is the afterlife huh?' I thought 'Not what I expected. But I guess it's fitting'.
I then felt a foot kick me.
"Hey kid get up. The boat's gonna leave soon," A male voice said.
I opened my eyes and saw a man with a skull mask and an-objectively-attractive body. It may have been covered by a robe but I could tell. I didn't start dating the football team captain if I was a dumbass.
"I'm sorry but what are you talking about?" I asked standing up.
The man pointed at a boat parked at a dock that was behind him. It was a black gondola with a medium sized skull at its front.
"Damn. How many people have you bagged with this?" I said.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. And to be honest I was not expecting you to be so calm. Usually people start freaking out and ask dumbass questions like 'Where am I?', 'What happened?', et cetera. But you seem to be different," The man said.
"Bitch I got shot in the chest and head and you think I don't know i'm dead," I said.
"Oh no. I'm well aware you're dead. If you weren't we wouldn't be having this fucking conversation," The man said.
"Oh yeah. By the way. What's your name?" I said.
"Charon. Ferryman to New Hadeston," The man said.
"Wait........like the guy from that Greek Mythology bullshit?" I asked.
Charon sighed.
"Yes. But it's not that simple. My....friend will explain things to you when we reach our death-stination," He said.
"Remove puns from your vocabulary," I said.
I walked past Charon and sat down in the boat. Charon groaned and got in. An oar of bone appeared in his hand and he started rowing. The boat floated along the water gracefully. If this guy actually was Charon than that means that the Greeks got it right. Though he said it wasn't that simple. What the fuck does that mean?
We continued on our way on the water. It was a peaceful ride. Mostly. I began to hear the water rushing. Faster than I felt it should. I looked forward and saw a waterfall. A big one by the sound of it.
"Uh Charon? You're not going over that right?" I asked.
Charon didn't respond.
"Charon? Charon!?" I started shouting.
He didn't even look at me and we went over the waterfall.
"WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I screamed as we went over.
As we fell I saw a weird floating ring. The boat was falling. Right towards it.
The boat fell through the ring and I saw that my outfit changed. I was now wearing a pair of black pants with black suspenders, black shoes, and a white button-up. I even noticed that my hair had grown drastically. My natural blue streak having done the same. It was amazing and strange at the same time. The boat landed in another river and docked at a large city.
"Welcome to New Hadeston fuckhead. The City of Damnation," Charon said.
I got out of the boat and stepped onto the dock. I looked around and saw that the sky wasn't a sky. It was the ceiling of a cave with only one hole in the ceiling letting in a giant beam of light.
"Hey what's that?" I asked Charon.
"That is the one thing you and the other Demons here can't have. Elysia. The City of Salvation. All the deceased human souls who are pure and virtuous go up there. But shitty people like you get this," Charon said.
"I see," I said "So where's that colleague you mentioned?".
"Here," A male voice behind me said.
I turned around and saw a guy with light blue hair, light brown skin, and teal eyes. His body was covered by a teal cloak. I have to admit he was kinda cute.
"I am Zagreus, Son of Hades and Persephone. Future King of New Hadeston and a Psychopomp-in-Training," He said.
I looked past Zagreus to Charon.
"Still not 100% what the Greeks up on Earth had in mind for the afterlife," Charon said.
"Quiet Charon. I'll handle this," Zagreus said "Follow me,".
Zagreus started walking and I followed.
"Welcome to New Hadeston. The City of Damnation and my kingdom. Like the Ancient Greeks had written yes this kingdom is ruled by Hades and Persephone. But essentially everything else they got wrong. The Christians were sort of right but were missing a few key pieces of information. Instead of God there's a Great Creator of the Universe called 'Kosmos'. They created Elysia and New Hadeston. Each city for souls of all kinds and souls could freely move between the two. Until fighting started between the two about who should run the joint. So Kosmos created Keres the Queen of Elysia and Hades King of New Hadeston. They were not called Gods of Goddesses. Instead they're Divine Entities. Though one day Hades grew lonely as the lone ruler of New Hadeston. So Kosmos created Persephone. Another Divine Entity. Hades's equal in life and the two fell deeply in love as Kosmos planned. Soon they were married and Persephone became Queen of New Hadeston. Though souls of all types the sinful or the virtuous were still able to go wherever. There could be sinful souls in Elysia and virtuous souls in New Hadeston. It caused war between the two cities wanting to be the soul afterlife. At this point Kosmos had gone off somewhere and was leaving the two afterlives alone. So there was a war. It ended with millions of souls being erased from existence. So Persephone, wanting the fighting to stop, sacrificed all of her power as a Divine Entity to rewrite the Divine Rules of Elysia and New Hadeston. Making it so that the souls of the sinful and wretched were to descend into New Hadeston when they died and the souls of the virtuous and kind were to ascend to Elysia when they died. After sacrificing her power she retreated into her summer mansion called Spring Oasis. Nobody has seen her in thousands of years. Except for Hades. Every 50 years," Zagreus explained as we walked.
"So does this place get fucking cell service?" I asked.
Zagreus looked at me.
"Hey if I can't post how much better I am than everyone how will I continue afterliving. That's a word right?" I asked.
Zagreus sighed and continued walking. I continued to follow.
'He never answered my question' I thought to myself.
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