Green means go
A/N: Undertale and the au's don't belong to me, only my oc's! Spoliers for the game and au's. Also this will delve into subjects like adoption, divorce, being an orphan, kidnapping, blood and gore.
Eden's p.o.v.
For three years now I've been the adopted daughter of the dreemur's, which has been an adventure.
An adventure I'm always grateful to be apart of. Toriel has always been a great mother and frisk and flowey have been great siblings. Even with flowey's inability to feel anything.
My soul is kindness, the bright green soul. I just so happened to have light green eyes, the hair? I dyed to match my soul. Cliche I know but I think it really suits me. Yup green is a great colour on me!
"Eden I need watering!" Flowey called from the kitchen bench, looking as cranky as ever. I rushed to the watering can and began to water flowey.
He made a tch sound as I finished watering him then I went to watch a movie on the lounge room t.v.
I sat down and got out all the dvd's we have, yes we still use those. My mother loves old things, frisk tends to joke because she's old.
Well considering monsters stop aging at a certain point when they don't have their own children, she's going to be old for a while!
I chuckled at my joke then my smile quickly fell, I'm not her biological child. I will never be that, I'll only ever be her adopted daughter.
Don't get me wrong I love being adopted, but sometimes the thought and memories of being an orphan get to me. My bio mother had gotten divorced when my bio dad wanted to leave us.
I stopped myself from further memories then looked at the movie called "spooky buddies." I carefully grabbed the disk out of the case, then put it into the DVD player.
I grabbed the remote, sat down on the lounge and smiled. I have always loved the buddies movies, even before I was adopted. "Hey can I join?" Frisk's voice asked from behind me.
I jumped, spun around and took a small breath. "Yes you can frisk." I answered once I got my cool back. I watched them sit next to me and smile at the movie.
"Jumpy today, what's up?" They asked me after a brief silence. "Nothing, I was just lost in the movie and you, little ninja, snuck up from behind me." I chuckled as I explain half of the truth.
Yes they did sneak up behind me but yet I can't get what happened yesterday out of my head. Why had that happened? Why was there suddenly so much negativity then suddenly not?
Frisk nodded then turned their head then went back to the movie.
With the bad sanses.
"A kindness soul?... I thought we wiped... nearly all of those out.. already." A really tall skeleton, named horror spoke slowly, while looking at dust.
"Apparently error found one in undertale, go figures. He's always finding everything nowadays." Dust spat while throwing a sharp bone in the air then catching it.
Dust had never really liked being in the shadow of error, not at all. The skele has a feeling error has some ulterior motive for joining this team, yet killer didn't seem to believe him.
The only one who did is that idiot horror and his brother paps. Now dust knows horror isn't a complete idiot all the time, just most of the time.
It isn't his fault though, it's what his dammed au did to him. Like the rest of them, horror was left to rot in a fucked up au, like dust was.
Every night horror has to be returned to his au, so no suspicions rise. Unlike dust and killer, who's au's are so empty there wasn't a point of keeping them there.
So the two lived in nightmares now occupied little au, which was once abandoned. Now it's filled with crazies, villains, psychos, killers, bad guys.
"Hmmm... I was going.. to say something... but I forgot." Horror spoke suddenly, pulling dust away from his thoughts.
"Of course you did, you idiot." Dust spoke with an annoyed tone then walked off towards his room, now keeping the bone in hand. He heard his brother whisper something but shrugged it off.
He opened the door, walked in then closed said door. His room wasn't much, just a bed with a pillow and blanket. He pretty much fell into his non comfy bed, turned on his back and sighed.
He looked at the ceiling as he began to get lost into his thoughts. When will they ever win? When will the stupid star sanses realise that dust and the team are doing good?!
Dust didn't realize he had broken the bone into pieces into his hand until blood began to come out. He wiped the blood onto his shirt and huffed, waiting for the order he knows is coming.
Back with Eden:
I'm currently outside tending to the garden, smiling at the small little lillies I'm growing. I've always loved gardening, something about helping plants grow and bloom makes me really happy.
I dropped the little gardening shovel and clenched my chest, trying to not cry out in pain. This form of negativity is stronger then the one from yesterday!
I tried getting up on my feet, since I was kneeling, but my legs buckled from underneath me. Something is seriously wrong with my soul. I need mother, frisk, anybody to come rescue me.
"I wouldn't try that if I were you." A skeletal hand covered my mouth before I could scream for help. I began to panic and kick out, but suddenly my body stopped moving.
"Heh, try fighting now puny human." The dark deep voice taunted, most likely smirking from my inability to move. Who was this? What skeleton is trying to kill me?!
"Let go of her now!" Frisk shouted from the door, I managed to see them through my never ending tears. They had this determined face on, like they would die to rescue me.
The skeleton barked a laugh, grabbed out their soul, turned it blue then flung them into the flower bed. "Now, wanna make some new friends?" The stranger asked with a menacing tone, now showing me his face.
A hooded skeleton with blue and red pupils stared down at me with a sick grin. In a blink on an eye the two of us are now in some random wooden forest.
As the skeleton released me I began to back away from him, trying my best to use my numb legs. My attempts seemed to amuse him then I stopped moving again.
He pulled my soul out, got onto my level and showed it to me. "See this? It means you can't run, but you can call for help. Try it, I dare you." He added with a very serious tome, as if he just wants to see me suffer.
I know no one will hear me, I know no one can save me from this fate, yet I find myself opening my mouth. "Frisk, mum, flowey..." My voice trailed off as fear took over my whole body.
I layed there looking at the skeleton, completely defeated. Then a feeling struck me, an overwhelming feeling to try to understand this skeleton. I am filled with KINDNESS.
"You've been hurt, haven't you?" I asked him, looking him straight in the eyes. A small part of me knows this is dumb, yet a huge part of me wants to see if I can win him over with kindness.
White hot pain shot threw me as my captor shoved a bone straight through my leg. I screamed out in pain, wanting it to end already.
I feel my body start to get hot from the pain, beginning to start feeling sick from it. I don't dare look at the blood, knowing full well I'll throw up if i do. I screamed again, starting to see my vision fade to black.
Before that can happen, another wave of negativity overwhelms me, this one is so strong, stronger then his and the wave from yesterday.
I tried to keep myself from passing out, even refusing to look at the newest stranger. "Here she is king nightmare, just like you wanted." The stranger said with respect then I heard the new stranger creep closer to me.
I heard him get to my level then I felt his goopy hand grab my head to make me face him. Is he made out of pure negativity?! By god this hurts.
I slowly open my eyes to see a very goopy black skeleton staring at me. His other eye is covered by never ending goop and had long tendrils coming out of his back.
"Aww does this hurt little one? I'm sure your soul is crying for some positivity." The goop skeleton had a much darker, deeper and more evil voice then the one who took her. His grip on her face got harder, which earned a chuckle from him.
"King.... n.. nightmare.... p..please let... me go." I managed to choke out, nearly blacking out on the process. His chuckle turned into an evil cackle then he patted me on the head with his free hand.
"Let you go? You poor poor soul. So naive, so young, so kind. Aren't you tired of being so weak? So kind to people who don't deserve it?" King nightmare asked me as he let go of my face then changed his expression from evil to soft.
"I.... like being kind! I-" I cough mid sentence, still keeping an eye on this king. "That's what your soul wants you to think little one, it controls you." King nightmare said a bit more convincingly as he kept his face soft.
I stayed silent, shook my head and tired to stand up. My legs gave way then I landed on my side, still looking at the two skeletons. I forced myself up onto my hands and frowned at them.
"My... soul does.... not... control... me! I... am... kind.. I am more... Then.... My... s...soul!" I exclaimed as some bravery surged through me. King nightmare made a disappointed "tsk" sound as his face went from soft to unreadable.
Suddenly the bone is yanked out of my leg and next thing I know I'm thrown againts a tree. Before the pain takes me I see three new skeletons appear infront of me.
Positivity poured of two of them like nice warm waves. The shorter one with some blue gear was ordered to check up on me. I gave my best reassuring smile as I blacked out.
A few moments before:
"You have to stay here Nyx! There's a problem in undertale." Ink ordered before teleporting away in a puddle of ink. I nodded anyway and sat back down then stared at the piece of paper that contained the undertale world. Someone is being hurt in there and I can't help.
I know that I still have a long way to go, but my whole reason of being here is helping! The ich to go and help is starting to drive me crazy.
I heaved a huge bored sigh then layed down, looking at more paper. Paper, worlds, lives, people, monsters all needed protecting by her, ink, blue and dream.
Paper, paper everywhere. Is this going to be my life? Traning, staying behind and looking at paper? Then I shook my head and closed my eyes, imagining what the fight is currently looking like.
Hopefully ink and the rest are winning.
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