Go for it Blue!
A/N: The usual trigger warnings ahead like the last chapter, spoliers for the game and au's. They don't belong to me, only my oc's do!
Blue's p.o.v
Oh my stars she's hurt! Okay breathe and stop the bleeding blue! I grab my scarf from around my neck and look at the poor kids leg.
It looks like the bone dust summoned went straight through her leg, even piercing bone. I shook my head and quickly tied it around the wound, praying it would help stop the bleeding.
I immeditly applied pressure to it, on both sides. Oh stars I'm a sitting duck out here, anyone from nightmare's gang could attack me now. And yet I've got ink and dream with me! I should be fine, I just have to believe in them!
I've got to get this girl away from here and back to her family. I know I'm not supposed to be seen yet in cases like this, I need to be seen.
She's alot taller then me, considering I'm only 3'3. So I summoned her soul, turned it blue and picked her up, this way it should be easier to get her home.
But she isn't awake to let me know where to go! Stars think blue think! Damm it I just have to run away from the fight.
I made my legs go south of the fight at my full speed, being mindful of any roots or rocks that could trip me. I'm even watchful for any bigger mire dangerous animals. But even more so for dust or anyone else.
Panic struck me as I saw dust teleport in Front of me, smirking his usual evil smirk. "Awww what's the matter blue? Am I ruining your plans?" Dust spoke in a mocking manner, while conjuring up his signature purple bone.
I gently put the girl down, turning her soul normal again. I stepped in Front of her in a protective stance, also being mindful of any villains sneaking up behind me.
"I am going to help this girl and put a stop to your plans!" I shouted at him, desperately wanting that to be true. Now that I've said that, I have to keep my word. I want truth to my words, I need to protect this girl.
Me and my team can't have another kindness soul wiped out because of these villains. I then heard a faint noise from the human, meaning she was walking up. Dust took this chance to throw a bone, which I knocked away with a bone of mine.
Third person p.o.v.
The newfound positivity must have somewhat healed the girl, just enough so she can wake up again. She groaned in pain as she awoke, then noticed the really short skeleton standing in front of her, willing to protect her.
She dosn't know whether she should try to run or stay here. Well first off she should try standing first. As if the kind skeleton knew her plan he ordered. "Please stay still! You will start bleeding again if you get up!" The short skeleton pleaded with her as he knocked back even more bones.
She watched as he went to dodge a bone, just to end up landing right in the trajectory of another one. He hissed in pain but kept going, fierce positivity radiating off him.
Despite not having the soul, her hero was very determined to save her, so much so he's willing to bleed because of it. She felt weak, useless and angry at herself.
She's angry since she can't help her hero, she's feeling useless because of her injury, weak for the same reason. Eden didn't want to watch, she closed her eyes and hoped this will all end soon enough.
It suddenly went quiet. Too quiet. Fearing the worse she opened her eyes, only to find of the other skeletons from earlier. He was slightly taller then her other hero, but was holding a huge paint brush and had some unique clothes.
The crazy one was nowhere to be seen, which didn't calm her down. "Got away, again! Oh blue make sure the human is okay, I'll see if dream is okay. Oh wait are you okay? Nevermind that plan, you need healing. Dream can comfort the human." The colourful looking one spoke as he saw his friends injuries.
"Thank.. you blue." Eden spoke which gained the attention of the two short skeletons. Suddenly yet another skeleton appeared, which was taller then the both of them. The positivity he possessed was greater then she's ever felt.
"No need to thank us, all apart of the job!" Blue said through pained breaths, still smiling though. His armour had blood and holes everywhere. Yet he seemed very happy. The one with the golden and black outfit looked at her with soft eyes and walked over to her.
"I'm sorry this happened to you." He apologized with sorrow filling his eye sockets. "Don't be.. you couldn't help it." The young girl smiled at him, which made his gaze soften.
A few minutes later, dream p.o.v.
Well now the human girl is back with her family, fully healed thanks to ink. I sighed as I teleported back to my au, telling her family what she went through wasn't easy and I hate telling people that they keep the traumatic events to themselves.
And ink never makes it better, he usually just leaves it up to me or blue or both of us. I took a huge breath in and out then turned to open my door. I have a kingdom to rule after all, I can't let anything stop me from doing my job.
Back with Ink:
I teleported back into my doodlesphere, expecting to see Nyx there, but she wasn't there. I looked around, my pupils changed shapes every time I blink, now I know I should be concerned about her absence but I'm not. Yes I know I really should go looking for her, or the king will have my head.
I sighed and began to think where she could be. Then my eyes went over the X-tale au paper. Should she be in there? Why would she be in there? Cross?? Oh yeah cross I was meant to help him get out of there!
How long had it been? Eh I don't care, I just need get Nyx back. I walked towards the paper then jumped into it, opening my eyes to a blank white void.
And sure enough she was there, talking to cross, well trying to anyway. Then cross noticed me and frowned and gave me a death stare. Nyx looked over and looked like a deer in headlights.
She knows I caught her, she knows she isn't meant to be here. And who knows what cross has been telling her. "Nyx I'll get you back then talk to you." I spoke as I forced a frown, knowing I had to look angry. A puddle of ink made her dissapear then as I turned away cross spoke up.
"How much longer are you going to keep me here?" His low angry voice spoke as he continued to give me a death stare. I really don't care how long he's been here, all I care about his making his story fulfill itself.
Yet I don't want anyone to think I'm a bad guy, but on the other hand I don't care how they think of me. All I care about is making the greatest story and keeping my memory alive!
I looked away and teleported back into the doodlesphere, staring at Nyx, waiting for her to explain everything to me. "I'm so sorry I just noticed how lonely that au seemed and wanted to see why. I know I wasn't supposed to!" She added as she began to cry, great tears.
I forced a calm look on my face and sighed. "It's okay you've learned your lesson." I walked up to her, gave her a gentle pat on the back and sat back down, looking at the au's once again.
I noticed that Nyx sat next to me and looked as if she wanted to ask me a question. "Why did that stranger hate you so much?" Now that's a question I'm not ready to answer. I can't let her know my true intentions with him.
"Well.... His au is evil well it was before Error destroyed it." I said nonchalantly, turning to look at her, her face saddened and eyes filled with sorrow. She didn't want to say anything else so she turned away, bringing her knees to her face and hugging them.
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