New Group Chat!
I'm the owner of the new chat BUT imma set some strict rules now;
1. Ask BEFORE you join the chat for the love of god!
2. WITHSTAND the spam! Don't start coming in my chat like you're okay with it and the afterwards, you want me to fucking move it! Like I ain't doing NUN OF THAT!
3. I only delete my chats if there's a fight going on and it gets out of hand
4. This chat of mine might reach between 1,000 to 11, 000 or more comments so don't join if you can't handle it
5. DON'T! And I mean DON'T tag other people without MY permission!
6. If you join this chat BUT won't stay for long, I fucking advise you to delete your comments immediately, understand!?
7. PLEASE don't join the chat when you've joined others cause I guarantee you this chat of mine will probably spam you the most!
8. AND OMG! DON'T JOIN THE CHAT IF YOU'RE GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE IN SCHOOL AND SHIT! My chat is known to be very kinky so just letting you know!
9. SEX IS NOT ALLOWED IN MY FUCKING CHAT! You can flirt, kiss, or whatever but when it comes to sex, nudity, and more, I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO SEE IT! I don't want to see your naked self and I ESPECIALLY don't want to see people having sex in my chat, do it on your own time or in PMS! Not my goddamn chat, my god! 😡
10. Please Don't Join My Chat Without My Permission And Start Calling Everyone A Name, Especially If It's The Word "Nigger." That's Very Offensive To My Chat! I Won't Hesitate To Mute You For That Because I Won't Allow That In My Chat!
Annnnnd that should be it! If you want to join, ask permission to me, the owner, and I would ask some questions JUST to make sure you what you're getting yourself into, okay? Okay, have a nice day! ❤
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