Chapter 6
So there was confusion regarding the age and the characters so here is a small brief about them.
Haajar (26) - Raiyaan ( 31)
Aman (41) - Kehara (39)
Children- Amal and Keyaan (13)
Sufyaan (41) - Zyva (38)
Children - None
Zeeshan (43) - Noor (38)
Children - Iiman (11) Daniyal (8)
Afzal (42) - Yamina (40)
Children- Manal (13) Fadi (8)
Wildan (42) - Zynah (36)
Children - Adnan (9)
These are the important characters. If you have any questions about them or others then let me know.
I hope you all like the chapter.
"Haajar?" Haajar looked up and saw Alessia standing in front of her. It took her a moment to clear the image of her surrounding before she closed the file in front of her, and looked at Alessia again. "When did you come?"
"It has been some time. Where are you lost? I called you five times before I got your attention. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, yes. Where did you go?"
"Somewhere. If you want, take a nap and then start working. You don't have to work when you don't want to."
"I am fine. Thank you. What are we doing now? What would be the first step?"
"The first step would be to shake his sister-in-law's world. Let's file the case, and then let's see what she does. I researched about her and she can be cunning. Her father wasn't just a businessman, he was a cruel one. She can be similar to him. She might go to any length to win and that is not just to keep the house but to win, they love to win."
Hajar frowned and gave a tilt to her head. "Who was her father? How do you know about them?"
"Let me introduce you to Mr Ali Abbasi. At the age of five, he came here with his family. It was a small family just him, his parents and a little brother who was a few months old. At the age of ten, his mother died of some illness because they didn't have money to treat her. At fourteen his father went to jail for robbery. He had robbed a few of the local shops in different localities only to feed his children. What happened to him and his brother after that is unknown. They were not on the map until he was twenty-six years old. He started a small business, he was selling falafel on the street and then he kept growing. Before he was forty he had a mansion, a few properties, three businesses and a lavish lifestyle. Another tragedy hit him when his wife died two weeks before his fiftieth birthday. He was a workaholic but after that, he started working like a crazy person, who didn't sleep or eat properly. As expected he died of a heart attack but he was the second richest person in the state by then. No one knows his secret but many suspect illegal things or a dark side was involved. Not much can be said about him."
"Was that the reason Raiyan's father objected to his son marrying Abbasi's daughter?"
"No, maybe, but there was a personal reason involved as well. Many years ago, they both were bidding for the same project, but Abbasi was desperate so he used his means and got it. What did he do? He ruined Mr Ismail's reputation by saying he was involved with drugs and he didn't just say it, he proved it and that ruined Ismail's business. He somehow overcame that disaster but he was never able to reach where Abbasi was or where his empire is today. That Top, Mr Ismail had always dreamt of but Abbasi took it. Of course, he had grudges against that man and I am sure he didn't want his son to get involved with that man or his family, hence the protest."
"Oh. That is bad." Haajar folded her legs and Alessia sat on the other end of the sofa. "Abbasi does sound suspicious. He must have done various wrong things. We have no idea where he was for those eleven years after his father went to jail? Is he still in the jail?"
"No, he died a year later. Rumours have it that he didn't die of a natural cause but was murdered during a prison fight. Prison did not comment on the matter. We don't know what happened to him and his brother in the years that followed. It must have been very difficult. But!" Alessia's eyes brightened suddenly, "We know a little about his brother. His brother, Rahim has been by his side all these years. Abbasi raised him like his son. So the brother served him with all his might. He didn't get married because he was always doing something for his brother, he once said he owes everything to him and would be his servant until the end. Even today he is serving his daughter. He is always by her side."
"Maybe Ali made his brother do that. Who knows what kind of a man he was."
"No, Abbasi loved his brother a lot. He raised him on his own. Rahim's loyalty is genuine and pure which means Abbasi's love was pure. So we cannot say that about him."
"Okay. How did you find all that out?"
"I checked the internet but found only the outline so I dug a little deeper. I asked an old client of mine. He is in the same industry so he knew them. He said everyone was a little terrified of Abbasi. I think we must remember that while handling his daughter."
"We should and even the uncle. He must be a loyal servant of her too. He was raised in this environment, who knows what he is capable of."
"True, true. We need to consider everything, we need to be very careful. Raiyan is the easiest prey. They can eat him raw. We need to take every step with a lot of care but for now, let's just focus on our first step."
The next three hours that followed they were occupied with various things, all related to the case. It was the first case, they were dedicated and gave more than they needed to which kept them more engrossed than usual. Alessia was determined to help an innocent soul but also prove Brain wrong, while Haajar was determined only to give her best. Soon the sky turned dark and it was time to go home. Haajar wished to go home alone and to her good luck, Alessia had to rush to her children for some reason which allowed her to be on her own. Forty-five minutes later Haajar got off the bus but before she could reach home, she got a call from Manal which made her frown deep.
After another fifteen minutes, she was standing in a park with five teenagers surrounding her. Manal was standing to her right, looking angry and Amal was standing next to a boy who was tied to a tree.
"What is happening!?" Haajar exclaimed. "Why is that kid tied to a tree? Who did it? Amal, was it you?"
Amal rolled her eyes before crossing her arms making Haajar frown again. Manal confirmed her assumption by saying, "She did it. They both got in a fight and ended up like this."
"And why is Keyaan holding that guy?"
"Amal refused to leave Luca so his friend pulled Amal's hair and since then Keyaan has been either holding him or beating him."
"Keyaan! But wait, I would like to talk to this one first. Amal, start speaking right now!"
Amal frowned deeply before saying, "I did not do anything, he insulted Dad. He is in school with me and has been teasing me for no reason. We have had some verbal fights in school and today I was quietly sitting here on the swing, he didn't have to say anything but he did so I lost my mind."
"You could have handled it in a better way. You didn't have to touch him."
"He has been mean to me for way too long! I may be wrong but at least I didn't make his mind go crazy. He always does this. He didn't have to say anything about my family. The other day I warned him not to say anything to Keyaan but he said and I acted cool."
"Acted cool?" Luca looked up at her as he said, "You threw the stapler at me."
"I missed you on purpose! You think my aim is bad. Should I show you how great it is!?" Amal started to walk who was stopped by Manal.
"Amal, calm down girl. Don't move so much." Manal used all her might to stop her friend.
"Amal enough now! Keyaan leave him. Leave him! Now, I will talk and you all will listen. First you," she pointed at Luca. "You have an issue with Amal, you don't like her. Okay, fine, we cannot like everyone but you cannot bring your families into this. It's your fight keep it to you. No friends or family in this. Have I made myself clear?" He softly nodded his head. "And Amal, what is this? I get it, I understand it made you angry, it would have made anyone angry but this is not the way to handle it. You do not have to use your hand. You could have complained to your teachers, or parents, maybe to me. You could have said something in return but this was way out of the line. You both were. Apologise to each other. Now!"
They both made a face, they both hesitated but Haajar was not taking no as an answer which made them bow. "Now you two!" She looked at Keyaan and his companion. "Keyaan leave him. Keyaan! Good. Neither of you were involved in this, this wasn't your fight, why did you two jump in it? It is a good thing to protect your loved ones, I appreciate you two for it but if protecting is your responsibility then it is also your responsibility to correct them when they are wrong, not go wrong with them. Keyaan I get he was trying to hurt your sister but you don't have to hurt in return, stop him don't become like him. And you, hitting a girl? Do you think it is appropriate?"
"She isn't a girl. She is a goon."
"You are starting a done fight. Do you want to get all this started again? All of you were wrong so let me give you a warning. If this repeats, I will inform your parents and your school. Do not take me for granted. I will do it. Now everyone go home and remember my warning. Let me remind you all I am a lawyer, I can actually take you all to the court. Do not mess with me. Off you all go."
Keyaan untied the boy, Haajar took their parent's number and then they all left the park. Amal and Keyaan took the lead while Manal and Haajar walked behind them.
"Thank you for coming, " Manal said after leaving the park, "I couldn't think straight. They all suddenly started to attack each other. It happened so fast. At first, I thought of calling Baba but I knew he would tell Aman uncle, I thought of calling one of the mothers but then you came to my mind. It took me a while to get your number but I am glad I got it. These kids are out of control. Even in school sometimes it becomes difficult. Amal and Luca have been fighting a lot these days. She gets angry quickly and he enjoys that. Then one day Amal said something to him and he took it to his ego. Since then they have been unstoppable."
"Complain to your teacher next time. Do not think of them. If we don't stop them now then they will end up with something much more dangerous and fatal. Do not cover their acts anymore."
"I will not. I will contact them and you immediately. I was actually scared today. Will you inform our parents about this?"
"No, " Haajar increased her tone, "I will not tell your parents this time. But next time I will let everyone know!" The walk following that was slow and dull with little or no words that can echo. Haajar personally dropped all three of them home without making an entrance, then as she started to walk home she remembered she had to visit her uncle Khurshid. It was a short walk, for Kehara did not live far from her father. Upon knocking on the door, Sufyaan came rushing. With a smile, he admitted her into the house, then leaving her in the living room he went up to call his father. For a few minutes, she was looking around, wondering where Zyva was when unexpectedly Raiyan walked into the room. Her first reaction was to raise her eyebrows but soon she took control of her face. A small greeting was exchanged followed which awkwardness came. Raiyan was standing, waiting for Sufyaan to return while Haajar was looking at her fingers waiting for the same. A minute later, Sufyaan did not return but his wife and her best friend entered the scene.
"Haajar, assalamu alaikum. How are you?" Noor said just when her eyes fell on her companion."Raiyan, salam. How are you? Haajar, this is Raiyan. Raiyan."
Haajar awkwardly looked away while the girls shared a giggle. They then went inside the kitchen to keep all the bags but that brought energy to Raiyan who looked at Haajar. "You didn't tell anyone about the case, I believe."
Haajar nodded her head which made him ask the reason to which she replied "It wasn't my information to share. Plus you felt awkward the first time we talked, I thought you won't like it so I didn't say."
"Oh. Thank you for being considerate. It is rare these days."
As a response Haajar smiled at him which made him smile for the first time in a long while.
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