Chapter 24
I really did not intend to but I got caught up in a few things! I will try my level best to cover up all the missed updates soon. This is a relatively small chapter, sorry again. I will come back with a bang soon.
Until then, Enjoy:)
Sufyaan opened a file and analysed it for a moment before passing it to Afzal who was sitting to his right. Afzal gave a glance to it before passing it to Aman who was sitting to his right and in front of Sufyaan. He opened it and started to read. Raiyan was sitting at the far end of the table with a few papers in his hand and his mind wandering in an enchanted land. After five more minutes Afzal looked up from his laptop and observed his colleagues. He frowned as he said, "We are not keeping up with the time. We are still living in the stone age."
"You mean we need to modernise our techniques to overcome this problem?" Aman asked his friend. "I think that can solve the problem. I think that will work."
"I am not talking about that. Look at us. Only men. We are in the 21st century and we have no Female leaders here. That is our problem."
Sufyaan frowned as he said, "It is not that we are not allowing Females in our workplace. We just never found someone."
"That is even sadder. We should have looked deeper. Ah, forget it," he closed the file. "I am so tired. Let us take a break and talk about this problem. Work can wait."
"It is not a problem, Afzal," Sufyaan said not looking up from his paper, "We are more than willing to give a position and great pay to anyone and everyone who works well. We do not have time or resources at the moment to recruit someone new. So for now let's hold on to what we have and get over with this. We are almost done. Once we tackle the shipping issue, we are back on track. So let that be our focus."
"Ah, you are so technical, sufyaan. I feel bad for Zyva. She must get so bored of you. So bored."
"Better than getting irritated. Yamina really got some patience."
"Wow, you still fight like a kid. Grow up Sufyaan, grow up."
As Sufyaan rolled his eyes Afzal changed his focus to the man sitting in front of him but far away to be a part of their conversation. He examined Raiyan for a moment before leaning forward. "What is he working at? What's so intense?"
"He seems lost in his thoughts," Aman said. Afzal looked to his left and then to his right before picking up a piece of paper. He rolled it before throwing it in Raiyan's Direction, catching his attention immediately.
"Yes, sir?"
"Yeah. Hello. Is everything alright? What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing much. Do I need to do anything?"
"No, no we are taking a break. Leave those papers. Breathe deeply." Raiyan smiled as he kept the papers on the table. "Good boy. Raiyan, why don't you do us a favour? Get married. It has been such a long time since we did something fun. We are living a very stagnant life these days, aren't we?"
"You are talking like Amal now. She said that to Haajar yesterday." Sufyaan closed his file and looked up.
"Oh, yes. We have Haajar too. Aren't you guys looking for a groom for her? She is done with her studies and works now. Maybe now is the time."
"Her mother was saying something about that a few days ago. She asked me if I know any good guy." Raiyan looked at Sufyaan before raising his head high. "Maybe it is time. I will ask her what she wants. Until then maybe I will look for good guys."
"I have a cousin. About Haajar's age. Amazing human," Afzal said with a shake of his head.
"Okay. What does he do? Where does he live? Which school and uni did he go to. What is his family like?"
"Investigating already? I will only answer one question today. He is a doctor. Neurosurgeon to be accurate."
"Neurosurgeon? Okay, we can consider him." Raiyan frowned before pouting. "What is his name? I will talk to Haajar about him. Good suggestion."
"I only suggest good people. I am only surrounded by good people because I am one of them."
Sufyaan rolled his eyes as he said, "We will see how great he is. He is your cousin after all. I will judge him before deciding. I do not trust your choice."
"Of course, you don't. But my dear friend, who cares? I don't."
"Age," Aman said shaking his head, "Look at your ages."
"Why do you always have to talk about the age!" Afzal exclaimed immediately.
"I know right. Is it mandatory to talk about age all the time? He irritates me." Sufyaan motioned at Aman. "Why don't you go home?"
"Perfect idea. Get lost. leave, palli kha." Aman raised his eyebrows while Sufyaan and Raiyan frowned. "It's Korean for leave. Manal is addicted to it these days so we all watch it together. There are some really great shows. You all need to try. Maybe it is Ga. Manal said their K and G sounds the same. But I am pretty sure I said the wrong word." Sufyaan shook his head disappointingly while Aman chuckled. "I am serious. Everyone saw the Squid Games but that is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to go deep inside to see what it really is." Sufyaan stood up from his chair and started to walk. "He is ignoring me? I will irritate him more then." Afzal quickly followed Sufyaan. "You know there is a school drama, a teenage romance which is so beautiful."
Aman laughed his best friends closed the door behind them. He stood up and collected all the papers before he started to walk. "Sufyaan can be scary, be careful," Aman said to Raiyan who immediately frowned. "What am I talking about? I saw the change in your expressions. So my advice is- be brave and go for what you want even if Sufyaan scares the hell out of you. It will be worth it."
"Life is much more than Sufyaan shaikh. And here I speak from experience, he can be endured." Aman smiled widely as he patted Raiyan's shoulder and walked out of the room. Raiyan closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. A moment later he opened it and ran out as a chicken runs at you when you do nothing but breathe in his territory. It took him not more than a second to locate Aman. Reducing his pace he walked softly to his room, making sure to smile at his colleagues.
"I am sorry to disturb you but can I talk to you for a moment?" Raiyan asked Aman after he had knocked at the door and was ushered in by Aman's permission. Aman nodded his head and motioned towards the chair. Raiyan was careful to close the door before he walked to the desk.
"Sir, I just want to say." He cleared his throat but felt embarrassed as his throat did not corporate. "I was thinking. No. I was saying. Maybe. No. I mean, if you think."
"Calm down. I will not tell Sufyaan about it."
"That is very thoughtful and generous of you." He smiled at the end of the sentence. "But it is not about him. Or I rather say not just about him. But can you keep it to yourself for a while? Do not tell your wife and definitely not your daughter. Haajar will find out in a moment."
"Wait, you like Haajar? I thought it was someone else." Raiyan froze, his mouth a little open and his eyes kept getting wider with every passing second. Aman was calm for a moment before he abruptly started to laugh. "I was joking. I knew it is her. You get influenced if you are best friend with Afzal the clown for so long. So, you do not like Afzal's cousin, do you?"
"I will not say I do not like him but I do not know him, so I do not have any reasons to like him. But I do not not like him."
Aman chuckled before shaking his head a couple of times. "Okay. I will keep it to myself. But what is it? Do you really like her or is it just a crush because she is helping you in a tough time?"
"Crush. Hmm, hard to say. Sometimes I feel it's just that, sometimes I feel maybe more. But every time her thought crosses my mind."
"Do not say all that in front of Sufyaan. Just do not." Raiyan bowed his head making his companion smile. "I understand that feeling. I was there once. But Haajar is family so I would like you to keep your thoughts fair and honest. You both have had difficult lives. So if you want to be with her then make sure the life that you build in your imagination is where you two find peace and happiness."
"Definitely, sir," Raiyan smiled as he said that. He did not stay there any longer. His mission was done. He sensed an awkwardness would soon follow which drove him out. As he walked to his desk he thought of what Aman said. Everything was repeated and every word was soaked in but there was one thing that shone brightly. The sentence where Aman acknowledged and declared his care for Haajar, the sentence where he called her family. Raiyan could not control his lips as they formed a curve. He felt at ease knowing she was loved by many. Sitting on his chair he took a deep breath. He always thought if anyone from the office found out about his feelings he would have to run for his life but the reaction from Aman was enough to give him confidence and hope of a better tomorrow.
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