Chapter 11
Words affect us, it makes us move. But thoughts are a little different, they make us feel, they make us realise how small is the diameter of our understanding, how narrow our world is and how little we need to complain. When a thought is converted through a word it becomes meaningful, it becomes powerful and that is what a human soul needs to find something called peace.
Haajar looked at the turn they were approaching and then looked at Raiyan. Motioning ahead she said, "I know the way from here. I can go alone. Thank you for helping me. It really means a lot." Haajar regretted the last sentence the minute she said it out loud. It was too personal, she thought.
Raiyan gave a smile before saying," You do not have to say that but, "Haajar looked up at him. "It is almost eleven and we are almost there. Why don't I accompany you? It is not right of me to leave now. Help me with that."
"There is no need but I cannot force you to leave, can I?"
Raiyan smiled wider as he nodded his head, "you cannot so I will just accompany you. Thank you for helping me."
Haajar smiled as she clapped her arms behind her. It had been a long walk and they had shared a little few words but it has been a calming walk that benefited both of them. They could clear their thoughts but also limit them due to the company they had which was what they needed to breathe.
"Did my sister-in-law bother you again? Did she visit or does someone else comes for her? If yes then let me know, I will solve the issue. Under no circumstances will I let your safety be sacrificed. "
"Then you will ruin my boss's fantasy. She won't mind being a hero." Raiyan smiled again making her lips move too. "Everything is fine, do not worry. We haven't heard from her but she might do something or maybe she will do nothing. It is such a small thing for her. She and her people know their way."
"That is what I believe too. This is too small of a fight for her to care. I was surprised when she showed up at your building. The office I mean. I did not expect her to even think of it. I thought she would but roll her eyes, get her lawyers at work and wait for her win. Her showing up makes me think maybe something is up."
"I feel the same. Something pricked her in the sour spot. Maybe it's her grieving. She must be upset so she got angry."
"But she has all the power. She cannot lose. And if it did hit her in the spot then how come she contacted you and not me? I was the one who bothered her, why is she not coming to me? She doesn't care about me or bothering me, that is puzzling."
"What is more puzzling is your confidence. Why are you so sure that she will win? And if you were indeed sure, why did you start the battle only to lose?"
"I am not hundred per cent sure she would win, I sure am not delusional. I know her chances are high and I know me getting what I want is a very far reach dream. I just wanted to try. I did not want to give up without giving it a try. I do not wish to sit in my room one day, regretting giving up. Plus I have nothing to lose. I am not getting on the wrong side of my brother, nor am I losing anything I already haven't. It seemed like a fair deal, so I did. I am ready to lose, I am not ready for another regret. Do you think I am wrong?"
Haajar raised her eyebrows and paused for a moment before she said, "I think it is fair. I can understand your reason. Timing is maybe a little dark but overall if we think you are doing right."
"Timing has been my biggest enemy but I had no choice. She is moving fast, I need to move faster. There is nothing that I dislike more than this. If I could I would have waited. For year's if needed but trust me when I say this, I would have not done anything now."
"I believe you had no choice, so it is okay. Sometimes we have no choice but to get on the wrong side. It is okay. Do not think so much. You did what was right, even if that made you evil. You did it for a reason, so do not let your brain tell you that you are wrong. Our brain is anything but wise or right for that matter."
Raiyan frowned as he said, "I have never heard a sentence more true than that," He looked at Haajar before proceeding with their conversation, "Thank you for saying that. After hearing it again and again that I am wrong and that I should take a step back, it was nice to hear that it is okay."
"As your lawyer, I would say please don't take a step back. We need you." Raiyan chuckled making Haajar smile. "But as an individual, I would say do what is right. Whether to go forward with it or not, think and then decide. Do not let other voices decide, not even your own voice. Let your intentions be pure and then let it decide the course. And we are home. Thank you so much. And I am sorry for wasting your time and making you walk so much. I ruined your plan. Really sorry. Convey my apology to your cousins too. They must be waiting for ice cream."
"I totally forgot about the ice cream. I will buy it on the way back. Do not say sorry, if anything I should thank you. I heard a lot of wise words today. You are very wise. You are so right. This hour has been a blessing. Thank you."
Haajar smiled awkwardly, hoping for him to leave. She was never shy of compliments but she also was not a fan of them coming from a man. Even if she knew the man, she would avoid it and Raiyan was fairly new to her which only made her wish to leave. "You should go inside. I will take leave too. Thank you again. Have a good night." Sooner than she realised she was in her room and surprisingly very hungry. She quickly washed her face and went to the kitchen. Something nice she found and then the end of the day reached her. Next what followed was a day looked forward by their whole community.
Haajar and her mother woke up early in the morning and were on their toes ever since. There were a lot of things to be done for a huge group that was to come. Rahemat soon woke up too and started to set the house for their guests. He helped Haajar with cleaning and then went to the backyard to set the lunch area. Valiqa was in the kitchen the whole morning with Haajar assisting her. It was Nine-twenty in the morning when their first guest arrived. Zynah and her mother came early to help their family. The mothers took the lead while the daughter got minimal jobs. Around eleven Haajar returned to her room, to get ready for the day. When she returned, unfortunately, their cousin was in the kitchen. Zynga had her eyebrows raised, Valiqa and Gulfisha were sharing their fake smiles and Sufiyan was having the best time of his life. Luckily, Haajar saw Rahemat in the background, still out in the backyard working on a table. Very slowly, without making any noise she walked towards the main door and was soon out. Then until the guests started to arrive Haajar stuck to her stepfather. When she next entered the house, despite Sufiyan still being in there, it was because the backyard was filled with men.
The house was busting with chatter, laughter and people, it was dancing on the music of love that everyone had for each other. There were various groups formed that had various topics flowing. There was, however, one topic that was on every mind, and that brought them all together. It was only Aman, Kehara and Raiyan in the begging but they were soon joined by Yamina and Noor. Zynah came to them a while later and brought her husband and his friend Zeeshan with her. Afzal walked to them almost immediately after them and the last one to join them was Haajar, then began the conversation.
"I love this house," Noor said as she looked around. "It is such a beautiful place and such a big backyard. I like it here."
" I agree. It is a lovely house. The best among us," Kehara said with a smile.
"It sure is lovely," Yamina said as she looked at Haajar, "but Haajar, I hope you have insurance. All the kids are in the living room and all the parents, being least bothered, are here waiting for a hurricane to come."
"Hurricane is sure to come today. Sufyaan was all worked up yesterday. It was fun." Afzal said with a laugh which got him a narrowed eye from his wife.
"I was waiting for today, " Zynah express her excitement, "I know my cousin and I know my brother-in-law. They both are surely prepared for our entertainment. It really would be fun."
"Why am I surrounded by people who hate Sufyaan?" Wildan said with a shake of his head.
"Who else hates him?" Aman asked with a soft frown on his forehead.
"Did you forget your brother-in-law is my dear friend? " Zeeshan rolls his eyes while Noor made a face at him.
"When did I say anything about him? We both are just two different people."Zeeshan defended himself.
"Two headstrong people, "Aman corrected him, "Who can be stubborn at times," he whispered the second part making everyone giggle in response.
"Where are they? Are they not coming?" Yamina asked looking at Kehara. "Maybe Sufyan does not want to come."
"I called them in the morning. Daddy said they are coming," Kehara said shaking her head, "but if he suddenly decides not to come then I won't be surprised. In fact, I would be relieved. I do not want any fight or argument. I did not wish to come here today but I came only in case there was a need to hold bhaijan back."
"You are overreacting, "Aman said which made her wrinkle her nose. His eyes then landed on Raiyan who was frowning. Raiyan raised his eyebrows questioningly at Afzal who came forward with an answer. "Sufyaan's wife was engaged to her cousin. Not really engaged but it was a fixed matter from her cousin's side but then Sufyaan entered the scene and changed it all. That cousin, who is also named Sufiyan, is here on business. This is the first time after their wedding that they are meeting. It wasn't a brutal fight between them but it wasn't that nice either when they were both fighting for her." Raiyan shook his head while Haajar observed him for a moment.
"Only my poor mother is worried," Zynah said after some time. "Look at how she is talking to Rahemat chachu. She was nervous and I am sure she made Chachu nervous as well. He must be regretting this event already."
"I bet he is," Wildan said as he observed his uncle-in-law.
"Here they are!" Zynah exclaimed abruptly. "The fun begins." Sufyaan and Zyva stopped by her mother and uncle. They greeted them and got in a conversation, while the group gazed at them. Zyva then walked with Khurshid towards the sliding door from where he went inside to greet the kids with chocolate. Zyva then intended to return to her mother but her eyes directed her towards the group. She walked to them, knowing there was something. "Why is everyone standing so quietly? What is wrong?"
"This is the watching area. We are expecting a blockbuster show today." Zyva frowned at her sister's remark, trying to understand her words. She looked at Noor who just smiled before looking at Sufyaan making Zyva frown deeper.
"They are waiting for GSB and BSB to meet," Kehara cleared the air turning a few faces.
"I haven't heard those terms in ages!" Zynah exclaimed. "I am glad they are back."
"I totally agree. We should always use them." Noor said with a chuckle.
"What do they mean?" Zeeshan asked in confusion.
"Good Sufyaan bhai and Bad Sufyaan bhai," Noor spoke again, "Wow, we were childish back then."
"This arrangement does to seem very mature either, "Aman shook his head as he said.
"They are about to meet!" Zynah exclaimed again. "BSB is coming out through the glass door and GSB is still standing near it."
"Why are you so excited about it?" Zyva asked her sister who smiled in response.
"It is good that they are meeting but why are they so far? We cannot hear them." Noor moved her head to get a better look of the scene.
"Let's call them closer," Zynah suggested which made Kehara call her brother to them. Sufyaan was now standing with them while the cousin was talking to his uncle and aunt. Sufyaan was confused to find everyone standing in silence. None of them replied to his query as they observed BSB's every move, hoping for him to come to them. Sufyaan, yet confused asked the question again which got him an answer from Yamina. "You need new friends and family. Someone better and nice." She softly hit her husband's arm to get him to look at Sufyaan. As Sufyaan followed their gaze he soon found Sufiyan laughing, a sight he did not like. He looked away and his wife's face appeared in front. She smiled and blinked making his frown disappear. He walked closer to her and she squeezed his hand. He took a deep breath knowing she was there for him.
Soon BSB caught their sight and started to walk towards them. Sufyaan rolled his eyes and looked to his left, while others, one by one, took a look at him. "Assalamu Alaikum, "Sufiyan greeted everyone. "Looks like everyone is here. Zynah why don't you introduce everyone to me?"
"Okay," Zynah stretched the word more than she intended to. Coming forward she stood next to her cousin and started the introduction from the right side. "This is Haajar, our cousin. I am sure you know her. Then this is Kehara baji, Zyva baji's sister-in-law. Next to her is Yamina, our family friend. Then is Afzal bhai, who is also a family friend and Yamina's husband. Behind him is Aman bhai, who is Kehara baji's husband. Then is Noor, she is Kehara baji's sister-in-law. Standing next to her is her husband, Zeeshan sir, who is my husband's best friend and my senior at work. Then is my husband, you met him yesterday. This is Raiyan, he is," she paused for a second before continuing, " also a family friend." Zynah bit her lips and paused for a moment again. After another second she said. "Then it is Zyva baji and Sufyaan bhai."
Sufiyan smiled widely making Sufyaan frown deeply, then he walked towards them and extended his hand towards him. "It has been a while, hasn't it?"
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