Chapter 6 :Don't leave Us !!!
Sorry for not updating that much *sighed * I know everyone know i have a big problem with my mom.... So let's start!!
?!: * sighed * Kath! I'm sorry your going back in Philippines I hope u understand
?!: Mom! Are Ate kath going back
?!: * smiled * yes! Psalm ate kath is going back here with us!
Psalm: Yey! Ate Kath's going home *jump and down *
Kath's mom: * in her mind* I'm sorry kath
(Kath's p.o.v)
Phone: * ding*
Kath : * gets up and take the phone and reads the message*
To: kath
From: psalm
Ate kath! Mom said ur going home , I'm so excited to see yoh, and guess what mom's gonna help yoh and she's on her way to pulua rintis
~ stay safe ate kath~
Kath : * eyes widened * N-no i-it can't be *cried * n-no
Mella,jolyn : * go inside * *notice Kath's crying*
Mella: kath! What happened
Kath: * wipes her tears away * N-nothing just dust in my eyes *lied*
Jolyn: hmm. Are you sure ur ok kath! Come on tell us we're friends right!
Kath : Jolyn I said I'm ok ..
Mella: So kath! Wanna go to tok aba ! *while eyes sparkled *
Kath: * nodded * ok
*time skip*
* tok abas shop *
Tok aba: * making hot chocolate *
Ochobot : * helping thunderstorm*
Cyclone and blaze : * just playing around *
Thorn : * sitting in the chair *
Ice: * just sleeping* (kath: * sweatdrop * ice so so lazy! Ice: Hey! This is my personality kity kath! )
*kath/jolyn/mella came*
Mella : hey guys
Tok aba: Oh hi gurls! Want some hot chocolate
Jolyn and mella: YES! PLEASE
Tok aba: How about you kath!
Kath: No thanks tok!
Tok aba: Are u ok today kath! I sense ur not ok !
Kath: I'm ok tok *fake smile*
Tok aba: * smiled* ok then *start making hot chocolates*
Ochobot : * went to kath * Kath! Are you ok! *worried face*
Kath: * smiled * Tbh with you ochobot I have a problem....
ochobot : p-problem! What is it! Tell me .
Kath: * look everywhere to make sure no one will hear* Because! I'm going back to Philippines .
Ochobot : * eyes widened * WHATTT!!!!!!!
Kath : * started to cry* it's true ochobot I'm going home! Mom will help me .....
Ochobot : * comfort Kath * Kath! Don't cry I'm here, when are you leaving
Kath: * sniff* I don't know ochobot, mom's gonna text me when she's here. But i don't wanna leave u guys
Ochobot : Don't worry about us, maybe ur parents just miss you that's all!
Kath : * smiled * thank you ochobot *hug ochobot *
Ochobot : * hugs back* ur welcome kity kath!
Kath: Hey! *pouts*
Ochobot : I'm just teasing you sorry!
*with tok aba,jolyn,mella*
Ochobot : Here you go *gives the hot chocolates *
Jolyn,mella : THANKS TOK
Ochobot : your welcome, eh! Umm do you guy's notice kath earlier
Jolyn: * sighed * We noticed Here too , something she's hiding something to us, she's just afraid to tell it!
*7 bbb came*
Quake : * notice mella and jolyn* Oh heya gurls whatcha doin here.
Blaze: * hug jolyn *
Jolyn: aww what's this for
Blaze: I've just missed you that's all
Jolyn: ok then.
Thorn: eh! Where is kath!
Mella: * sighed * we have a problem
Ice: * wakes up* huh! What is it!
Jolyn: something wrong with kath!
Mella: yeah! She's crying when Me and jolyn enter her room!
Cyclone : Crying! Why
Quake: Umm jolyn Why Kath's crying
Jolyn : we don't know quake , i think she's hiding something
Thunderstorm : Where is she anyway lyn!
Mella: there *points kath with ochobot *
Tok aba: hmm I think they're talking something private!
Quake: what do you think what are they talking to
All except quake: * shrug their shoulders *
*back with kath and ochobot*
Kath: * sniff* ochobot your gonna tell them do you!
Ochobot : Your choice kath!
*the others came*
Quake: Whats going on here!
Jolyn: Tell us the truth! We're bestfriend afterall
Ochobot : u-uhh *look at kath*
Cyclone : * confused *
Kath: * nodded *
Ochobot : KATH IS-
Thunderstorm : Kath's what!
Ochobot : Kath is going back in the Philippines!
All: WHAT!
Quake: Are you freaking serious ochobot!
Jolyn: Kath! Don't tell me ur leaving us like that!
Tok aba: Kath! Why?
Kath: Beca- *she's been cut by someone *
?!: Because we miss her?
All: huh? *turn around and see a lady*
Kath: * eyes widened * M-Mom
Kath's mom: * smiled * kath miss me!
Kath : mom *run to her and hug her*
Kath's mom : * hugs back* I miss you too!
Cyclone : uhhh Who is she kath
Quake: * smack cyclone's head* her mom cy! She already said it!
Cyclone : * rubs his head* oww
Kath's mom: can you introduce me to them sweetie!
Kath: oh Semua! meet my mom Gia
All: hello
Kath: that is quake * points at quake * and thorn * points at thorn * and that is thunderstorm * points at thunderstorm * Cyclone * points at cyclone * Blaze *points at blaze* solar *points solar still taking selfie everywhere * last but not least that is jolyn/mella/tok aba/ochobot.
Kath's mom: Hi everyone nice to meet you .....and I forgot my daughter will go back to Philippines.
Kath: * look down* Mom do i have too
Jolyn: yeah auntie, She's a good and amazing friend to us!
Siblings: * just nodded *
Kath: * look at the others* I'm sorry!
Cyclone : * went to kath and hug her* don't say sorry kath
Kath: * hugs back* thanks cy!
Kath's mom: * smiled * I know you will miss my daughter!
Blaze: Umm auntie Kath will be back right!
Kath's mom : I'm sorry to say this but. kath will never come back!
Kath: WHAT!!!!!
All: * shock*
Kath: Mom ur just kidding right!
Jolyn: * cried* a-auntie W-why!
Thunderstorm : * hug jolyn* don't cry I'm here
Jolyn: T-thanks thunder!
Tok aba: Why Gia ?
Kath: * cried * MO-MOM PLEASE!
Kath's mom: * smirk* Got yah
Kath: Wh-what do you mean!
Kath : I hate you!
Kath's mom : * smiled* I Love you too
Quake: so aunt gia when kath! Well leave *still sad*
Kath's mom : Now! Ofcourse
Jolyn and mella: * shock * N-Now *look at kath*
Kath: Sorry That's my final decision guys
Tok aba: Ok kath! Just pack ur things eh! Gia what time ur flight!
Kath's mom : 7.00 p.m
Mella: * still looking down *
Jolyn: * sighed * ok kath! Pack ur things up.
Kath: o-ok *Teleported back in the house*
Cyclone : I'm gonna miss her!
Quake: there, there cy she will be back right Auntie!
Kath's mom : Yup! She will be back!
Thunderstorm : * mumble * I will never forget u kath!
*Kath's p.o.v*
I'm packing my things up, I take my phone/charger and everything important I'll take our pictures With me and jolyn and mella ,especially the siblings. ...I will gonna miss this guy's their awesome....
Kath: * cried* I-Im go-gonna miss you guy's. ... *Teleported back un the shop*
*tok abas shop*
Ochobot : I will miss kath!
?!: Me too ochobot
All except kath: eh! *they turned around and see........
Quake: eh! Guy's what are you doing here?
Gopal: this gurl wants to see kath *look at yaya*
Yaya: yeah! Where is she anyway!
Thunderstorm : uhh well-
Kath: Oh hi yaya, gopal
Yaya: Kath! *hugs kath*
Kath : * smiled ang hugs back*
Solar: aww bestfriend *takes a picture * #hug #sad
Gopal: eh! Kath where are u going
Kath: * sighed * gopal I'm going home to Philippines!
Yaya: * gasp* Kath! Don't leave us!
Gopal: * hugs kath tightly* KATH! DON'T U DARE LEAVE US!
Kath's mom : * chuckled * she will be back gopal!
Kath: G-Gopal C-Cant breath
Gopal : * let go of kath* opsss!! Hehehe sorry kath!
Yaya: I will miss you kath! Here *gives a biscuit * you can eat them in the train
Take note: I don't know how horrible are yaya's cookiez!!!
Siblings : * shock*
Quake: uh oh not this time!
Kath: so very nice if you *takes the cookiez *
Gopal: * was behide yaya are waving his hands to warned kath to Not eat yaya's cookies*
Kath: uhh gopal what's wrong!
Yaya: hmmph *look at gopal*
Gopal : oh *scratch the back of his neck*
Kath's mom: So kath let's go! *while smiling*
Kath: * nodded * Ok! Umm Thunderstorm can i talk you for minute alone...
Thunderstorm : Ok!
Thorn: What are they! Gonna talk about
Cyclone : I don't know!
*with thundy and kath*
Thunderstorm : So what now!
Kath: Thundy can you take care of cyclone for meh!
Thunderstorm : You really love cyclone do you!
Kath: Yes! I do love him!
Thunderstorm : sure kath! For you .....
Kath: thanks come on lets go back we'll be late!
Thunderstorm : * followed Kath*
*with the others*
Kath's mom : So Jolyn!
Jolyn : Yes auntie
Kath's mom : did my daughter have a boyfriend yet!
Mella: uhh No auntie!
Kath's mom : Ohh ok!
*kath and thunderstorm came*
Kath: * hug cyclone * I will miss you hoverboy!
Cyclone : * smiled* I will miss yoh too kity kath!
Kath: * let go of the hug* So everyone el-
Siblings expect cycy: * hug kath*
We will miss you more kath!!!!
Kath: aww *hugs back* don't worry I'll be back in a month!
Siblings expect cycy: * let go of the hug *
Quake: Kath! Take care of urself ok! *mother mode*
Kath: Sure mommy quake *while smiling*
Quake: Can you repeat what you said ! *while brought his frying pan *
Kath: gah nothing * laughs nervously *
Quake: Good!
Solar: Kath! Before you go can i Take selfie with you
Kath: sure solar!
Solar: * went to kath* Ok say cheeze!
Kath: cheez!
Solar:thanks kath! IM Gonna keep this forever!
Kath: sama-sama
(Sama sama - means your welcome )
Solar: * smiled*
Tok aba: Kath! Gia! You too will be late!
Kath's mom : Oh yeah! Kath come on!
Kath: * smile * ok guys bye! *waves at them *
All: * waves back*
*Kath's mom and kath left*
Cyclone : * look down*
Thunderstorm : Don't be sad cyclone! Kath said i will protect you!
Cyclone : R-Really she said that!
Thunderstorm : * smiled* yeah
Quake: aww Kath's Really love you cyclone! *teasing cyclone *
Cyclone : hey!
Solar: * Post the picture with me and solar* I'm gonna post this
#sadmoment #goodbyekath! #We wilmissyou! (Don't judge me)
Jolyn: I'm gonna miss that gurl!
Ochobot : Yeah! She's the most carrying friend I've never meet before!
Ice: KATH!!!! IF YOU DON'T COME BACK I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOHHH!!!!!! *yell the top of his lungs*
All expect kath: * covers their ears *
Thunderstorm and blaze: Ice!!! CAN YOU PLEASE STOP YELLING!
Thunderstorm : that's it! *summon his lighting sword* Come here *chased ice all over the shop*
All except kath : * laughs*
Blaze: Sorry ice!
Thunderstorm : ICE!!! Come here!
*skip time*
(Inside the train) (sorry to lazy)
Kath's mom : * notice kath* kath I'm sure you're going to be ok
Kath: Yeah mom!
Kath's mom : Kath! Your brother very excited to see you!
Kath : Really! I really missed him too, How's dad Mom?
Kath's mom: Oh his fine too, oh and ur friends excited to see you too
Kath : you mean ashley/revia/daziel/mae ann/Jhon paul
Kath's mom: Yes! *smiled*
Kath: Mom are u sure, I will be back
Kath's mom : A promise, A promise kath!
Kath: thanks mom ur the best!
Kath's mom : * smiled*
*the train go aswell*
~to be continued ~ ♡♡♡
Guys I'm so sorry *makes a peace sign * for not updating Ok! Becuase busy for chasing mom! YOU KNOW THE ANSWER RIGHT! She stole my phone Without my permission! Anyway thank you for reading my story and supporting me! I guess my story is awful just like that! Ok see you in the next chappy♥♥♥ bye!!!
Kath's out¤¤¤
Shout out to :
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