Chapter 2
Jolyn's Pov:
I wake up in 6.00 A.m in the morning because of my alarm, I get up from my bed, and rush to the kitchen to make breakfast for me. And mella.
Jolyn: *humming my making pancakes *
Mella: * just wake up* *yawns* good morning lyn
Jolyn : ohh. Morning mella just a minute the breakfast will finish soon.
*1 minute later*
Jolyn : breakfast ready
Mella: Finally *sit in the chair *
Jolyn : * eating pancakes*
Mella: hmm this pancakes is delicious lyn
Jolyn: * smiled* glad you like it, ohh and after this will go to tok abas shop
Mella: * eyes sparkled * yeah i almost forgot about that.
*skip time*
* Tok abas shop*
Gopal: * eating his chocolate bar*
Thunderstorm : * doing nothing*
Blaze: I'm bored *pouts *
Thorn : same here
Cyclone : * playing with his fingers *
*suddenly Someone came*
?!: one ice hot chocolate please
Ochobot : coming right up
Cyclone : * look at the girl*
Solar : * notice cyclone * *whispered to quake* quake what's wrong with cyclone he's staring like a forever.
Quake: * waves his hands at infront of cyclone * cyclone, cyclone are you ok
Cyclone : * snapped to reality* y-yeah I'm good
Thorn: why are you staring her like that cyclone
Cyclone : * sweating * u-uhh n-nothing
Thunderstorm : * went to the girl*
Hi there, name is thunderstorm nice to meet you
?!: Hi thunderstorm and my name is kath *smiled*
Thunderstorm : and that is quake *points at quake* and that is solar *points at solar* cyclone * points at cyclone * and thorn *points at thorn* and that sleepy head is ice *points at ice sleeping all day*
Kath: hi *waves at them* nice to meet you
All except thunderstorm and ice : hello
Ochobot : * comes out nowhere* SO ARE U NEW HERE
Kath : * surprised, and fall from the chair* oww
Ochobot : oppss!!! I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you like that
Kath : * smiled* it's fine
Cyclone : * went to kath* want a help kath *offer a hand *
Kath : * accept the offer * thanks
Cyclone : * blushed * y-your welcome
(Suddenly Jolyn and mella came)
Jolyn: hi g- *eyes widened * k-kath
Kath : * turn around * *smiled* heya gurl
Jolyn and mella : KATH!!! *went to kath and hugs her*
Kath : * smiled ,and hugs back*
Sorry for being late
Jolyn and mella: * let go of kath*
Mella: it's fine kath. Beside your here now.
Tok aba: wait, you know each other *confused face *
Jolyn : yeah tok. Me, mella and kath we're bff ...
Mella: yeah she's right *look at kath*
Kath : * notice mella* what are u looking at
Mella: * smirk * do you have a crush yet.
Jolyn: * Cringed * nice
Kath : u-uh not yet
Quake: so kath where you from
Kath : * smiled* I'm from in Philippines
Thunderstorm : Philippines, seriously. That's far
Kath : yeah. I'm here to visit this two *looks at mella and jolyn*
Solar: * still taking selfie everywhere *
Blaze: * sweatdrop *
Ice: * sleeping in the table*
Cyclone : * still looking at kath*
Jolyn: * notice cyclone * * smirk* cyclone why are u looking at kath several times you like her already.
Thorn: * spit's his drink*
Thunderstorm : * smirk *
Cyclone : * blushed * u-uh no why
MellA: I guess I'll take that as a yes
Cyclone : Ish!!! Blaze come here *chased blaze*
Kath : uhh really he likes me
Ice: * wakes up* yeah
Kath : * blushed *
Jolyn: * smirk * someone's blushing
Kath : Ish!!! Jolyn .... *Read jolyn's mind* *smirk * I think i know ur crush
Jolyn: * shock * You don't know he's name kath
Kath : Yeah i know his name jolyn. He's here anyway
Jolyn : * shock * h-how did u know
Kath: Just read ur mind that's all
Quake: so kath who's her crush kath
Jolyn: KATH!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE TELL THEM *glared at her*
Kath : Fine!!! I'll tell them tommorow
Jolyn: KATH!!!!!
Cyclone: Give a waring will yah
Jolyn: Sorry cycy
Tok aba: so kath do you have powers.
Jolyn: * smirk * YES!!! SHE IS
Kath : JOLYN!!!!
Mella: * choked her drink*
Ochobot : * secretly scan kath* *gasp*
Quake : Whats wrong ochobot
Ochobot : I know Kath's power
Kath :. .....
Thunderstorm : What is it ochobot
Ochobot : according to my data Kath's powers are "telekinesis, healing,mind power,dark power "
Blaze: wait, wait ,wait what did u say dark power. THAT POWER IS DANGEROUS *looks at kath worried *
Cyclone : Yeah. Kath you might hurts yourself....
Quake: * smirk * someone's being protected
Cyclone : Hey!!!
Quake: * laugh *
Kath : don't worry guys I can control that power already
Jolyn: * elbowed mella* can we tell kath ....can we go home now I'm tired *yawns *
Kath : YUP!! Ohh tok aba, ochobot, guys see you tommorow morning *smirk * AND I'LL TELL YOU WHO'S JOLYN'S CRUSH
Jolyn : don't u dare kath!!!!
Quake: Ok see you tomorrow then
Thunderstorm: * in his mind * Hmm who is jolyn crush i think it's me i can sense that.
Cyclone : * poking thunderstorm * yieee thunderstorm daydreaming about jolyn
Thunderstorm : Ish!!! That's it come here you *chased cyclone *
Quake: * sweatdrop * never change
Kath: Ok quake we're going now bye *waves at quake*
Mella,jolyn: BYE!!!
Quake: * smiled*
(Kath/jolyn/mella) *leaves*
Solar : * notice thunderstorm and cyclone are still chasing their butts * uhhh . Quake what are u going to do with them
Quake: hmmm i know THATS ENOUGH *yell at the two *
Thunderstorm/cyclone : * stops*
Thorn: * yawns * I'm sleepy
Blaze: now you're acting like ice now thorny.
Thorn : Hey I'm not acting like ice you FLAMEBRAIN
Blaze: don't call me that thorny *inside laughing *
Quake: ok u two that's enough with your arguments. Let's just help tok aba *leaves*
All except ice: * followed quake*
(Kath,jolyn,mella's situation)
Kath : so how's your vacation here going
Mella: it's was great actually
Jolyn: * sleeping *
Kath : * sweatdrop * uhh i think jolyn is tired all of the sudden *Teleported jolyn in her room*
Mella: * surprised * woah that's cool kath
Kath : * smiled * thanks mella
Mella: kath! Can i ask a question
Kath : hmm.. what is it
Mella: why are you smiling
Kath : Tbh i don't know mella
Mella: KATH!!! Can i tell a secret with you.
Kath : sure! What is it
Mella: *sighed * ok ...i have a crush on thorn
Kath : * gasp* r-really you have a crush on him *fangirling*
Mella: * blushed * b-but don't u dare tell thorn pwetty pwease *makes a puppy eyes at kath*
Kath : * sighed * Fine!!! I don't tell him
Mella: * hugs kath* thank you kath your the best friend ever
Kath : * smiled but hugs back* your welcome. Ok come on lets get some sleep ....
Mella: ok *Teleported in her room*
Blaze: * already sleeping *
Quake: * same as blaze*
Solar: * still taking selfie with herself * (really solar it's nighttime) (solar: just to be cool)
Thunderstorm : hey! Thorn do u notice kath earlier
Thorn: yeah! She's cute
Thunderstorm : * sweatdrop *
Thorn : it's true her check is really that chubby like "siopaw"
Thunderstorm :. .....
Ice: * sleeping *
Thunderstorm : ok thorn good nyt *sleeps*
Thorn : * smiles* good nyt too thundy *sleeps*
~To be continued ~ ♥♥♥♥
Hi guys just finished the 2nd chapter. .. again sorry for the wrong grammars and spellings ok ....hope you enjoy...peace out
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