my life
hi im roman sanders! you may know me from a youtube series called sander sides (if not why are you reading this?) but you may not know everything because thomas only shows s tiny piece of the the puzzle. first i have to tell you how the sides work. number 1, we each have our own so called "room" thats where we hang out when we aren't working. the room varies depending on where thomas is at the time. if thomas want to enhance his creativity he would come to my room. the other sides call that "day dream mode." number 2, there are light sides and dark sides. there are 3 light sides (me, logan, and patton) there are also 3 dark sides (virgil, janus, and remus) soooo you know what i said about us all having our own "rooms" yeah i take that back. the dark sides all share a room. number 3 once a darkside always a darkside. you cant change where you were born i am forever a light side and my brother is forever a dark side. so anough about the whole mind now lets foucus on me. like i just said i have an older brother he is 4 mind years older then me. ok we were born at the same time but in the mind dark sides develop faster then light sides. this is because they only have one thing they contribute to thomas, while we have our main thing we also have multiple other things we controle. for exaple i have the right arm, logan has the left and patton has both legs. backto me and my brother our parents are the old creativities, but they died. so logan and patton adopted me. you may wonder why did they not adopt remus A: because light sides cant adopt dark sides and B: becuse he was already 18 mind years old while i was only 14. i consider logan my mom and patton is my dad. now we live hapily together
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