Chapter 5 - Calm Before the Storm
Kita had always been a hunter and a warrior, he had been created for that. But this time, much to his dismay, he had become prey.
Somewhere in the forest near the human city, the alien was leaping from tree to tree with the greatest agility and speed possible. With a scratch mark on one of his cheeks and marks of attack on his strong armor, Kita had to stop for a moment on a thick branch in the heights of a tree to catch her breath. He wanted to be able to camouflage himself, but one of the blows he had received had damaged the device created by Magnum. No matter how hard he pressed all the buttons or even punched them with his fist, nothing to do, it didn't work anymore. Kita growled and cursed, his back resting against the trunk.
Strange and disembodied cries made him look around, alert, his katana in hand. Below, towards the ground, he could vaguely glimpse dark, tall shapes, moving between the trees at superhuman speed. He had never seen such creatures. How could such forms of life exist? Even the worst demon lords could not have imagined such horrors. They were hunting him like a mere animal. They were everywhere around him, he felt it. Kita had tried to defend himself as best he could, but these creatures had also displayed extraordinary strength and resistance.
Suddenly the trunk was shaken by a violent tremor. Looking down, Kita swallowed when he saw that one of those things had spotted him and was climbing the tree at high speed to reach him, smashing all the branches in its path. No choice, being too injured to resist, Kita had to resume his flight through the forest, to try to return to see the others. He absolutely had to warn them of what was going on.
After spending a few romantic moments in the garden, Mr. Lordi and Emily returned to the warmth of the interior of the mansion, so that they could continue the day together. Although being the lord of his world and therefore having a lot of responsibilities, Mr. Lordi had decided to dedicate this day to him and his beloved.
Returned to his large living room, in front of the fireplace where logs were burning, the Monsterman waited patiently for Emily to come back from the upper floor. The young woman had decided to spend her days off here and had warned her parents by message that she would come back to her house in a few days and that they should not worry about her. The parents were of course aware of their daughter's relationship with Mr. Lordi, and seemed to have more or less accepted it, or at least tolerated it.
Glad to know that Emily was staying at the mansion for a few days, Mr. Lordi had directed her to a room on the first floor where she could move in, and told her that a surprise awaited her in that room.
While waiting for Emily, Mr. Lordi took a quick glance to make sure he was alone, and pressed one of the marble reliefs of the fireplace, which clicked into a small hidden mechanism and revealed a small secret compartment. He took something from inside: a tiny black velvet box, and looked at what was inside. He was thoughtful, so hesitant and eager at the same time. He and Emily had been together for several years, and for some time he had been thinking about taking their relationship to the next level, officially. But was it the right time? The peace between monsters and humans was still very unstable, and plus, Emily was still seen as an outcast and a traitor by many of her own race.
Such a union could only make him happier than he already was, but he also feared that such an announcement would spawn even more tension and hatred on the part of humans, especially religious groups who had formed against them. The last thing Mr. Lordi wanted was the start of a new war between monsters and humans. His mind tormented by these thoughts, he closed the small box and put it back in the secret compartment which he closed, making it completely invisible again. What to do? What to do? The question repeated itself in his head, as he leaned his elbow against the fireplace, his gaze lost in the dancing flames.
Moments later, a light knock on the living room door was heard and the door opened. Emily walked in and revealed herself to Mr. Lordi. The surprise she had found in her bedroom was a black dress with scarlet reflections, made of good quality fabric and in a Victorian style with lace, and a very beautiful necklace of white pearls which she now wore around the neck with her pendant.
Smiling, flushed cheeks, Emily, dressed now like a noble lady, took a few steps into the living room, introducing herself to the Monsterman and for fun, greeted him like a real lady. Mr. Lordi looked at her with a smile and bowed back.
_"You're splendid." he said with admiration.
Emily chuckled softly, spinning a bit to let him admire.
_ "Thank you for this gift." Emily says. "This dress is so gorgeous, I feel like a real princess. Did you made it?"
_ "Yes, but to tell the truth, I had to be helped by Awa. She knows a lot more than me about the dresses of the human nobility." confessed Mr. Lordi with a chuckle and scratching the back of his head.
_ "I will have to thank her also then." Emily replied with a small laugh, then came over to Mr. Lordi to place a loving little kiss on his lips, thanking him for the attention to her.
The Monsterman blushed in turn, then in order to celebrate their reunion together, went to get a bottle of wine on the small round table next to his armchair, as well as two glasses. He poured some for him and Emily and handed her the glass, which she took and the couple toasted with pleasure. While sipping this sweet and pleasant wine, Emily glanced around the lord's large living room, and noticed a few additions that weren't there the last time she had come. What caught her attention the most was a shelf, crafted from old-style wood, and which contained rows of several musical vinyl records, especially rock and metal bands: Kiss, Motörhead, Nightwish, Slipknot, AC / DC, etc ... To listen to them, Mr. Lordi even had an old record player.
_ "You didn't tell me you're a fan of metal music now." Emily chuckled, wondering how he got all these albums.
_ "Oh, I recently started this collection." Mr. Lordi replied, coming to her side. "When I first arrived here, I had no idea that humans could have created music that was both powerful and beautiful at the same time."
_ "It reminds me of our very first meeting ..." said Emily. "When you, Amen, Ox, Kita and Awa pretended to be a metal band so that you could approach me ... And you brought me up on the stage."
_ "Ha ha, yes I remember. Besides, I still feel a little sorry to have scared you so much that day." laughed Mr. Lordi in turn.
The couple laughed heartily together at this important past moment in their lives, which although it had been very scary for Emily at first, had been the start of a whole new life she didn't regret.
Sitting again in front of the dusty desk in the attic, Mathias finished placing the small camera correctly in front of him, to film his face as well as all the documents neatly stacked on both sides just behind him. Tired, he runned his hand over his face and checking the time on his cell phone. With the final adjustments made, he clicked the button and spoke into the camera to record a video file.
_ "Ok. Audio diary entry 1 by Mathias. It is eight o'clock in the evening ... If I'm recording this, is to keep a trace of a crazy discovery that my parents hid me for my whole life."
He grabbed the camera, filming the files with precision, then the wall covered with old newspaper articles, drawings and photos of strange symbols, then placed the camera back in front of him.
_ "From what I understood, and damn it was a pain in the ass, my parents were sort of researchers, who were particularly interested in the occult sects, the serial killers, and above all, by the myths and legends about kind of mystical entities that, according to them, could exist. And this circus would last for a long time in my family, like since the 1800s. According to their theory which I read in quite a few files, our world is in fact surrounded by a lot of other, sort of parallel dimensions, and would be linked together by sort of dimensional corridors, like a huge network of invisible tunnels ... oh damn, I can't even believe what I'm talking about ... If my friends heard me, they'd put me in a asylum..."
He laughed nervously 'cause of the fatigue and stress, breathed heavily to calm himself down, and resumed his conversation.
_ "But what puzzles me is that it's too elaborate to be just a joke ... Besides, what would have been the point of wasting all those years just to imagine a hoax like that? It's absurd ... Or my parents were just simply crazy? ... Pfff, I don't know anymore ... I have a thousand and one things in my head at the same time and there is not one that seems realistic, this is going crazy ... So this is my life now? having to look for some fucking truth that probably doesn't even exist? ... i just want to understand, that's all I ask .. . to be able to find someone who will show me the truth ..."
He let himself fall heavily on the file of his chair, blowing and passing his hands on his face. Outside, a rain had begun to fall.
_ "These monsters that have been among us for several years now ..." then Mathias commented in front of the camera. "... I know that one of my facebook friends, a Canadian girl, Emily, is friends with them ... Maybe they could bring me answers ... But I already know at least one thing: the death of my parents were not accidental ... Look at that."
He was looking for a moment in the stack of folders, finally find the good and showed the folder of a serial killer on the screen.
_ "According to this report, in recent years my parents were in the footsteps of a psychopath still on the run at present, and who would have committed many kidnappings and ritual murders on young women. He's named Ruiz. ... I'm sure he has something to do with the death of my parents, and I swear, I'll find him and make him confess the truth, even if I have to kill him after for that."
Finishing his words and more than tired, he stopped the audio diary and closed the camera, before falling gently back on the back of his chair. His absent gaze turned to the small window overlooking the sky which had been tinted the color of ink and revealed a full moon within it.
Hella and Mana were flying through the dimensional vortex created by Mr. Lordi for them. The young monster woman was very nervous. Out of the billions of human beings that inhabit the world, Hella hoped to find the one who could be with her and love her for who she was now. She trusted her instincts and her determination wouldn't allow her to give up.
The vortex opened to let escape the scarbie and the pastor, who both leaned and now walked on a hard and cold concrete floor, with a cold breeze brushing their face, all under a partially overcast night sky under a calm rain.
Hella looked around and realized that her and Mana were on the roof of what appeared to be a high rise building. Everywhere around them was a kind of a little town. She went to the edge of the roof and looked down. Fifty yards further on was a large street, on which were driven several cars, making muffled noises in their wake. On the sidewalks, some rare people were walking, couple or alone, all busy with their own business, and luckily, no one of them looked towards the roof of the building. All the buildings in the city let lights appear on their facades, almost forming a small field of lights in the night. A thing caught the attention of the two monsters : the tricolor thing fluttering gently above one of the buildings opposite. Surely the flag of this country. They also read the giant letters hanging above the entrance of this building: Town Hall of Chartres.
_ "So that's where I'll find my chosen one? Hmmm, fine..." she sighed, somewhat nervous despite her real desire to find him.
Quieter than his friend, Mana looked at her.
_"Are you okay?" he asked.
She looked at him as coming out of his thoughts and discovering that he was there for the first time, but reconnected very quickly on the present moment.
_ "Yes, yes ... I'll do my best." She replied.
_ "Mr. Lordi told you how he had done to find Emily and know she was the right one?" The pastor then asked.
_ "Well, from what he told me, he had followed what his heart told him. He then became invisible and wandering among the humans until finally his heart immediately recognized her as the chosen one. It's a feeling that can not be described with words, as he told me. We can only feel it."
Very interesting, Mana thought. Decidely, the power of feelings could be much more complex than he thought.
Even though it was dark, they didn't want to risk being seen by humans. Technically, the monsters present on Earth did not have the right to leave Oakville's perimeter in Canada for now. Hella and Mana took a huge risk, not only for them but also for the others by coming here.
Both have activated the camouflage devices given by Magnum, and then saw their bodies become progressively transparent and invisible. Super, so they could move around the city without risking being seen, even if they should be cautious and not getting too close of the humans.
Hella and Mana leap from the roof, letting herself fall into the small side alley wedged between two small buildings. Standing in the middle of old boxes piled up in this dark alley, they stepped forward and saw a stray cat run away which, despite being invisible, had sensed their presence and had fled with an annoyed meow.
Hella, followed by Mana, watched left to right and ventured out onto the sidewalk among the people. Couples, singles from all walks of life passed by her without feeling her presence or paying attention. She carefully watched each man pass by, but didn't feel anything special. They weren't the right ones, but she didn't give up and continued her exploration.
But as they walked, fierce barking made them jump in surprise, but luckily they had not become visible again. In front of them, a restless Rottweiler barked violently at them and looked them straight in the eyes. Behind him, his master, a man in his forties, annoyed, tugged on the leash.
_ "What the hell, what's the matter with you? There's nothing there!"
The man left, taking his dog with him, which was still barking insistently. Hella and Mana sighed in relief. Even though humans couldn't sense their presence, animals could and seemed to see their monster nature as a danger.
Not wanting to take risks, Hella and Mana decided to wait before starting the search. For the rest of the night, they have taken refuge in a large building that had seemed abandoned for several years, in an industrial part of the city. The place was filled with dust and cobwebs, and the ground was covered with debris of all kinds. Some rooms had completely collapsed. They had been forced to scare a group of young squatters with disturbing noises to force them to leave the place and have peace. Sitting on the first floor, by one of the now glass-deprived windows, Hella silently gazed at the city lights stretching out before her, and the moon, shining with its silvery light among the sea of stars covering the sky.
As she leaned the back of her head against the wall, she tried to imagine the one she was looking for, who was somewhere in this town, and was surely sleeping by this time, unaware that she was there.
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