Summer Begins
It had been several weeks since Danny and Toxin fought Prior, they'd both healed and Danny had some new scars but he was okay with that. Toxin had felt a bit odd since the fight but considering how hurt he'd been that was understandable. Danny was currently in school watching the clock, he wished time would go faster, it had been a long few weeks.
He hadn't heard much from the heroes and he suspected that it was because Richard didn't want them bothering him. They'd not only pissed him off many times but after getting hurt so badly that he and Toxin almost died Richard definitely thought they deserved a break. Danny had begrudgingly waited until he was healed to go back to finding criminals, Richard had asked him to wait.
As much as he didn't want to Richard was worried, and since he'd almost watched him die he decided to do what he asked. He'd started going out again recently but they were taking it easy, they were fully healed now but Danny wanted to make sure Toxin was okay. But right now Danny was cursing time for not going faster, when the bell finally rang he was the first person out the door.
Danny didn't even have to drop anything off at his locker, Richard quickly caught up to him and smiled, "Excited for summer vacation?"
"You know I hate school because of all of the people and loud noises, so yes."
Richard shook his head, "Hopefully you can stay out of trouble during the break."
"Richard I have been abused, kidnapped, experimented on, and had the worst luck with the adoption system, that is not happening."
Richard sighed, "Can you assure me that it'll be fine, just once?"
"I don't want to lie to you that doesn't lead to healthy relationships."
"Okay Dr. Phil, so what are you planning to do?"
"Same thing I've been doing, fight crime, try not to die, and hang out with Toxin, and you when I get the chance."
Toxin spoke, 'And eat food, and scare criminals into turning themselves in because it is fun.'
"Yes all of that too, you're a little sadistic sometimes."
'Most Symbiotes are, I'm actually one of the nicer ones.'
"That's a scary thought."
Richard looked confused, "What is?"
"Toxin is apparently one of the nicer members of his species."
"Okay yeah that's scary, terrifying actually. But anyway, how are you two doing?"
"We're both completely healed, Toxin just feels a little off, which does not surprise me."
Richard looked a little concerned, "Is that normal?"
"It's never happened before but it could be because of something Prior did."
"That worries me even more, what if he poisoned you or something?"
Danny couldn't hello but laugh a little, "We're immune to poison."
Richard looked surprised, "Wait, really?"
"Toxin's fangs are venomous he has to have that immunity or he could accidentally kill himself."
Richard stared in shock, "Toxin's venomous?"
Danny was about to respond when someone spoke from behind them, "What's venomous?"
Barbara was the one that talked, they looked and Artemis, Isabella, and Lucas were behind her. Danny sighed, "Toxin's fangs are venomous."
Artemis looked surprised, "Seriously?"
Isabella looked a little concerned, "That's kind of dangerous."
"Yeah, that's kind of the point, in case it wasn't obvious Symbiotes aren't exactly cute and cuddly."
Lucas spoke, "Well, venom aside it's finally summer, so what are you two going to do?"
"Kick some ass, get into trouble, avoid a bunch of heroes that seem to insist on pissing us off."
Richard smiled a little, "Just try not to die again, one heart attack is enough." They then heard a car horn honk a couple of times and Richard sighed, "I have to go, I'll see you later, and don't be late."
Richard started walking away and Danny rolled his eyes, "You're one to talk."
Richard just shook his head before getting into the car, after he was gone Danny left with Lucas and Isabella and they went back home. As soon as Danny opened the door someone hugged him and he looked a little annoyed, "Do you have to do this every time?"
Mary pulled away and smiled, "Well you won't stop me now so I'll enjoy it while I can."
Danny just walked past her and put his stuff in his room, he decided to take a nap before dinner so he laid down on his bed and slowly fell asleep. He woke up when someone knocked on his door and he heard Isabella's voice through the door. "Danny, dinner's ready."
Danny rubbed his eyes a little and stretched a little before leaving his room and going downstairs. He sat with the others and the twins were the last ones to come in, they came racing down the stairs. Danny was still waking up and seeing them run around made him wonder how anyone could have the energy for anything right now.
They ate in silence for a few minutes until Emma shook Mary's arm, "What are we going to do for the summer? Can we do something fun?"
Mary and John looked at each other, they weren't entirely sure what they were going to do. Usually, they'd go on at least one trip during the summer but they knew Danny was very into fighting crime. As much as they'd like him to take a break for a while they knew he probably wouldn't even if they wanted him to.
John answered for Mary, "We haven't decided yet but we'll figure it out."
The twins started talking to each other about where they wanted to go and everyone else was a bit quiet. Toxin spoke, 'Well this feels tense.'
Danny just nodded a little and finished eating before getting up, "And I'm escaping this awkward shit before it either gets worse or something happens."
Danny quickly left and found a place to hide before transforming and heading into town like he usually did. He waited on the roof of a building and he soon heard someone behind him, "You're late."
He turned around and Robin smiled a little, "Sorry it took a bit to get away from Batman and the team."
"No missions then?"
"None, we were all told to look into some stuff if we got the chance but that's as far as missions go right now."
"Good, if you want we could patrol together for a while."
Robin looked a little surprised, "You've never invited me to patrol with you."
Phantom shrugged, "I used to do it alone, now I have Toxin so I never wanted to ask anyone to come with me."
"But you suddenly do now?"
"Because I wanted to spend time with you, you don't have to come."
Robin felt his breath catch, "No, I do want to, I was just surprised, I'm sorry."
Phantom looked at him, "You do realize you don't have to apologize right? I know it's not exactly normal for me to invite anyone to come with me."
Robin smiled a little, "Well I'd love to come with you, usually we just talk for a bit and then you run off so I'll take any extra time with you that I can get."
"Then hurry up before I leave you behind."
Phantom left and Robin smiled as he quickly followed him, the first criminal they found was your everyday purse snatcher. Despite the normalcy of the crime, Robin found the experience exciting, mostly because of who he was with. He could tell Phantom was having fun too, he seemed less tense than usual, and the only times he was less tense were when he felt safe.
Those times didn't come around often so he wanted to enjoy this time, he liked the light in his eyes. Phantom was the one leading them around finding criminals and catching them, he seemed to be pretty good at it and Robin was happy to follow. But when they saw smoke in the distance they both started heading there at the same time, they both knew this was serious.
It was a lab and it had started on fire, they headed in immediately and split up to make sure the building was clear. The fire department hadn't gotten there yet and they didn't want to take a chance and wait for them. Phantom checked the higher floors while Robin checked the lower ones, Robin didn't find anyone for a bit, until he came across someone cowering in the corner.
Robin immediately ran over, "Hey, come on we need to get out of here!"
He reached out to him and he suddenly grabbed his wrist, Robin felt like he was going to break his wrist. Then the man forced him to the ground and started choking him, Robin tried to get him off but it wasn't working. He started to black out and he felt something on him but he couldn't make it out in the smoke, but it wasn't the man.
The man suddenly collapsed on the ground and Robin gasped and crawled away from him trying to catch his breath. The smoke wasn't making that easy and he knew he had to get out as soon as possible so he grabbed the man and headed to the nearest exit. When Robin got outside he found Phantom with a few people that must have been stuck on the upper floors.
As soon as Phantom saw him he ran over, Robin fell to his knees feeling more out of breath than he had after escaping being choked. Phantom held his face in his hands, "What happened?"
He looked concerned, which meant he knew something was wrong, Robin didn't know what to say, and what he did say wasn't what he wanted to say. "Is he okay?"
Phantom looked at the guy Robin had dropped beside him, he checked to see if he was breathing, then if he had a heartbeat. He didn't, in fact, it looked like his death was caused by something other than smoke inhalation. "He's gone, but I don't think the fire killed him."
Phantom heard the emergency sirens getting close, he helped Robin up and they quickly left, he still didn't like any emergency services. Phantom got them up onto a roof and he gently helped Robin sit down, "Are you okay?"
Robin took a second to breathe again before shaking his head, "He attacked me, I was going to pass out but he just collapsed before I did."
Phantom clearly wasn't happy, but instead of running off to fuck someone up he sat next to him and hugged him. Robin hugged him back and despite how confused and upset he felt he calmed down knowing Phantom was right there with him. They sat there for a few minutes before Phantom helped him up again, "I'm calling it tonight, I think this was eventful enough."
Robin hesitated for a few seconds, "Are you going to leave?"
"Only if you want me to, I've been through some messed up shit and I know what you went through wasn't fun, even if it's happened before."
Robin wasn't sure whether to smile or hug him tightly, "Can we go get food and talk for a while?"
Phantom smiled just a little, "Fair warning I don't have much money."
"You're not paying, I am, for several reasons."
"I'd argue but I'll give you a break after that shit and just say yes."
Robin smiled and they went to get food, they ate on top of a different roof and looked out over the city. It was nice, especially after the not-so-fun adrenaline rush from the fire, and Robin felt like it ended far too soon when he realized how late it was. He started heading home and he kept thinking about what happened with that man.
He wasn't paying attention and because of it he slipped and fell from a high building, he freaked out for a few seconds when he suddenly stopped. He didn't realize it but his arm had moved, when he looked at his hand he screamed a little and fell again, he hit the ground but he wasn't badly hurt.
He held his head for a second before remembering his and and he checked it, it was normal, but it hadn't been before. He ended up going home by traveling much closer to the ground that night, he hated today.
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