Danny took Richard to get some food, he at least wanted to make sure he got something to eat after everything that was happening. He wasn't sure what was wrong exactly but he planned on finding out, he was clearly upset and scared. He also looked a bit sick which worried him even more, and Richard didn't seem to want to be away from him.
What surprised him though was that he was eating like he hadn't eaten in days, and he knew what that looked like from experience. After he'd eaten three burgers Danny spoke, "You're going to choke if you don't slow down."
Richard swallowed his food and looked a little embarrassed, "I feel like I'm starving, and I haven't eaten since this morning but it feels like it's been way longer."
Danny gave him a weird look, "Maybe you should see a doctor."
Richard heard the voice in his head again, 'No doctors, I will hurt them if you try.'
Richard's eyes widened, "No!" Danny looked surprised and Richard immediately felt bad, "I'm sorry, I just don't think that's a good idea right now."
They left the burger place after a bit and Danny took out a chocolate bar, he opened it and broke it in half. He held out the other half to him, "Don't try to refuse it, you look like you could use something to make you feel better."
Richard smiled and took the chocolate, he ate it and the voice spoke again, 'I like this, we need more of this.'
Richard barely stopped himself from laughing, he hadn't expected that at all but it made him feel better in an odd way. Danny brought him most of the way home, he would have brought him the rest of the way if it didn't mean he risked Bruce possibly finding out who he was. Richard walked home and Alfred made sure he was okay when he came in, Bruce had actually gone looking for him and Alfred called him to come home.
He rested in his room for the rest of the day and he felt better after a while, so he ended up going on patrol that night. He stared out of the window of the batmobile as they patrolled, it was a quiet night which was rare in Gotham. Then they heard radio chatter about Killer Croc, he was trying to rob a bank downtown and they headed there immediately.
When they got there people were surrounding the building trying to figure out what was happening. Batman and Robin went in and found Croc working on tearing the safe door off the wall, they went to stop him when a group of people came out and pointed guns at them. Batman was not happy and Two-Face walked out, "Nice try Bats, but we're taking what's in this safe and you're not stopping us."
Batman gave Robin one look and Robin got ready for a fight, Two-Face's men started shooting and the duo found cover quickly. Robin heard the voice again, 'They are pathetic, let me deal with them, you will never have to deal with them again.'
Robin felt like his heart stopped when he heard that, "Don't, don't kill anyone."
'They are trying to kill you, they have hurt others, your pride is the only thing stopping you from killing them.'
"That's not true."
'You think yourself better than them simply because you do not kill, you hurt those that have hurt others. So why shouldn't I kill them, end this idiotic cycle of violence and self-righteous mercy, why not?'
"Because they're people, messed up and pushed to, well, this, please, don't kill anyone, you don't have to be like them either."
He heard a low laugh, they clearly didn't buy a word he said, then someone snuck up on him and he barely dodged the bullets. He tried to find some new cover but there wasn't much cover he could quickly get to, Robin looked at Batman and he was already fighting over a dozen people. Robin felt a bullet graze his leg as he ran to help Batman, then someone hit Batman in the head and he fell to the ground.
Robin went to help when a bullet hit him dead on, then another, he wasn't sure how many hit him before he hit the ground. He heard laughing and saw people step into his sight but it was already getting hard for him to see. Then he felt a spark of anger, and it slowly grew the harder it got to keep his eyes open, it felt like it was burning him.
Then he heard the voice again, 'Bastards, all of them, pathetic parasites!'
Robin was surprised by how angry they were, he hadn't expected it, he wanted to question it but he soon passed out. Everyone in the room continued to laugh and congratulate themselves for taking out the bats. Then they saw Robin slowly get up and everyone got ready for a fight, all except Two-Face who just laughed.
The criminal walked up to him and pointed his gun at his head, just before he could pull the trigger Robin grabbed the gun and twisted his hand. The gun went off and the bullet grazed his shoulder but he didn't look like he cared, Robin twisted Two-Face's hand more and punched him in the face.
The criminal fell to the ground unconscious and everyone pointed their guns at him, then they heard a deep growl that sent shivers down their spines. They started firing and Robin quickly moved to get out of the way, he hid and they went after him. When the lights went out they took out flashlights and continued looking, then they heard a noise.
They looked and all that was left was a damaged flashlight, then they heard a short yell, they looked and a guy had fallen. He moved to get up when he was dragged into the darkness, they moved their flashlights around to find him and they heard a scream. Then a gun clattered to the ground, a guy screamed and tried to run but they saw something grab him in the darkness.
Someone yelled from the shadows, "Stay close together and shoot anything that moves!"
Everyone immediately circled up and searched for any sign of movement, Killer Croc stood in the middle looking very displeased. Someone soon shouted, "There!"
They all started shooting at something in the darkness, they stopped when someone else yelled, they were gone. Then someone spoke, "Fuck this."
They ran for the door and several others followed, a few of them were attacked as they made a break for it. Killer Croc could see someone moving in the darkness attacking the others, but they weren't his men so he had no reason to stop them. It wasn't long before the remaining men had either fled outside or were on the ground, and Croc was the only one left.
Croc heard a growl and he growled back, the strange person ran at him and he ran at him too. He tried to grab them but they dodged and punched him in the face, it was hard enough that it disoriented him for a few seconds. He shook his head and by the time he recovered another punch hit him square in the jaw.
The punches kept coming one after another, it was brutal, and angry, like he was some sort of animal that only knew senseless violence. Croc managed to grab him and he slammed him against the ground, he picked him up again and slammed him down. He heard another growl and something wrapped against his wrist, he saw them twist their body and there was a sickening crack.
A kick hit him in the face and he let go of his leg, he lunged at him and knocked him to the ground. He punched him again and again, over and over, and he felt himself black out wondering what this animal was. They punched him a few more times before getting up, his face was bruised and was already starting to swell up.
They growled to themselves again before looking at the unconscious hero close by, they picked him up and left. The police ran in less than a minute later ready to help bring the situation back under control. But what they found were a bunch of unconscious criminals and questions about where Batman and Robin ended up going.
In the morning Robin woke up and immediately sat up straight, he checked himself over and he didn't have a scratch on him. He sighed in relief, then he felt sick and ran to the bathroom, he threw up everything in his stomach, and it was red. It made him feel sick all over again seeing it so he flushed it away and went to find Bruce.
Alfred was checking his wounds when he walked into the study to find him, Bruce looked at him, "What happened last night?"
Richard tried to remember but he couldn't, and that worried him, "I have no idea."
'I do.'
Richard just stood there trying not to let his fear show, Bruce sighed, "The police found all of the criminals, unconscious, someone cut the power."
"They were just unconscious, no one was killed?"
'I left them alive, this time.'
"No one was killed, but the police have no idea who did it."
Richard felt relief wash over him, but now he needed to figure out what to do, he was confused, and being sick didn't help. But this gave him hope, even if they could do something to others they chose not to kill anyone, which meant there was a chance they were good.
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