*Sonic's POV*
When I came back home, Shadow was in the living room watching TV. I groaned and slammed the door, annoyed.
"That bad?" Shadow said without looking at me. He actually didn't look at me until I walked to the stairs, which were behind the TV. His eyes went wide open and instantly stood up when he saw the condition I was in. "What happened to you?"
"I'm killing Spike tonight. That's what happened." I growled and went up the stairs and to my room to go take a shower and try to forget what had happened. Shadow did not get the memo and followed me, knocking on the bathroom door. "Yes?"
"What happened?" Shadow asked again to my surprise. I guess after all this time, he learned to care about me. Since he was showing me a new side of him, I decided to tell him the truth.
"The man could not keep the conversation going other than when he would bring up my past. He seemed VERY interested in the fact that I used to be a hero and kept taking pictures like a creep." I got off the shower and started drying myself. When I was done, I opened the door to see Shadow sitting on my bed, listening to me. "When we left the restaurant, he forced me into an alley and tried to start something, so I obviously defended myself. He continued, and we ended up fighting. Of course, he didn't stand a chance, but chaos he put up a fight."
"Are you okay?" Shadow asked, which once again surprised me, but I nodded, reassuring him that I was okay.
"Yes, I am fine. Just annoyed." I rubbed my face. "I can't believe Spike would try to set me up with him." I sat beside Shadow, then let myself fall back and covered my face with a pillow.
"You're covered in bruises."
"If I am correct, they should be gone in half an hour."
"Hey, do you want to do something today?" I took off the pillow and watched as he turned to look down at me.
"Like what?"
"I don't know. We could go to the movies or play video games. Or maybe you could race me? I haven't really been running much lately. Need some practice." I shrugged.
"So you're admitting you're slow." Shadow raised a brow, making me throw the pillow at him. He didn't expect it this time, so it hit him in the face. He grabbed it and hit me with it.
*Shadow's POV*
I've had feelings for him since before he left. The times he shared about his life when we were getting to know each other better made me want to be around him all the time. Watching him leave was one of the hardest things I had to do.
It had not been my intention to see him again after all these years, but when his boss said his name, I couldn't resist. I gave in and let the man push me inside the bar. When I saw him hiding from me, I felt like I had made a huge mistake until he started talking to me and got over the surprise.
"I am not slow." Sonic laughed as he grabbed another pillow and hit me with it yet again.
"Stop it with the pillows." I rolled my eyes as I threw the one I had at his face.
Watching him talk about going on dates and all was annoying and it hurt, but I could not bring myself to tell him how I felt. It wasn't in my nature to talk about feelings, but I didn't have a reason to not tell him anymore. I didn't have a reason not to go for it when he wasn't going to someday be gone. After learning what had happened to him, I nearly told him, but the words didn't come out.
I had wanted to stop him from going on that date earlier today, but I couldn't bring myself to express how I felt. I was thankful to hear how awful the date went for him but also worried that he could have gotten into a serious problem.
"I think I am done with dating for a while. I've been burned so many times already, and I need a break." He sat up as he looked at his wrists where there were marks from the guy who had held him.
"Really?" I asked, and he chuckled.
"I say that more often than I should. I go about a week or so before I give in and accept someone's request to take me out." He shrugged. "Let's go play some games or something. I'm bored."
"I don't know how to." I confessed but immediately regretted it when he looked at me in shock, then a grin appeared.
"I'll teach you!" He quickly got up and grabbed my hand, dragging me downstairs and making me sit down beside him on the couch.
Sonic spent the whole day trying to teach me how to play, but it was all in vain. I could not get the hang of it. It was annoying.
"Well, I guess I finally found something you're not perfect at." Sonic joked as he walked to the door when there was a knock.
"I am so so sorry!" I recognized the voice to be his new fox friend. Sonic soon slammed the door on his face and came back to sit down with me. The front door opened as the guy let himself in. "Sonic, I swear I didn't know he would do- Hey. You're Shadow. What are you two dating now? That was fast, even for you." The man quickly went off track.
"What? No, we aren't." Sonic defended himself as I felt like I got punched in the gut by his words but remained quiet. "Are you ever home with your wife and kids, man?"
"I heard what happened and had to come and apologize to you. I swear he's never acted that way before. I'm sorry." Sonic stood up and pushed him out of the house.
"It's fine. I'll see you tonight." He slammed the door close again.
"Does this mean I don't get a free appetizer tonight?" I heard him say from outside, making Sonic suddenly laugh quietly.
"I swear. He's annoying but always cracks me up. Don't pay attention to what he said." Sonic said as he walked to me and sat down.
I've had so many opportunities to tell him how I felt. Even when he said he would date me when he was mentioning my looks. I had to tell him now.
"I actually don't mind." I put the controller down as I stood up, looking for a quick exit route if things didn't go well.
"Really? When Knuckles made a joke like that years ago, you left him unconscious. What? 10 years without me made you change your mind, Shadz?" He smirked, but it quickly went away when I stayed quiet looking at him. "Oh chaos. Did it?"
I wasn't able to say what I wanted to say. I was suddenly speechless, something I hated and was not of my nature. The more I tried to come up with something to say, the angrier I got with myself.
Just. Say. It. Damn it!
He's already figured it out on his own. All you have to do is admit he's right.
I groaned and sat back down, rubbing my face in defeat. I couldn't bring myself to say a single word.
"I'm sorry." Sonic spoke as he got closer and sat beside me. I expected to be rejected, I wasn't expecting for it to hurt this bad.
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