Nothing Wrong With a Little Sibling Rivalry....Right?
I was on my way to my room when I was abruptly stopped by my sister. "Hey disappointment." She said stepping in front of me. "Hi!" I said in a fake cheerful voice. I was annoyed. Was she really trying to bring our home problems into the workplace? "You know what's coming up right? In two weeks?" She asked. What? Two weeks....two....weeks......I don't know anyth-OOF. MEGA OOF. Oh GOd. I froze in terror when I realized what she meant. "Um.....I have no idea....what you're talking about." I said, trying to have a calm voice but it came out shaky. She only smiled and said, "I just wanted to let you know that you better find someone. You're like, what, 18 now? When I was 18, it was the worst season of my life. But now that I have Toy Bonnie, I don't have to worry about that anymore." "Ew. I don't wanna hear about that. I don't want to hear anything period. Can you please just drop it? I was happy until you reminded me." I said, very uncomfortable that she would even bring this up in the workplace. " that I think about it....I don't think you'll have anyone this year either." She said with her ugly grin.
Now she really was trying to start shit. I tried my best to not show any emotion and calmly said, "I told you to drop it." She only replied with, "I mean, who would want to date a 5ft 9, extremely pale, very skinny sorry excuse of a creature?" Certainly not anyone who is right in their mind." This was really getting annoying. "Drop it before I make you." I demanded. anger was slipping through the cracks. "You sure you can do that?" She asked.
I had to walk away before I did something I'd regret later. I quickly arrived to my room and shut the door, locking it and collapsing onto my bed. It really made me think: was she right? Do people actually hate looking at me? Why did I have to turn out this way? I felt my phone buzz. I looked at it.
Text from Funtime Foxy:
You remember what's coming up, right? I was hoping you'd meet with us. Tonight. We need to talk about it. Luckily, yours is always in sync with mine so I thought it would only be appropriate. Meet us at the northern pair of doors. See you there.
Well this was abrupt. I slowly got up and stretched a little. Then I made my way out the door. Bonnie joined me on the way out. She saw my face and her smile dropped. "What's the problem?" She asked.
I felt tears form.
I blinked them back.
5ft 9....
"I'm fine." I said finally after a moment of silence. We then continued on our way.
3 minute time skip wtf
"Wait, Ballora wants you to come too?" I asked. her. "Yeah. She wanted to talk to me about something." "Like what?" I asked. "Not sure. But if we're both going I'm guessing our problems are related." She said as we walked out the door.
F. Foxy:
We saw them walk out the door. They were distanced at least 5 feet from each other. Maybe they weren't close to dating after all.
We waved them over. I gripped Ballora's hand as I looked up at her. She's so tall. "Hey. What's the problem?" I heard Foxy ask as they reached us. "We're gonna discuss that in a more private area." Ballora replied. "Like where?" Bonnie asked. "Maybe a restaurant. Somewhere where you both will be sitting down." I replied. They exchanged a concerned look. "We arrived in separate cars. I was thinking I'll take Bonnie and Ballora will take you." I said. Foxy looked a little terrified. I would be terrified too.
Weird timskeipeeeeeeeee
"Alright. I have a little news for you." I said as I drove to the restaurant. "Lemme hear it," She said purposefully in a way that made her voice crack a lot. I cracked up a little bit then returned to my serious mindset. "Anyways, I had to let you know something very important. It may affect your friendship with Foxy, it may not." "Oh." She said, sounding slightly frightened. I continued on, "There's something you don't know about Foxy. Foxy is way different than any other fox you'll ever meet. Do you know about the 15% of male foxes?" I asked her. "Yes. 15% of male foxes can have severe heat.....heh.............heat....symptoms." She started normally but ended slowly, realizing what I was getting at. "Yes. He's in the 15%. Now, this doesn't mean he's gay. He doesn't want to be penetrated like a goddamn pizza. It means that he needs to feel loved every every two years." I said. "Oof." She said from the back of the car. "Yes. Oof." I replied. "Now, most foxes have someone to help them through those terrible 9 weeks. Foxy had never had someone to help him. I don't know if he'll like me telling you this, but he's never had anyone in his lifetime." I added. She was silent. "Do you know what I'm getting at?" I asked. "Yes. Yes I do." She replied.
"Only if he feels the same."
I felt my mouth lift into a smile. A very big smile. I looked into the rear view. She was looking down, smiling. "You know what? I think you're my favorite purples haired person. But don't tell Ballora." I said. We both laughed as we finally drove to the resteraunt.
-Miss Capslock (Husbando Rando)
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