(6:59 am)
Naruto=(so it is not a dream)
Kurama=yep this is for real.
Naruto=( I feel weird)
Kurama=how so.
Kurama=you can talk.
Naruto=me talk weiwd.
Kurama=its called baby talk.
Kurama=its not cold it pretty warm in here.
Naruto=(sniff sniff)
Kurama=you are not about to cry.
Naruto=( I can't stop) waaaaaaaaaaah!!!
(few seconds later)
Minato=naruto whats wrong?
Naruto=(d d d)daddy.
Minato=whats wrong little guy?
Naruto=(your alive)
Minato=come here.
(minato picked up naruto and layed him on the changing table and changed his diaper)
Minato=there thats all you needed.
Kurama=ha ha ha ha ha!
Naruto=(shut up)
Minato=alright little guy lets get you some breakfast and your friend to.
(minato picked up saskue and walked to the kitchen)
(in the kitchen)
Kushina=hey guys good morning.
Naruto=(is that the saskue I know)
Kurama=(is it naruto)
Naruto=( I don't know)
Kurama=(ask him)
(minato set the boys in the two high chairs while kushina got started on breakfast)
Kurama=(go ask him)
Naruto=( I got his attention so what now?)
Kurama=(talk to him)
Naruto=(umm something umm)me wan pway wi sake.
Saskue=pway pway!!
Naruto=(what else do I say)
Kurama=(ask how did he sweep)
Naruto=(alright...Did you say sweep)
Kurama=(no....Shut up)
Naruto=sake sweep good?
Saskue=me haf dweam wike candy pwace nawootoe thewe an me an nawootoe ead candy!!.
Kushina=sound like they are having quite the conversation.
Minato=they been friends since they were newborns that have an great friendship.
(kushina got two small bowls and two baby spoons and set the two bowls on both the high chair trays and put scramble eggs in both bowls)
Kushina=alright lets get these two feed.
(minato wrapped a baby bib around saskue and naruto and and both him and his wife started feeding the two kids)
Naruto=(how can scramble eggs taste so good)
Naruto=(more I want more)
Kushina=wow naruto is really hungry did he eat enough last night?
Minato=he ate all his food I was pretty sure he was full.
Kushina=he is growing we should probably increse his portions a little.
Kurama=hey what can I eat!
Kushina=relax I got ya.
(kushina got some kitten dry cat food)
Kurama=what I don't wanna eat this.
Kushina=you eat this all the time you love it just try it its roasted rabbit flavor.
(kurama starts eating the dry food he was enjoying it)
Kurama=this ain't half bad.
Naruto=(hey is it really that good)
Naruto=(c can I have some)
Kurama=(thats weird I don't they will to happy to be seeing you eating fox food all the time)
Naruto=(humph)(your mean)
(after breakfast there was a knock on the door)
Minato= I got it.
(minato opens the door to show a preteen in a anbu uniform)
Itachi=morning mr.Uzumaki.
Minato=hey itachi whats up you came for saskue right.
Itachi=yes sir.
(saskue got up and toddled to itachi the preteen picked up his little brother)
Itachi=did you have fun.
Saskue=bye bye nawootoe.
Naruto=(umm)bye sake.
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